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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It's been years but I coulda swore I typed "monkey" or "a monkey". They should probably at least have a few possibilities. They're not screening for knowledge of the animal kingdom, just making sure you're not a bot.
  2. With such an on-task and world-wide moderation team, it shouldn't take all that long for a post to be approved no matter when you post it.
  3. This is not normal. re-entry effects slow you down, they don't speed you up. And there is nothing about Duna that could accelerate your ship 2900 m/s in a few km. If your game is modded, try it with all the mods uninstalled. If it's not modded (or continues) submit it as a bug report, with the applicable logs and save games.
  4. Remember destructible buildings? Remember rocket exhaust dust plumes? Remember the rocket parts overhaul? Remember plushies? Squad has done a lot of good, don't get me wrong, but their ratio of promotion to content has been spotty at best.
  5. I just woke from a fever dream where the super secret new thing that all we know about is that modders can hook into it is actually localization and we've all been No Man's Skying it by inferring what was never actually implied. Then when fully awake I thought "You know what? That actually sounds like a really likely thing."
  6. I really don't know for sure, but I suspect it was 3-5 hours after installing KER.
  7. The exhaust dust when near the ground will now cause destructible buildings to trigger, releasing soccer balls with an announcement printed on them saying that KSP plushies will come pre-packaged with the Nintendo Switch release, coming out Soon™. No, I have no idea. I'm willing to sit and wait without actually speculating.
  8. You don't even need to cheat in science. In the alt-f12 menu there's an option to unlock the entire tech tree. Alt-F12, Cheats, Maximum Technology button at the bottom.
  9. The only reason I've seen that I've not been able to give rep is I've given the maximum amount in a 24 hour period. I think it's 25. I suspect the mobile app is not as verbose as the main website and you hit that limit. If you didn't, then I got nothing.
  10. You can use Hyperedit to get into any orbit, so yes you can use it to get into a polar orbit. Go into map mode, so you can see your ship and the world you're orbiting. Click "orbit" on Hyperedit to bring up the orbit window, and then click "graphical". Leave all the sliders alone except "inclination". Drag it back and forth and you'll see the effect it has.
  11. I actually didn't know Kerbnet told you your current lat/long. That's convenient. Of course, it'd be the lat/long of when you took the "screenshot" but for all but the lowest orbits on the biggest worlds will you get far enough from that quickly enough for it to matter. I've done this, only with the galactic equator which happens to match every planet's equator. It gives a nice "close enough for me" equatorial orbit.
  12. I've never used the MPL to cook science. Though it's more a point of pride than because I can't, I should also note that I actually can't. I'd have to look it up or fiddle with right clicking things in the game to figure it out. I've never gotten to orbit (though I have gotten to space, briefly) in a plane. I think though that every single thing mentioned so far in this thread, I've done, except the spaceplane orbiting of course
  13. Also important to note, Apollo didn't orbit the Moon's equator, partially because the Moon doesn't orbit directly over ours, and partially because it didn't matter to them, either
  14. It's important to note that while you can't get the information in the stock game, you also have no reason to need it. 1 degree off of equatorial is just as good as equatorial for all stock implementations, because you're dealing with nonnumeric maneuver nodes and imperfect trajectories. Even with KER installed, there's no real reason to need a perfectly equatorial orbit.
  15. That's a lot of fire with very little cracker. By the time you're 4000-5000 meters up, I'm surprised you're flipping over and not exploding You should start your gravity turn at about 50-100m/s, and slowly gradually turn it eastward as you rise, so that you're already 45 degrees over when you get to about 10km up. By the time you're 5000 meters up you should be tilted maybe 70 degrees, not just starting your turn. This whole time you should be aiming close to prograde on Surface mode (the default) and not venturing too far from it. And this is all in addition to the great adivce above, mostly about the COM. But really you'd be better off redesigning the craft to not have quite so much thrust in atmosphere. Have you tried a single BACC with 4 controllable fins at the bottom for steering? Or maybe just 2 Hammers and some more fuel for the liquid rocket?
  16. Like "Insects"? Good luck memorizing all of those. Why is the word "Planet" so special that we feel each must be a unique perfect little thing? Let there be a thousand planets. Let there be a billion. If something logically fits a reasonable definition then so be it.
  17. And the Moon. And the Sun. And not Earth. But it's okay to put Earth in there? And remove the Moon and Sun? (Hint: I think it is)
  18. My personal preferred definition of a planet does not include if it is interesting. I don't think Ganymede should (or could, I suppose. I don't feel strongly enough to actually say "should" here) be a planet because it looks cool or will feel bad. I think it should be a planet because its big enough for its shape to be defined in a significantly large part by the gravitational forces being placed on it.
  19. I personally agree that the proposed definition above is better and more describing than the one currently in use. I not only have no problem with Ceres, the Moon, Ganymede, et. al. being planets, I think it's logical. I also see no need to make school children memorize them. That said, I don't understand the hubbub about it either. Pluto is as incapable of caring what you call it as Shakespeare's rose is.
  20. I like rovers with small fuel tanks and a single engine. You never know when you're going to want to hop somewhere. Frequently just an ant and a round-8 will give you all the hopping range you'll ever need. But for carrying a rover along I tend to prefer sticking it on the bottom of my lander with a 0 force decoupler so it just drops to the ground when detached.
  21. Two things: Don't install any mod until you understand why you need it. Every mod adds uncertainty to your game. If something goes wrong, is it the game? Is it your understanding of the game? Is it a mod? Is it your understanding of the mod? Is it 2 mods interacting in an odd way? If you don't have the mod installed, you eliminate most of those variables. Kerbal Alarm Clock is amazing and I almost refuse to play without it.
  22. You can use the scroll wheel to finely adjust the markers. When hovered over them (not clicked) scroll up and down. It's fidgety and I don't like it but others do. I don't know your personal opinions on mods, but there are 3 that I know offhand that allow more finely tuned maneuver node editing, down to the "set the number with the keyboard" level even: PreciseNode: The granddaddy of them all and one of my personal favorite mods. Precise Maneuver Editor: A different take on the above. Does the same thing but with a different UI. Maneuver Node Evolved: The most "stock" feeling mod in the list, and one of the more seamless mods out there. Actually changes the maneuver node itself and gives it a few extra buttons. It has almost replaced PreciseNode for me, and it's a testament to how good PN is that I still use it in spite of MNE.
  23. The above plus an unnamed feature that all we know is that modders can and could have reason to want to hook into.
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