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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. They do not need to be manned, though if someone does it all manned I'll happily note that. And welcome! It's nice to have the OC(aveman) taking a stab at this
  2. Aha. I missed this part However, I still don't see mention of returning from Eve, and noticed you also don't explicitly mention Dres or Eeloo. Just reminding in case you forgot them
  3. I don't know for sure, but I do remember playing some great modded GTA:SA in the day. Those multiplayer races were some of the buggiest - and therefore most fun - races I've ever had the joy to participate in. I do recall reading that Rockstar wasn't supporting mods, but I don't think they did anything to dissuade people. However I played GTA4 on console and GTA5 not at all (Maybe someday) so don't know how moddable they are on PC. I remember seeing YouTubers doing races on custom maps in GTA5 but don't know if that's as far as modding goes there.
  4. Wait have you returned from Eve? And I don't remember mention of Moho? (I haven't looked at your album yet so maybe it's in there) That's pretty awesome, though maybe could the first one be the Caveman Challenge Captain Caveman silhouette? Or no, that may be odd. Maybe add a middle one for that?
  5. Incidentally, I'd like to point out that I - and likely many of us - found out about this not only on these forums but in this very thread. In the past I - and many of us - have given some grief that major announcements only found their way here through some sort of trickle-down mechanism. Thank you for putting this up here so quickly!
  6. Yup. And I don't really follow Minecraft anymore but that seems too have worked out fairly well.
  7. Almost. Squad makes the game and T2 sells it and gives squad their agreed on cut. And likely T2 mechanizes KSP in any way they see fit. But as unwashed masses, for us this is all speculative and for Squad, they cannot legally tell us even if they wanted to. Which I'd understand if they didn't.
  8. This is absolutely correct. A Duna-Ike return mission would get you 3 upgrades, which with no patched conics you'll have earned! That's what I like the most about this challenge
  9. I totally agree that any orbit under 70km should decay. I accept that they don't but don't agree with it or utilize it in any way. My problem is with making all orbits slowly decay just to be a tiny bit realistic, when all it does is add annoyance. Not saying you said that, but it's been proposed.
  10. Simple answer: No. Now for my simple question: Do you feel the same if the periapsis is 70001m?
  11. Your scenario is exactly correct. Also (though I don't suggest it) correct is: Land on Duna as your first action. No upgrade. Return as your second. Get an upgrade for it. Land on Minmus as the second landed world, get an upgrade. Etc...
  12. I have video footage of everything up to landing on Mun. I can but have not landed on Minmus because I want to complete my current Mun Explore contract (which involves RETURNING from Mun) to unlock a Minmus Explore contract, or at least open new contracts because once accepted, you're stuck with your current Explore contract, seemingly forever I have not posted the footage yet, as I need to edit it and whatnot. Oh I'm mostly doing Normal difficulty, with a few things turned up like lost Kerbals don't respawn and I have to pay to unlock individual parts. I installed All Y'All which would probably not fly in the default Caveman challenge, but I just refuse to right click a dozen science parts a dozen times each mission.
  13. Have you looked into Strategia? It allows you as the player to decide what world you want to concentrate on, and gives you contracts for that world. It sadly doesn't do moons except those in the starting SOI (Mun and MInmus for the Kerbin system) but it's better than nothing.
  14. KSP Caveman Evolved Challenge 1.3.x IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not intended to be a replacement of the Caveman challenge nor is it in any way "better than" it. This is merely different, and perhaps a way to extend the Caveman Challenge, continuing to play your Caveman save even after you have completed that first batch of tech tree nodes. It is also intended to be a fun way to get some QOL improvements yet still feel happily hampered by the "Caveman Style," tossing yourself into the great unknown without all the benefits you're used to - at least at first. 1) Facilities upgrades are welcome, but you can only perform one upgrade for every world landed on. 2) You can also only perform one upgrade for every PLANET returned from. 3) There are 18 upgrades, 14 landable worlds*, and 5 returnable planets*, so the first world you land on DOES NOT COUNT. 4) The goal: Upgrade your entire space center. *Landable worlds do not include Kerbin or Jool, as you're already on Kerbin and Jool is Jool. They also do not count as returnable planets Rules: Either full stock career mode, or modded any way you want. If you use any mods, you must disclose them. If they alter gameplay, that will be reflected in your Participant ranking. No cheat menus or any other shenanigans You must land on 2 unique worlds before buying any building upgrades. When you land on your 2nd world, you may purchase a single building upgrade. After that, you may purchase a single upgrade for every unique world landed on. You may purchase a single upgrade for every unique planet returned from, even if that was the first world landed on. There are two valid ways to return from a world: 1) Bring a part of a ship that was on the surface of the planet back to Kerbin and recover it. 2) Bring a Kerbal who was in a ship that was on the surface of the planet back to Kerbin and recover him or her. We all know you can fake proof, so none is needed per se. But video, picture, and stories are recommended and welcome! (And no, I won't put you on the winner list with NO proof) WINNERS Date - ? - Name - Notes 2017/07/02 - S - Jetski - FIRST WINNER! 