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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Yes, and another bonus for doing it while landed. There is also a malus for doing it on Kerbins surface. The lab generates science faster the more data it has available, so the cap was implemented to prevent an overly fast generation of science points. Yes, the algorithm could have been written to only take a data value up to 500 into account, but this has not been done. Yes, time does not really matter in KSP, nevertheless this was the reasoning behind this.
  2. Lorraine Organa: This is all wrong. I don't know what it is. But when I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing... my brother. I guess that doesn't make any sense, does it? Marty Skywalker: Believe me, it makes perfect sense.
  3. I stumbled upon another topic we could discuss to exhaustion. http://use-the-force-rey.tumblr.com/post/136493415812/we-need-to-talk-about-kylo-rens-wound-at-first
  4. Not saying you are wrong, but I remember (from the Thrawn trilogy) that with the death of the emperor his troops fell into disarray. He influenced them constantly with black magic dark side powers and when this suddenly stopped, they lost a lot of there battle readyness.
  5. Gwendoline Christie is 1.91m tall - and I guess her GoT experience would have made it possible for her to shoot a melee action scene.
  6. Probably just batteries, it just had to get up to Hermes and no life support etc. was needed.
  7. The logical fallacy includes half of what you said: They make up the rules of celibacy - and speculate on enough Jedi not obeying these rules to keep the resupply going?
  8. I think that had to do with the time constraints, that it was easier and faster to crash the probe than implement a landing system. They just had to decide to either intercept Hermes or shoot for Mars. Damn, all this nerding makes me want to watch the movie again.
  9. You might be right here ... We already knew that Yoda trained Kenobi, who trained Anakin and fought with him in the clone wars, that Anakin was turned to the dark side by Palpatine, who overtook the Republic to make it his Empire, that Luke and Leia were seperated and hidden from their father after birth (possible plot error: Leia claims to remember her mother, which may have been a false memory or more Force magic?). But I also think it was nice to see the story unfold - lots of cheese and stuff too, but also some of the most epic (in the sense of hilarity and actionwise) scenes for me, especially showing the Jedi in their prime: Yoda being a real Jedi master with everything that belongs to the job description, Obi-Wan and Anakin delivering actionladen lightsaber acrobatics. And: Was it or was it not pretty mean of Obi-Wan to make Leia a princess and put Luke onto a dust ball to work as a farmer?
  10. Wild guess: Because what appears to us as a solid coherent object is in reality just an accumulation of particles?
  11. Take on Mars (from time to time) Elite Dangerous (ofter while watching netflixx, waiting to pick up the next batch of Power Play supplies) Star Citizen (occasional training with the crew ) GTA V (irregularly online, completely forgot about the single player until just now!) Payday 2 (not as often as a few months back) Working through my collection of adventures and similar story containing games - with no real effect - I want to go back to school! No not really ... or would I?
  12. Reduces the mass for the OMS to handle, makes the whole thing more agile during docking? Yes, I guess the caretaker crew solution would be most likely. Mark had to ditch the OMS to lower the weight of the MAV, so it could not help with the 20m/s. And the same as with Iris (see below) Mark would have been on a trajectory to solar orbit, right? So no quick and painless death by crashing back onto Mars, no? The Taiyangshen was able to reach Mars and could have resupplied Mark, yes. But as Hermes fires its ion engines constantly, I am unsure that Iris would have reached Mars following the launch into a rendesvouz orbit with Hermes?
