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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Drespollo part 1. Mostly went well though I think Jeb's been standing on the launch pad for 15 years.
  2. This: seems to be the solution for this: If you are going to the tracking station to warp anyway why require minimum height to be over 220km?
  3. Your saves are stored in your user directory: \users\<yourname>\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\ One folder per save. Within there, "Workspaces" are your ships. If your saves are not saving it may be a permissions issue, where you for some reason don't have permission to write to the drive. That's just a guess, I'd need more information to know what the actual problem is.
  4. Here too. I have Chrome installed (though don't log in to it. Never saw the benefit) but only need it on those rare occasions where I need a "fresh" browser connection to test something.
  5. You take long showers But no, that's an interesting idea and it would probably make for a fantastic (and ridiculously tragic) Trainspotting-esque adaptation.
  6. You can't land. Also, I really never even thought of it. But anyway, no not really any particular reason other than that there's no real Apollo-ness to it, seeing as you can't land. Granted, there's no real Apollo-ness to the first mission (Kerpollo) either but you gotta start somewhere and Munpollo is challenging enough WITH some upgrades, it'd be even worse having to do it with the bare bones starting tech.
  7. After several tests with Drespollo - which experienced enough docking port bugs that I think I know what causes them - I've added a guideline/rule: Due to docking port bugginess, if the ONLY reason you can't dock, undock, or re-dock at any point is due to a bug (i.e., the docking ports are connected but won't undock, or they're bumping into each other but won't dock), that in and of itself will not invalidate the mission. However, you'll still have to find a way around any problems this causes. You can use mods or reasonable hacks to do this, just describe what you do. If you're unsure if what you're doing is fine, feel free to ask. (and no, I don't have Drespollo completed but I'm pretty sure I have a craft that can complete it, and it might not even experience any docking port bugs)
  8. The answer to that last question relies entirely on the forethought, wealth, and/or legal knowledge of the harbormaster.
  9. I dropped my land line in 2008 and never missed it. Dropped cable the same year. The savings on those two bills alone make a cell phone a bargain.
  10. On the left of the navball, it likely says "orbit" and some velocity. Click that part of the screen, and it will say "surface" and some velocity. If you then aim retrograde and slow down, you'll descend far closer to how you expect. If you slow down to 0, you'll be hovering over the ground (and then start to fall straight down). Could you post a set of screen shots where you are in SURFACE mode with almost 0 velocity, yet the screen shots are showing you obviously moving across the surface at a significant velocity? If so, that may be enough for a bug report, especially if you can quicksave and quickload, and still be in that situation.
  11. Doing a fairly restricted version of Kerpollo, I've found just how little Science there is in Kerbin's SOI, especially when you do no missions and restrict yourself to a single region on both Mun and Minmus. I was able to unlock all of Tier 1 in the tech tree, but in Tier 2 (after that first entry node) I could only unlock 1 of the first 4 nodes. It wasn't a hard choice, luckily. Fuel Lines are more important than everything else in that tier, even accounting for the fact that the node costs more and only has them in it. But it's funny that I can't unlock a 2nd science instrument with the points I got from my first 3 missions (LKO, Mun, Minmus) so must avoid Duna on my first interplanetary launch (because with an atmosphere, I want to be able to do the atmospheric science before I go).
  12. Minpollo! On this mission I encounter several bugs, both in the game and my process for recording videos. Sorry, I'm out of practice and am making some rookie mistakes, both in the game and my process for recording videos.
  13. Agreed. I though think that the developers already intend to do this by 1.0 and what we see now is but a tiny shadow of what the mission system will eventually be.
  14. Bug: With Community Fixes installed, if you create a ship with a root part that is not a command pod, and stage away the command pod, you cannot then revert the flight. Recreation: VAB, create a ship "backwards" as so: Fuel tank Decoupler on top Capsule on top Launch. ESC, note that "revert" is an option. Stage. ESC, note that "revert" is no longer an option, just "recover" This does not happen with Community Fixes uninstalled.
  15. I personally like the tone of the game, and I absolutely love that all the Kerbals look different than each other while still looking like Kerbals, even if they are cartoonish. Or perhaps especially because they're cartoonish. I can't speak on the tutorials because - well - I don't need them and the one I tried I got bored being told how to do something I can do with my eyes closed, so I quit doing it. However I think the tone in the missions is perfectly fine. Maybe they could have a localization filter for non-comedic speech, for those who prefer that. No reason you can't "localize" to gameplay preferences, other than time and effort involved.
  16. Not if you bring them up from Kerbin and attach them in space You could build everything but the expensive stuff, and then custom order the expensive stuff from Kerbin where it's free. Though we don't (and won't?) have EVA construction like we had in KSP1, where you can just take any old part and slap it on your ship. So you'd have to I guess pre-build the plate with the engines on it, and then launch that from Kerbin to dock to the engineless ship at your orbital shipyard.
  17. I agree 100% with this. I fully expect the mission thing as it stands now is a framework that will be filled out - a LOT - as major updates come out. They just put the bare-bones skeleton of it in with the minimum number of missions to hit the major parts that are in the game right now. I'd be a bit surprised if by the end of this all, the pinpoint landing on Duna mission didn't come until after you were at least setting up colonies somewhere, if not on Duna itself.
  18. The emulsification agent used in nacho cheese is sodium citrate. Sodium citrate's chemical formula is Na3C6H5O7.
  19. My mom taught me if I didn't have anything good to say I shouldn't say anything at all. Out of all the country singers out there, Toby Keith sure was one of them.
  20. I'm not sure I agree with this, but in any case rendezvous and docking are also more prevalent than interplanetary. If you can rendezvous and dock at will, interplanetary becomes easier (as you don't need to send everything at once) and once you are interplanetary, subsequent missions can use the infrastructure you've already sent up. The next mission after "get into orbit" should be "rendezvous 2 ships" and the second you unlock docking ports there should be a mission to dock in orbit. All IMO of course. I agree with this, but I kind of think that nothing should block anything else except for the story missions, which by design must flow sequentially.
  21. Some kid on the Internet didn't recognize Mary Tyler Moore from a picture, and ever since I've had this song in my head.
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