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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I recall when they added comm net that making probes harder while leaving Kerbed missions alone was to skew ease toward Kerbed missions. So the devs basically disagree (or at least disagreed) with the OP's core assumption. And I agree with their disagreement.
  2. So it's not fan art? Wow. I was sure it was based on how they moved the waypoint marker WEST from where KSC normally is. I'd have placed it maybe on that peninsula over the big ocean we dump our early stages in.
  3. We all know that was just to hide that they switched all the snacks to corn syrup.
  4. I somehow totally missed this. I'll go over the entries from @purpleivan and @Kergarin as soon as I can. which will hopefully be this weekend.
  5. Hey I had some time so figured I'd stream on twitch. Come check me out. http://twitch.tv/superfluous_j/ I'm playing my JNSQ career right now.
  6. It just hammers home the brilliance of calling the fuel in KSP "Liquid Fuel" instead of specifying anything. Call MetH2 "MetaFuel" and everybody's* happy. *Read: Not everybody
  7. To answer the original question, it's actually cheaper to get a capture if you do so as far away from the planet as is reasonable within the UI. Your orbit will be total garbage (as in, it will be circular way out at the edge of the SOI) but it will be stable and inside that SOI. So if that's the goal then that's how you'd do it. Granted at Moho it's the difference between ridiculously fast and REALLY ridiculously fast, so if you're in that much trouble I doubt it'll help you. But I've done it at both Tylo and Mun. Caveat: I'm not 100% sure my experience with it is good enough to be able to blanket statement say "it always works this way" but I'm confident enough that I'll believe it until either I have a chance to try it, or someone else does so)
  8. PD Boss, Michael Worosz: This made me think of something from Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, where the psychohistorians (people who apply mathematics to social interactions to foresee the future statistically) applied their speech math to a visiting dignitary from (if I recall correctly, it's been a long time) a new, dangerous, and growing political neighbor of theirs. From the late Dr. Asimov:
  9. You may want to be more overt as I have no clue what you're talking about.
  10. ... less other people, more space where those people used to have desks... You don't say "We kept these 3 specific people" when you keep everybody.
  11. Oh that one's easy. In the Kerbal universe there are no leaks. They had to make a special part just to make controlled leaks POSSIBLE. I'll be a bit surprised if there isn't one by the time I buy the game. Which will likely be the evening of the day it releases.
  12. That is an "if" that I'm personally doubting is true, as much as I'd like it to be.
  13. (Disclaimer, I've not even left Kerbin's SOI in JNSQ so don't know anything about its Duna) Have you cranked the deployment pressure all the way down to the minimum? If not, try it If so, then you will need to mod your chutes to deploy at a pressure that actually exists on Duna. But beware, they probably won't do much anyway if the atmosphere is that thin.
  14. I wonder at the reasons for all these changes, that I know for a fact we'll never know. Hopefully it was all for the best.
  15. May want to drop (or reword) "OFFICIAL RELEASE FEB 20 2020" as for a second there I thought you were talking about KSP2's release.
  16. I tried KIS (and KAS alongside it) right after the big change from the simplified KAS back in the deep dark ages, and was unhappy with it. I didn't like the changes. I didn't like the split of the mod into 2 mods. I didn't like the inventory and the extra keys and all that. Then years went by and I figured it was time to try it again. And WOW am I glad I did. This mod is slick. I just brought a two ships together in low (JNSQ) Mun orbit, docked them together, and stripped the one ship for parts to upgrade and extend the other ship. I then put all the unused pieces in a ball, slowed down to get a ground collision, and tossed them aside with my handy dandy power drill. I still mess up the keys sometimes (though the little tooltip popup is a lifesaver!) but wow is this a billion times better than it was on first release years ago, and it's far more powerful than the original KAS ever hoped to be. I know I'm way late to the party but consider me a convert.
  17. You say that glass is 0% of half empty, I say it's double half full!
  18. Yes. (Longer answer) I do all the contracts I reasonably can in most every mission, but also try to build up infrastructure so future missions can be more easily completed with what I already have in space. It's common for me to go to Mun with an Apollo style craft, not because it's strictly necessary but so I can leave the lander behind so I don't have to bring up another one. Then I can just bring up the new science doodads or a couple fuel tanks or the part I need to test, and KIS attach them onto the lander. But it's just as common for me to slap 4 random doodads to a rocket heading for nowhere to test and carry junk for random people.
  19. Someone plays Borderlands Star Theory is their name. And yes I'll not get very excited until I hear they'll actually be there.
  20. Lower is better for Oberth but really so long as you're not crazy high (Yes, your edge-of-SOI orbit was the worst possible one) it doesn't matter that much. I'd make ease of rendezvous and docking a higher priority than absolute maximum dV savings.
  21. Woah crazy font there. This mod does not touch physical time warp, so that's totally normal. I think the mod BetterTimeWarp does that but don't use it so am not 100% sure.
  22. The ksp log would be a boon, yes. There are too many things that may be wrong. I wish Steam told you WHICH files were missing.
  23. We could play SpaceChem for reals. http://www.zachtronics.com/spacechem/
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