  13. Seems like she escaped somehow. "Instead of killing Phasma, however, Solo asked Finn—who had worked in sanitation on the base as a cadet—if the base had a trash compactor, to which Finn replied that it did. Once the trio blasted the consoles in the room beyond repair, they dumped Phasma down a chute into Starkiller Base's sewage system." "President of Lucasfilm Ltd. Kathleen Kennedy has confirmed that Christie is slated to reprise the role of Phasma in Star Wars: Episode VIII, set for release in 2017." http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Phasma
  14. The MAV was not hauled to Mars by Hermes, it was sent there on its own way before the crew set out. It lands on Mars and generates its own fuel from the Martian atmosphere, only bringing enough hydrogen to do so. (Should the MAV fail, the mission would be scrapped/delayed, as Hermes does not carry a Mars-orbit-surface transfer vehicle.) The only complete MAV launch we do see is Mark's at the end, when the MAV has been stripped down to its bare necessities, even ditching the OMS (Orbital Maneuvering System). Whether the OMS was part of the capsule (possible, as the thrusters Martinez used to keep the MAV upright during the initial storm seemed to fire from the capsule itself) I do not know, but it seems that way by how it seperates in orbit. We also have no information on the means of the crew to return to Earth's surface. As Hermes will enter an orbit, it might be possible that a seperate vehicle is launched - although that would need a dedicated launcher, a waste in and of itself if you ask me. Maybe they use the same vehicle that brought them up at the beginning of their mission, maybe NASA has a new space station with an orbital shuttle to pick them up and return them with a resupply vehicle - the book says nothing about this. (iirc, bits) The stories Ares mission follows basically the same profile as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Direct#Mission_scenario with some differences regarding the introduction of the Hermes. And I found this here https://www.docdroid.net/Zxk9zKw/the-martian-ares-3-mission-guide.pdf.html
  15. I cannot remember - did she survive the destruction of the Base?
  16. Got 15 minutes for a look at Luke? (Love you Internet!) Random interjection: In German the word Luke - nouns being written capitalized like names - means hatch and can also describe an airlock etc. So reading a Star Wars novel in German can get bumpy with sentences like "Luke cut the hatch (Luke) open with his lightsaber" ... I get the same with English texts containing suit and suite when having to read them out loud.
  17. Just 13mins of Martian science stuff with a wink and a grin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s9UXXAmlTg
  18. Uuuuh, I know what I will read on my drives home/to work the next days! Relax all, I am going by tram/streetcar.
  19. Best chances for me would have "wild tribes" and any other society living like a few hundred years ago, who still know how to grow crops and hunt without the help of modern technology and which plants in the forest are edible etc. Another guess would be China, they are good at building massive structures fast - or some of the gulf states. Japan might have a chance too, but that may be influenced by anime.
  20. They did not "rule the galaxy", they protected the peace. According to someone who watched the bonus material on the RotS DVD, Lucas said that he brought balance by ending the darkness when he killed Palpatine and himself. That he helped heavily in creating a large part of this darkness does not necessarily contradict this (similar to Matrix, in the end the Chosen One/Neo does not destroy the Matrix, but achieves some form of truce/balance), since he is not like Jesus, walking on Earth knowing he is the son of God, but just a human being and has to learn and find his destiny. Aint I philosophical today? Their own moral codex would most likely forbid them to kill a little boy, so they rather keep him close, since Obi-Wan was going to train him anyway. Yoda says, that "Clouded, this boy's future is", so they do not know what will happen, how he would bring balance to the force - maybe the Force did not want them to know, so the events could come to pass exactly the way they needed to. In disregarding what Lucas had to say, I always thought that Luke kinda was this balance - and to some extend Leia too, although she does not seem to be a (active) Force user in the sequel (for the time being). So Anakin brought balance to the Force by being Luke's father, Luke accepting his emotions and even using some of his anger (or love for his sister, if you remember the exact dialogue in the throne room scene) to defeat Vader, something that was strongly opposed by the Jedi Order. Balance could mean living a more full life, while still being a Force user, but not succumbing to the Dark Side just because by allowing yourself to have emotions. And a love life - Rey Skywalker?
  21. Satellites/probes - or entire Mun/Minmus missions - may be reused completely depending on total availabe dV, sometimes a launcher fits the needs for more than one launch, e.g. while building a space station (usually prebuilt in the VAB, then streamlined, broken up with adding of docking ports into workable parts, streamlined again to reduce part count) - but most of the time I build a new launcher every time, not least because I like building rockets.
  22. To my knowledge the Death Star(s) only ever destroyed one planet, Alderaan, homeplanet of Leia and therefore used to threaten her into revealing the location of the rebel base - and subsequently destroyed as "an effective demonstration" of the Death Star's capabilities, because it was a populated and central world (the pretended Dantooine being "too remote"). Starkiller Base destroyed the New Republic's capital world Hosnian Prime, a target of strategic value. (Or not - as the Republic did nothing afterwards? J.J.!!!) None of the three planets would have made any sense as a target - they might have sentimental value to the audiance, but the Empire/First Order as at war with the rebels/Resistance, not the fans.
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