2017/08/05 - S - ManEatingApe - 2017/08/07 - M - jonny - Combo: Munless Night, Jool 5 2017/08/10 - M - 5thHorseman - 2017/08/20 - M - Zanie 420 - Combo: Jool 5 PARTICIPANTS Prog. - ? - Name - Notes 14/18 - L - IncongruousGoat - TO DO: Moho, Eve ; Combo: Caveman, Jool 5 12/18 - S - Tattiebogle - TO DO: Jool SOI, Eve Return; HARD MODE! 09/18 - M - Physics Student - Kerbin SOI, Duna SOI, Moho, Eve SOI DONE; Combo: Caveman 01/18 - S - Numerlor - Kerbin SOI DONE ; Combo: Caveman 01/18 - S - GoSlash27 - Kerbin SOI DONE 00/18 - M - Muetdhiver - Mun DONE ; 3.2x, UBM+SETI, various tweaks. See page 9. M - Modded ; S - Stock ; L - Lightly Modded (mods, but nothing changing gameplay or helping the player) A NOTE ON PLANET PACKS / KOPERNICUS This challenge doesn't fit into most planet packs, and I won't put any planet packs that change the system in any way on any leaderboards because that could get messy quick. However, I would love to read about any attempts at this challenge in any of those packs. You could - so long as you have more planets/moons than the stock system in your planet pack - just play with the basic rules and not have to go everywhere. Or, you could modify the rules so that returning from anywhere doesn't mean anything (so you'd have to land on 18 places) or Moons don't count (If you have 9 planets other than your system's "Kerbin") and you have to land and return from every planet and that's it. It's up to you, I'm not going to make rules for planet packs I've not played. That said, I am playing this in the Snarkiverse, and I HAVE come up with a rule for that if you'd like to try it as well. As the only relevant change in the Snarkiverse is that one of the planets (Eeloo) has turned into a moon (Of Jool) then there is one less thing you need to do (return from Eeloo). Therefore, there are 18 total actions that must be taken which is exactly the number of unlocks needed. So, for the Snarkiverse, part 3 above (the first world does not count) is NOT in effect; the first world you land on (likely Mun) DOES COUNT. The Original KSP Caveman Challenge that GoSlash27 began and the KSP Caveman Challenge 1.1 are excellent resources, and before you do this, I recommend you start your career out in the current KSP Caveman Challenge 1.2 (Soon to be 1.3 I expect)
  15. If they completely automate dealing with it (just spending drops of fuel to keep an orbit stable) then sure. But if they're going to go against every design decision they've made ever and add automation of anything, I've a list a mile long and "add orbital decay and then add stationkeeping" isn't as close to the top as you'd probably prefer.
  16. Oh, yeah. Backwards compatability. Maybe in KSP 2.0 when there's a full rewrite of the game from scratch. Frankly I expect multiplayer and a dV readout first.
  17. But it won't fix the problem. It will just split it into two groups: 1) Those who update anyway and then complain because Squad "broke their game." 2) Those who don't update and then complain that they don't have the newest version.
  18. Nope. That prize still goes to "50% throttle by default." The autohide navball at least STARTED its life with the option to change it permanently in-game. But yeah it has a pretty good run at second worst. If someone is so unobservant that they miss a major update to the game (that has been in the works for over half a year) then they should not be modding the game. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it is what it is. When you mod the game YOU take ALL responsibility for making sure the game stays functional for YOU.
  19. The worst kept secret in KSP is that the game's not actually finished even though they said it was.
  20. I was thinking of doing this as well, with the added restriction on myself that I must not use probe cores for anything.
  21. WarpEverywhere works without modification in KSP version 1.3. As soon as Spacedock allows it I'll update there, but as-is you can just use the 1.2.2 file. It won't change when 1.3 is available as a version, I'll just update Spacedock to fit.
  22. That was more a response to the gameplay being described as "boring." I quickly realized that it was not enough of a response, hence the edit. Of course this isn't my proposal, but IMO you are right. Not having enough information to land your ship should not prevent you from trying. If you're comfortable not being 100% sure of the exact elevation of your landing site (say, within 1km) as you're entering the atmosphere or doing your slowdown burn, and not 100% sure of the slope of the land or any debris/rocks/etc at the actual landing site until you're doing your final approach (Apollo 11 anyone?), then this fog of war/scanning/whatever aspect should not really cause you any trouble. But yeah, there should be no popup that says "Sorry! You haven't scanned Mun in high enough detail to slow down to this velocity in orbit."
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