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Everything posted by Thesonicgalaxy

  1. No. If squad does do this, I really hope they put more than 5 seconds of effort into the name. Seriously, putting kerbal into something doesn't make it good, nor is it funny.
  2. That looks so beautiful, but how in the world did you get them to work? Being that I've been looking and using nothing but the ALT+N menu for a week now, I would like to know how you got the auroras to work on the night side.
  3. Horrible news. My computer blue screened while i was playing and lost a bunch of data. Luckily i made a backup a while back, which recovered some of it, but not all my changes. I should be able to restore everything back to normal. My release date is being pushed to the 23rd for this.
  4. Because then I'll have 8 different packs to maintain.
  5. So you're saying the speed of the white cloud layer won't change, the volumetrics won't slow, or they both won't?
  6. Been looking at some pics, and it seems more orangeish. Do you guys prefer this or the previous one?
  7. God. I think I'm going to have some nightmares tonight. Good work though
  8. Awesome! A quick list? Erm, well. There's the Kerbin1 cloud layer, theres the shadow layer, the volumetric shading layer, then there's the atmo layer. That's in order too. Also, here's the new Joolvian System for V4 guys:
  9. This is EVE. This is suppose to be a mod to enhance the vanilla game without deviating too far. My/your pack are meant to be more realistic.
  10. I've actually given Laythe a Makeover, but her clouds are still thick I believe its: 13KM 10KM 4.5KM 2KM
  11. IMO, altough it looks great, I feel it looks a little.."too" real for KSP. But that's just me.
  12. You AREN'T supposed to reset to default. Reset to default is a horrible idea. It resets it to what ever the defaults are in the config(Don't ask me what's in there) Are you putting them all in gamedata? If you are, are you MERGING the gamedatas? That would be the detail image. I'll see if I can fix that in V4.
  13. ah, I see. Hard part is, the setting I change to get the darker side darker, is also the one that makes the terminator sharper. I'll see if i can find a middle. How about this?
  14. Sure, but I'm not exactly sure what the "Compared to" image is about. The terminator on the IRL image looks WAY harsher than mine.
  15. This method seems like it could work for now, all that's needed is a better detail texture for them.(I really just added a cloud texture for the city lights and made it grey.)
  16. Aw, I feel special <3 Thanks for the Vall and Pol work arounds too.
  17. Wonderful work, erona! You also might need to go into flight mode first, CL won't show up in the tracking station until you've went into flight mode.
  18. Apparently, the bug on gilly, vall, bop, and pol will take some time. So they will have to wait for V5. So expect V4 sometime soon, I'll give erona and pete till the 21st(I might expand the time if I have an idea I want to quickly work on), if by then, they aren't done, I'll just go ahead and release v4 and include those in V4-1. Thank you all for the patience, I hope you all enjoy V4 when it comes out UPDATE: How's this new Jool cloud texture?
  19. Hm, even then you should be fine... Your fadedist. on the atmo layer should be saving to 100...
  20. Any chance we'll see a fix to Gilly, Vall, Bop, and Pol soon?
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