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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Does the Jaw come in different sizes, if only as a way to attach a small probe without the mining functionality for the smallest size?
  2. VAB: Craft height most likely. SPH: Something similar. Runway: Wider/longer, more sturdy. Launchpad: Ability to support launch clamps, more sturdy. (Clou: First step indestructable, just a patch of sand?) Admin: Availability of administrators/strategies, number thereof and active slots Research: Ability to receive transmitted science and/or usable amount of not physically returned data, some parts/tech-nodes depending on building level Tracking: Range for controlling probe cores and/or receiving science data, range/number of trackable asteroids, visibility of outer planets Astronauts: Number of active astronauts (training facilities, available crew to monitor life signs, family quarters, etc.), available starting level for newly hired astronauts (casino, pool - snobby pilots ... ), availability of training options (depends on how crew training will work)
  3. http://www.theverge.com/2014/11/10/7190057/nasa-leases-moffett-airfield-to-google-60-years http://www.nasa.gov/press/2014/november/nasa-signs-lease-with-planetary-ventures-llc-for-use-of-moffett-airfield-and/#.VGHpvMloBlE Edit: Plus "NASA also says that leasing the airfield will save it alone $6.3 million in annual maintenance and operation costs." So, that will be about 26,000,000 per year. What will they be able to do with the money? (Does NASA pay taxes?)
  4. And how come you are not using spoiler tags here? Someone might expect to get spoilers for Europa Report in thread about Europa Report, but dropping information about a different movie without censoring it - not nice. Also, one element of the movie was making sacrifices to complete a mission, "we may die here, but we will have accomplished as much of our goal as we could."
  5. I plan on getting there this saturday - for reals this time - I hope ...
  6. The whole thing is ridden with obstacles and opportunities to blow up in ones face. One of the main arguments for introducing female kerbals was, that female players could be turned away from KSP, that young girls might be less interested in space topics if not represented in games etc., so to satisfy this, female kerbals will have to have similar dimorphismic features ("mistreating your language since 1980") as humans do. "But isnt child labor illegal?" Quote from ... ?
  7. Would you please stop worrying and return to playing the game the way you like to?
  8. A bit late though, but still: Happy birthday, General! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Collins_%28astronaut%29
  9. I always tried to build rockety rockets, the larger parts made that easier, but I will still use it to lift my interplanetary ships that should have been built in orbit instead - maybe I should install the bare minimum needed of an orbital construction mod next time ...
  10. How do I make this not sound awkward - probably more fun this way anyway: Hide a cam in your playroom.
  11. I read some time ago, that children lack something for them to appreciate the taste of certain vegtables - making them eat it anyway is a sure way to make them dislike it up until old age. It works both ways, a mixed diet is preferable. Although you can reduce meat to a minimum, yet you have to be thoughtful to replace its nutrients sufficiently with the right veggies.
  12. Well done. ^^ But it also depends on the size of the kerblet and the post-natal-growth-process (if that makes any sense at all). As much as I like that approach ... ... especially your First Flight changed the way I see Kerbal society and everything else - although I am way behind in reading, I have to confess ... - so female Kerbals have become inevitable to me. Although way back I also liked to think of them as a bee-like species, with an egg-laying queen, also explaining their clone-like similarities.
  13. The demo is still version .18, is it not? We are at .25 now. I would say, have fun and learn different stuff, but do not create anything you would miss afterwards!
  14. Old, as in really old: Sterne wie Staub (presumably named after Asimov's "The Stars like Dust") from 1989 on the C64. An interstellar empire strategy game akin to Master of Orion, played with a joystick to navigate the menues. You colonized or invaded planets, the star systems were displayed with the simplest graphics (see screenshots here) and you basically just entered numbers of what to built, how many soldiers, slaves or resources to transfer between fleet and planet or to order fleets around. There was no tech-tree, battles simply displayed "Krieg" (war) in the middle of a black screen while the good old C64 crunched numbers, but it kept me playing for hours. Old, as in not 21st century: Civilization (the first of its name) from 1991 and X-COM: UFO Defense from 1994 on PC. Do I really have to write anything here?
  15. You cannot compare a game that fascinates you with a game that uses psychological tricks to get you to p(l)ay longer. Are we talking actual gameplay or tech? Best video game ever ... no idea ... it is one of THE best video games I played in my 22 years of PC gaming, that I can say.
  16. They are the neutral worker drones distributing space spores while the queen and her male concubinos live in the underground city. /silly
  17. I do not know if it still works though: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77066-Seat-Fixer-Assign-Crew-to-Command-Seats-in-VAB-SPH!-Launch-Kerbals-on-an-SRB!?highlight=seat+fixer
  18. Is it me or did I read this somewhere else already?
  19. Put it back, put it back!!! BAM!!! Has anyone visited any easter eggs in .25 yet and done a science something next to it???
  20. I am not really bored - more like saturated for the time being - and I want to keep the game fresh for when it has become even bigger and better. So, I keep looking at the development, but play a lot less than the last 14 months. And while I wait for the moment I feel the game has reached a point I simply have to go all in, I started to work myself through my Steam library that inexplicably kept getting bigger and bigger ...
  21. I am not sure if most of the poster getting excited about the refueling mechanism mistake it for the ressource system that was shelved - reading Harvesters post gives me the strong implication that it will not be anything like it. Regarding "just copying mods" - go try and tell an original story, something really new, that has never been told in any form before. At some point the big numbers of mods will have some overlappings with features planned long ago but not implemented until now/next year. Harvester also said that KSP will continue to be open to modding, because they know that they neither can nor want to implement every possible feature, they want to deliver a complete game with features compatible to each other. About DLCs ... damnit, I was to late by only a week last year! But I do not see Squad doing it the same way as ... that other company ... or else we would have 1.0 last year, with docking, half the planets, science and budget being singular addons at half the price of the original game.
  22. <- Pure user mostly, but not in the Tron meaning of the word, so not really experienced with stuff behind the scenes. Is every mod compatible with Linux by default?
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