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Everything posted by Virtualgenius

  1. I will give you the standard Bobcat response are you ready " SOON "
  2. Yeah the tordial fuel tank makes up the landing tank of most of my landers please say you havent ditched it
  3. The AIES pack got updated however the landing legs still have issues the solar panels track the sun now and host of antenna changes its a really good pack
  4. I usually just remove the life support stuff from the cfg files its easy to do its only in the pods, the reason why people beg him for the release as they are using his older version and most of them are broken and looking for updates once you go Bobcat mods you never go back they are one of the best in the game the functionality and immersion is great
  5. Anyone got a good config for the KSO Shuttle my cockpit is very fuzzy and I am guessing its the compression of images thats doing it
  6. Since Sarbian told me about small amounts of residual fuel amounts left in fuel tanks and MJ wont auto stage these, I have managed to fix most of the auto staging woes that have been plaguing me, Soyuz Fixed, Buran Fixed, KSO shuttle fixed which has made me very happy. So if youre having auto staging issues check your tanks to make sure they dont hold 0.1+ fuel in them if they do adjust the tanks fuel amounts 9:1.1 ratio and MJ will do its job
  7. I found EPL to cumbersome needs to be smaller component based more parts to make the whole thing easier to lift into place
  8. That save file does work use it all the time however i have deviated from it slightly as I welded the Japanese models together to stop the from breaking off
  9. You created the Mark 1-2 propulsion system is there any plans to intergrate that into a lander / drilling platform
  10. no problems with the reflective shader on performance Agena looks awesome getting the same issues as deltac Kerbin side reflects non kerbin side standard texture any surface thats in direct sunlight doesnt reflect either
  11. Thanks for the surface drill its awesome but you cant retract the drill after you keep a sample is this a bug or am i doing something wrong
  12. So we either need updated craft files for the explorer vehicle or build your own, I dont use FAR seems like to much trouble as everything doesnt seem to be compatible Edit: I went back to my backup install and figured out how to rebuild the explorer craft replacing the old redundant parts for rthe new parts there are some problems the old model doesn't wobble the new one oscillates wildly it also has a roll problem where as the old model flies straight as an arrow no roll no oscillation. I created the bottom two stages from the falcon heavy using a sub-assembly then attached to an explorer replica from the old model using the new replaced parts
  13. Tried to update and after I did I couldnt load any preconfigured ships so rolled back would there be a ship that has the old parts still installed possibly the explorer that would be doing this
  14. thanks guys appreciate it Edit: added that file to my MM folder upgraded to version 2 have the same issue the ares 5 and altair launcher from bobcats american pack the SRB's fall straight off upon arriving at the launch pad the decouplers lose the ability to hold it in place dont have this with 1.7
  15. Yeah i wouldnt mind a cockpit legend as well and how to navigate around it
  16. Why wouldnt you want all of the fasa pack I use almost all of it for all diffrent stuff
  17. I love new toys to play with especially FASA ones
  18. Go back 1 page and look at Deadweasils post he has provided a link which will fix most of the common errors with B9
  19. Alot of stuff doesnt work now did you update to the latest cleverbobcat DLL http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/cleverbobcat-0-18/
  20. Post LOGS or pics it will be easier for sarbian to diagnose than random rants
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