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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Change the unlockTechs to a non-existent technology. Like, MechJebModuleSpaceplaneGuidance { unlockTechs = DISABLED } MechJebModuleDockingGuidance { unlockTechs = DISABLED }
  2. Thanks for letting me know. The IRVE3 config had its own file originally and then was consolidated with other inflatable configs. I thought that file had been deleted but obviously not. Either that or I accidentally regressed it back in.
  3. @RogerCoyote The centrifuge part nodes are all there in the cache file so they are in the game. The TechRequired has changed to shortTermHabitation for centrifuges. (and other parts). Have you maybe not researched that yet? Have you looked for the centrifuges in a sandbox game? I think they'd probably show up there. (just to be sure that everything is configured with them) Also, ksp.log is more comprehensive for troubleshooting. The MM logs tell me is what patches were applied/not applied, and what errors MM encountered in processing patches. ksp.log tells me EVERYTHING, every error that was encountered during initializing and running the game.
  4. That's not going to be responsible for your missing centrifuges. It's just for Free IVA. Also, note the exclamation mark in NEEDS[!StationPartsExpansionReduxIVAs] - that means not. That patch looks for StationPartsExpansionReduxIVAs to NOT be installed. It is, so it deleted that part of the patch. No action needed there. I'll take a look at these today.
  5. I don't see sspx being touched by any of USI's mods. Although I only looked for direct references and not patches that would modify wildcard parts conditionally. Why do you say it's deleting the centrifuges? Maybe post your logs/ModuleManager.ConfigCache and I could take a look for you and see what's going on with it.
  6. Put it up on GitHub. People who want to contribute will branch it, make changes, and then submit those changes as pull requests. You can then examine those requests and see if you want to merge them in. Or you can make specific people collaborators who can make direct edits.
  7. It's a matter of writing program code to compute changes in position for one part in response to another part's animation. To paraphrase @darthgently, it's not an impossibility but it's also not very practical. You could also use the VAB to build your own centrifuge out of pistons, rotors, and habitable parts. Probably also impractical, but you could do it.
  8. Not even in sandbox mode? Post logs and ModuleManager.ConfigCache for people to go over.
  9. Extract it to the main KSP game folder. You can tell that this is the correct location because the StationPartsExpansionRedux zip has a GameData folder in it. If it had not had a GameData folder then you would have extracted the contents to the GameData folder that already exists in the KSP game folder. A few mods might have more complex installation, such as if they have craft files.
  10. It should be, but it would take some work to write a patch that brings it in line with SMURFF's mass values. Looking at what the author has said on the subject, it seems like their position is that Real Fuels should be used instead.
  11. It doesn't matter who it's aimed at, the only ones here to catch the brunt of it is the moderators. If you're taking it personally, how do you think they feel? They can only take so much negativity before THEY start taking it personally. So please ease off. All we have left is volunteers.
  12. They all hang out in the Realism Overhaul Discord and I don't go there anymore. And I'm not sure any of them really pay attention to the RF topic anymore. Could try pinging @NathanKell @siimav @blowfish and see who maybe turns up.
  13. It would be a good idea if you created an issue on the Github repository about that. For increased visibility.
  14. Your log file contains a lot of exceptions from DynamicBatteryStorage.ModuleCryoTankPowerHandler. If those are happening after a scene change to Flight then those are probably what's killing your performance by causing the log file to be spammed continuously. Exception handling event onEditorShipModified in class EditorVesselDataManager:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at DynamicBatteryStorage.ModuleCryoTankPowerHandler.GetFuelTypes () [0x00008] in <ce8c094d51db45938ad65ca113e0ce60>:0 at DynamicBatteryStorage.ModuleCryoTankPowerHandler.Initialize (PartModule pm) [0x00009] in <ce8c094d51db45938ad65ca113e0ce60>:0 at DynamicBatteryStorage.VesselElectricalData.SetupDataHandler (PartModule pm) [0x0008f] in <ce8c094d51db45938ad65ca113e0ce60>:0 at DynamicBatteryStorage.VesselData.RefreshData (System.Boolean fromScratch, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] vesselParts) [0x001db] in <ce8c094d51db45938ad65ca113e0ce60>:0 at DynamicBatteryStorage.EditorVesselDataManager.InitializeEditorConstruct (ShipConstruct ship, System.Boolean forceReset) [0x00043] in <ce8c094d51db45938ad65ca113e0ce60>:0 at DynamicBatteryStorage.EditorVesselDataManager.onEditorVesselModified (ShipConstruct ship) [0x00024] in <ce8c094d51db45938ad65ca113e0ce60>:0 at EventData`1[T].Fire (T data) [0x000b0] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) That and similar errors appear thousands of times in the log.
  15. FYI, City of Heroes yet lives. For a long while, only as a private server for a select few. Then the server code was leaked and public servers went up. NCSoft apparently okayed it.
  16. @Zaxxon 10xKerbol is the name of what I'm using. Yes, it's old, but it's just a set of configs for Kopernicus which is updated. This is the thread for it: However, it looks like there's an issue with Spacedock: the link from that thread is broken. Use this link instead: https://spacedock.info/mod/296/10x Kerbol system
  17. Hope you don't mind my saying, but I'm getting some serious pokeball vibes from that part
  18. Every time you open up the in-game Deadly Reentry menu, you'll see one of two random pictures of Barbie. One was from before she arrived here (my sister described her as having 'seen a few things' and another after she'd been here for awhile and had a happy content expression. She was a tiny little cat, kitten sized even though she was a full grown adult cat. I don't think she could possibly have been more than 4 lbs. (less than 2kg if you prefer metric)
  19. There's a mod that rescales Kerbol System by 10x. That brings it up to RSS scale. Kerbin adjusted to have a 130km atmosphere cutoff. I think it's actually called ReScale 10x? If you also want RP1/RO then you'd have to do a custom install without RSS but that probably means installing manually without CKAN because RSS is a requirement of RO. So you'd do something like an installation that has 10x + whatever RO mods that you can't do without. Real Fuels at the very least, maybe FAR for aerodynamic handling. Plus whatever else that I'm not thinking of right now because I'm not in the mood to brain... Be mindful though of grabbing configs directly from RO if you're not actually INSTALLING RO because those configs use a lot of FOR[RealismOverhaul] which signals to Module Manager and every other mod config that RO is installed which means editing a lot of configs by hand. Mostly I'm thinking of parts properly resized/adjusted for a scaled up environment. There are enough stock parts to get you by except in the 8m-10m diameter range + appropriately powered thrusters. SSTU is a big help there and works well with Real Fuels.
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