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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I agree with all of this, particularly the part I highlighted. We all get what we want (unless what you want is for others to not get what they want) if you do it this way. Commnet is "enabled" but the range slider is infinite and the occlusion multiplier is 0. Bam, same as Commnet disabled. Then just add a button to "disable commnet" and it sets those sliders for you. Same thing when you click "Sandbox" but with more sliders being set automatically.
  2. Things like this are why I spam F5 at every major (and most minor) mission event. Before burning, after burning, when getting into orbit, after landing, before takeoff, before and after large staging events. Every few km driving...
  3. The purple circle with the arrow is the center of thrust, and when you only have one engine providing all the trust, the CoT will always be centered on that engine.
  4. Do you have a pic of when it works? Or a link to that video? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you're expecting to see.
  5. Ah. I missed "in flight" in your title earlier. You don't mean in map mode, you mean like in the HUD. That doesn't exist in the stock game, you may be missing a mod. I don't know of one that does that though. The closest I can think of is Better Burn Time.
  6. A picture would help a lot. I see those indicators when they are appropriate for me so maybe there's something about your setup. I don't know if it has a setting checkbox in the game, but in settings.cfg there is "ALWAYS_SHOW_TARGET_APPROACH_MARKERS" which I believe is defaulted to FALSE and I always change it to TRUE. Not 100% sure what it does but it seems like something I'd like to always happen so hey
  7. If that hadn't happened it would have just gotten merged into this thread anyway.
  8. ...and the worst part is they're correct on all counts.
  9. Can't sign, as there's no "I disagree" option.
  10. If it allows you to, you can right click it in the VAB and remove it from staging. If it doesn't... then no clue. I don't think you can. You can drag it all the way up to the top so it will never trigger but that's about the best you can do.
  11. So I think you're staging, flipping the part on the right around, and then trying to dock and the part on the left still has the decoupler on it? Yes, that would stop docking. You can fix this in 3 ways. 1. Flip the decoupler around, so it stays attached to the Science Jr. 2. Use a stack separator, which will detach from both sides. 3. Remove the decoupler and when you need to separate in space, right click the port and "detach" which will basically undock. Docking ports can serve as decouplers in this way. In the VAB you can even right click them and enable staging. I personally prefer option 3.
  12. If you add ".jpg" to the end of your imgur tags they show as pics. I'll look at them and see if I see anything... (Sorry about the extra quotes and junk. I'm on mobile and the editor hates our phones)
  13. And what makes you think that they didn't do that for a vast majority of the bugs issues they found that you then never saw?
  14. Then how can they do their job that you stated they should do?
  15. How are we to know what bugs were found and fixed before the version was presented to us?
  16. That wasn't so much by choice as necessity, and I had a heat shield. It was just a fuel tank before it became a heat shield
  17. Not who you quoted but no, I don't make that many. And from what I know of the bug (I also haven't played 1.9 because JNSQ) you can still edit the node with the node editor in the lower left, correct? I'd just use that. I mostly do anyway. Sure it's annoying and workflow breaking but I don't see how it'd make the game impossible to play in the short term.
  18. Okay I've updated the front page. @Kergarin you were already a winner, I just have a bad memory @purpleivan you're now in the participants. Looking forward to more!
  19. Another Friday, another stream. This one's a bit early but hey my schedule's crazy. Still in JNSQ career, probably mostly early career interplanetary stuff. Eve, mostly. http://twitch.tv/superfluous_j/
  20. Well done! That rocket was mighty pretty on the pad, too. I like me a rocket looking rocket.
  21. I find both exciting and interesting. But my personal favorite is airship colonies on Venus
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