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Everything posted by Reddragon

  1. Like if somebody comes up with an idea and several others approve it?
  2. So, this means you want to create parts on others requests right?
  3. I believe there are 3 dead SLS projects out there. The models you made are very good! I hope you won't run into problems with this mod.
  4. Aha! I think I get it. Thanks for the answer! I tried to use stock textures when I modeled the white LRV from the 'Recovered Munar footage' video. It kinda worked but self-made textures would be better for that. Is it Photoshop you use?
  5. How do you make a texture 'stock-like'? I wonder because I've tried to do it but I just couldn't find a perspective on how to get even close to it with my parts.
  6. About 4500m/s DV is needed to get something to a 100x100km equatorial orbit. I think you should adjust it for a full Alnair (Salyut) station of Tantares parts. And also, very nice parts you made there.
  7. I think it makes sense that they don't want to go with a Shuttle design. I wouldn't say the Dragon V2 is that much of a conservative approach.
  8. Sorry, I didn't realize. Time to jump in the hype space taxi I guess.
  9. Now it's official: http://www.nasa.gov/press/2014/september/nasa-to-make-major-announcement-today-about-astronaut-transport-to-the/index.html#.VBh1WBb44cs
  10. Unfortunately, it seems like co-operation is going to be split into two parts. NASA will want as many international partners in a new space station project as possible. Russia is getting closer to China. I think the same commercial crew supporter will remain if there will be a US station in LEO. If Roscosmos will be forced to quit the ISS project (by it's administration), it will be disassembled or at least separated in two. Right now that's where things are heading to.
  11. They'll launch a module to the ISS next year. Beyond that, who knows? I wasn't speaking about 2017 either and the ISS doesn't seem to have a safe future after 2020. India had probe missions to the Moon and Mars. The UK want's to have a space program independent from ESA. Even Iran is planning manned space missions which could drag other rivals into considering it, like the UAE which is working together with Bigelow. Interesting changes are happening right now which will influence the future. I'm not saying all of this is will happen but I wouldn't rule them out.
  12. Space X may support the planned Bigelow Station Alpha which is planned to be built from 2017. European and other wealthy countries may be potential customers for the project if it gets started. If he can really bring down the costs with F9R manned LEO launches, it's going to be a game changer in space. The UK for e.g. seeks ways to get a more or less own space program and until Skylon might be an option for crewed spaceflight, they may pick the Dragon V2 until then. Once the CCP party is over Boeing, SpaceX, Bigelow, SNC and others will lobby for US friendly countries to use their equipment.
  13. The shuttle couldn't do a TLI with a transfer stage. It would've been unbalanced.
  14. Dream Chaser seems to be the least safe design of the three. I doubt NASA will go with it.
  15. Kerbodyne is the best! But since it's not on the list, I think it will possibly be Boeing (though I wouldn't like it).
  16. This mission scenario you have said was impossible with the shuttle. They were 75t heavy vehicles. Maybe a lightweight fuel tank in the cargo bay could have been enough to perform a TLI but not for the deceleration burn and return.
  17. I just realized that it's going to be about 17:00 here. Damn afternoon classes. Anyway, I guess they won't make a live stream for it.
  18. Well, it was told that the announcement will be in September, so it could be real. For many, including myself, this will be a long night I guess.
  19. I can't find anything about it on the NASA twitter or Facebook feeds or any other source. Is it really official?
  20. I'm ready to get back to work this week. I think, we'll need to exchange some technical information to get the parts together, making them look like they are from one mod. Edge number of cylinder parts/ type of texture etc.
  21. That's right. I wasn't mistaken, I think it is very much obvious. Of course for BEO missions I wasn't talking about the first versions of CST-100 and Dragon.
  22. Sorry, I edited the sentences a lot. I meant is that the SLS/Orion costs approx. 20 billion dollars from the start of the development to the test of the Block I and anything beyond that will cost billions more. SLS just doesn't give us any advanced technology. Could you tell me how and why you think it's going to be cost effective?
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