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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Or maybe I did not see it. Thanks, someone tried to figure it out, but I dont see any confirmation in any of the following posts. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119506-Mobile-Processing-Lab-of-Babysitting?p=1938799&viewfull=1#post1938799
  2. I would like to repeat my question regarding an alarm for the mobile lab?
  3. The planets are perfect spheres for these calculations, also for RemoteTech last time I used it.
  4. You are orbiting lower, so your ship moves faster and will come up from behind the other vessel, but change your orbit to have one/two points close to the other orbit, meaning raise your AP up to the orbit of your target. There are two indicators on both orbits, position of your vessel and your target when they are closest next and the next time after that. Your goal is to change your orbit that at some time two indicators of the same color are very close, showing you a distance from your target at ideally under 10km. Next orbital pass means the next round around the planet/moon, the next time you arrive at a certain point on your orbit again. The maneuver node should give you two buttons, they enable you to look into the future, so to speak, and change the time of your burn to the next time you come around to this point. This also gives you the opportunity to see if your vessel comes close to your target in x orbits and how far in the future this will happen, the indicators for the position of your vessel and your target will update to the future orbit. The same plane means, both orbits have the same inclination (they are parallel so to speak). You can burn up and down on your AN/DN (ascending/descending node) to get to the same inlination. Mousing over these points on your orbit (visible while having a target selected) shows you by how many degrees you are deviating.
  5. Funny how you only think about something when questioned about it ... I have no clue how the game decides if the ore is from Minmus - worst case: it wants you to build a whole new rig, in which case the contract is description might be misleading. Maybe the designer had in mind to first send the player to build a base and later to have him add a mining rig and return some ore (in a tank that was launched at the same time).
  6. Seems that it is enough for the center of the sun to be eclipsed to block it. Way easier to calculate for sure.
  7. Mod bug hunting, but failed because I accidently deleted modulemanager and only noticed it afterwards ... had the lowest RAM usage ever though ...
  8. Actually it is named launch_hotrockets.cfg
  9. I managed to do this by deleting the smokescreen config file, but leave the dll in, it will break stuff if you delete it.
  10. Try setting the Texture Quality in the Settings one step lower - I had it on max before 1.0.2 - it saved up to 1GB for me and I am never getting above 2.5GB with moderate part mods.
  11. That totally escaped me ... for sure the more elegant solution. I still went for the one-by-one approach to keep the changed descriptions - which I could still do and still save the REQ. part for every anomaly ...
  12. And if docking is easy for you: should the whole thing be to heavy to lauch, empty every tank and refill them in orbit.
  13. You mean, despite the laws of physics as we know and understand them. Not saying the thing works or not, but the phrasing nagged me.
  14. Would this be correct then? REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[SCANsat] { name = WP0 type = SCANsatLocationCoverage latitude = 17.0571 longitude = -85.4587 } complemented with: @CONTRACT_TYPE[AS_*] REQUIREMENT:NEEDS[!SCANsat] { name = PerformOrbitalSurvey type = PerformOrbitalSurvey } For reference from CC HowTo: REQUIREMENT { name = PerformOrbitalSurvey type = PerformOrbitalSurvey // Target body - if not supplied will be defaulted from the contract. targetBody = Kerbin } Might need more specific changes for Kerbin's anomalies though ...
  15. It might not look as good as before - although I have yet to compare screenshots, did not care just yet - but reducing the texture quality (correct text in the settings menu eludes me right now) by one step brought my game from 3.2GB at start (!) to 1.9GB and only climbing to 2.5GB after hours of playing. (Using TemperatureGageKiller for now, but will try PPFX off today.) Still, 3.2GB without that many part/beauty mods (KSPX, KAS, IR, USI LS, couple Kerbal heads, three suits, a simple galaxy and a new Kerbin texture, EVE, HotRockets) still frightens me!
  16. Wanted to finish a Minmus station contract with some other Minmus contracts with training a lot of kerbonauts, so I build a ship holding 13 kerbals. Launch was not good, dV in LKO was not good ... so by using a Mun flyby I left Kerbin's SOI for 23m26s and after a round trip of <15 days they landed with a bit of Kerbol science and XP, and I am back to the drawing board again - might do more missions with less crew instead in the future. Hopefully my Mun mission will do better, might become the last available contracts for the Kerbin system due to my hop into Kerbol orbit ... Used a dock-two-ships contract to finance a satellite that will ride with said Mun mission, that will also clear a base contract. (I feel cheaty. )
  17. I brought it onto myself - think it was a steam sale that brought it to my attention, but I had seen it months before that I think.
  18. Actually I would have liked this feature from the beginning, at least I could have a look at my old stuff. I deleted some older versions and saves without thinking about loosing my old first steps in the game - it is a bit like throwing away paintings from childhood, if not even photos! You fossil!
  19. Any plans - or technical possibility at all - to add the requirememt of an orbital resource scan, instead of SCANsat I mean?
  20. It still takes away a bit the feeling of being the first and top space agency. It is a nice way of recruiting but mayb it should be reduced to be rarer and only finding recruits on Kerbin. It would give meaning to building planes at last.
  21. 1) Apart from already launched vessel possibly not using the KIS mechanics of inventory etc. it should not disturb anything. 2) Vessels build with parts from any mod will be deleted upon loading your save after deleting said mod, so be careful and maybe let the (although no longer functional) part files in the gamedata folder. 3) This would have been a good question in the General modding section of the forums.
  22. This is the one thing that nags me - First Flight has basically become The backstory to KSP for me, but I also always disliked military conflict on Kerbin, it just does not fit into this particular setting for me, although do play games involving war, crime and all kinds of violence too. So I hope for a 2010-like solution for this one.
  23. Clipping is a kitch - sometimes it works, sometimes it works at first only to cause problems later in the mission ... Someone mentioned somewhere on the forums that a probe core should never be attached to the upper node inside the bay, always only to the lower. Cannot remember having issues with this, but the person must have had enough authority for me to never deviate from this instruction.
  24. More tourists - even a lot of tourists that have no contract anymore because of something deleting my complete contract history - at least I got my Explore Duna once more. Funfact: My Minmus sightseeing cruiser completed both a Build Station at Minmus and at Kerbin contract. Planning another Mun mission - might include some lander-hopping, as wheels are not there yet - slowly going through the tech tree (cut science gain in game options), finally unlocked the Lab and will set up a station shortly. Rescued some more kerbonauts around Kerbin and Mun - one of them starved to death, because his derelict capsule got into physics range while doing a week of polar orbits to survey the biomes from orbit and therefore his LS counter started ticking ... my staff has grown quite a bit by these contracts.
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