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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Due to just way too much going on everywhere in my life, I've accepted I simply do not have the time to maintain All Y'All. This is actually good news, though, as @linuxgurugamer has agreed to take over! He'll be starting a new thread with a new build (that I believe has the antenna code from @verdesmarald already in it) and at that time I'll have this thread closed. This was a great mod to cut my teeth on. I learned a lot and really appreciate all the help that was so freely given by the entire modding community. Seriously, you all (Y'all?) are great.
  2. Laythe gravity assist. It's closer to Jool so easier to get an encounter by just tweaking radial and prograde on your mid-course correction. Though Tylo's not that hard to nail from over a year away. I've not aerobraked at Jool since before 1.0 and doubt I ever will again.
  3. I hate when YouTubers just post a video they put up but...
  4. Tylo's going to be expensive no matter what you do But yes, you're correct. If you were to come into Tylo and gravity assist yourself in such a way that you can get a gravity assist from Vall that puts you into a Jool orbit that looks like a transfer from Vall to Tylo, you can for a scant couple m/s turn your direct Tylo intercept burn into a Vall-Tylo-transfer intercept burn. But it's still gonna be expensive. I don't know offhand how expensive it'll be, but I do know I'm always surprised.
  5. If your girlfriend doesn't think we've landed on the Moon, there may be more problems than just her thinking we didn't land on the Moon. You may be better off finding someone whose thoughts and opinions more closely match your own.
  6. They just left the "Planets with moons" filter on.
  7. I do not think realistic means what you think it means.
  8. Multiplication tables and orbital mechanics are totally different. You do not need to know the one to learn the other. The tables are rote memorization that - frankly - I didn't commit perfectly to memory either. I do know all of them up to 10x10 but the more esoteric ones I have to think about a bit. And it didn't slow down my learning of orbital mechanics one little bit thanks to computers that do the menial "actual math" part of math for you. I can't suggest a way to learn either, though. Rote memorization of ANYTHING is beyond most of my capabilities, and I learned the basic Keplerian orbital mechanics stuff over half a lifetime ago (the 80s and 90s if you must know) but I can't help but think that Wikipedia + KSP is a great way to self-teach a lot of this stuff.
  9. Change your goal. Doesn't matter what, really, but change it from "Get all the science" to - for example - "land on every world" or "build a base on every world" or "get a Dres asteroid and make a space station around it" or whatever.
  10. "Hey maybe you can get more use out of this than we did." I too have been playing some FTL as of late, and I also bought the "Contingency Plan" DLC for Invisible, Inc. It adds a lot of agents, programs, and items and also tacks on a cool mission in the middle of your run to steal a temporary storage for your AI program. I was hoping it'd also have an alternate ending where you use the info you get in that extra mission to stymie the "big bad" at the end but sadly, no. I'm also itching to play both Darkest Dungeon (DLC coming soon!) and Just Cause 3 again.
  11. Yeah don't follow that tutorial You still want to be about 45 degrees at 10km, but you want to start turning almost immediately and slowly work your way over. A good and easy first approximation is to get to 50-100m/s, then turn 5 degrees. Then slowly turn in 5 degree increments every 1km you rise, so after you go 10km you've turned about 50 degrees. There are far better ways to do it but that's at least better than what you're doing. Not only are you nearly guaranteeing that you'll have problems in ascent, if you manage to get into orbit you're wasting over 1000m/s. The old "45 degrees at 10km" ascent costs somewhere near 4500m/s, while the gradual turn is something more like 3000-3500 depending on aerodynamics and other factors.
  12. The 1940s called and want their ethical journalism practices back. No just joking, but I really think that - sadly - the time of trusted news sources is done. People trust news that conforms to what they already think, and will reject any that doesn't. If they reject it they're not viewing ads, and any website that doesn't cater to a popular demographic will therefore fail. Sorry to sound down on it, but that's what it is.
  13. Are you following a normal turn and slowly turning over from launch to 10km, and then having problems? Or are you launching straight up to 10km and then cranking it over 45 degrees? If you're doing the latter, you're following old tutorials and should instead slowly turn your ship as you rise. Even a well-done gravity turn though will flip if your ship is back heavy, like many ships tend to be. As you burn fuel the center of mass of your rocket tends to go downward as engines are very heavy. As others have said, pictures of your craft will be needed for more specific advice.
  14. I believe they were telling them to pack their bags and go.
  15. I would have voted for it if it was the only thing I did. However, I also do the other 2 as well so voted "All of the above."
  16. No clue what my first screenshot was, but the first I uploaded was part of this album: Here's the first pic. I remember being both proud and ashamed of the vessel.
  17. Don't do this. It's like filling your trunk with moonshine in case you run out of gasoline. Just bring more gasoline. It's more efficient per unit of mass and you already have the engines. In fact, I've stopped using monoprop all together and now just use Verniers. My first thought of your ship is it's got too much engine for the fuel and payload. I'd double the fuel in the first stage (swap the small tank for an orange one, or use 3 of the half orange tanks if you want the rocket all white) and maybe swap the hammers for BACCs. And I also wouldn't throttle down the solids. Their benefit is they're cheap and have good TWR, but they're also heavy and have poor Isp. Every second they're on your ship it's less efficient than it can be, so you want to get their benefit and toss them ASAP. If you're going too fast on launch, use less solids or bring more LFO.
  18. 4 answers without mods. Pick the best one for you: Take a contract for a Minmus equatorial satellite, and complete it. Leave that satellite in place and use it to set the orbits of any other ship. Plant flags at the poles. Land a rover or hopper near the equator, and drive or hop north or south until you are equidistant from each flag. Then use it to set the orbits of any other ship. I haven't tested this, but you should be able to see the orbit of any "landed" ship. If not, just launch into orbit once you're on the equator. Same as above, though use an online map to find a surface feature exactly on the equator and land at that surface feature. Realize that if you can't find a perfect equatorial orbit, maybe it actually doesn't matter.
  19. Launch something with no truss structure, just leave it on the pad. Then edit your persistent.sfs file (back it up first!) and look at that ship in it, and see what the settings are on the fairing that activate the truss. It may be really obvious for all I know ("Truss = True" or something like that). Then find your orbiting ship and the fairing on it, and edit its fairing's truss variable to look the same as the one on the pad. You can also fix solar panels this way
  20. Sounds fine to me. Curious if it means anything more than "Luke's in it."
  21. That thread didn't make me think life support (though now it kinda does) but the short time frame made me think they'd announce (or release) the new thing at that time. Which makes me just want to sit back and wait, and not speculate.
  22. I assume by now you've exited the game and gone back in, and that fixed it. However if for some reason you have not, your log files would possibly be of great use to the developers in a bug report.
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