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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. This. Though I think a clever modder COULD actually rework the system. One has already tweaked it.
  2. The EVA Transfer mod would make this much easier, if you're willing to go that route. I would be, if what @Rocket In My Pocket said wasn't so true.
  3. Sounds like better burn time. No other mod i know pus food by the navball
  4. I believe I want to toggle between Unavailable and Offered. I want none of the part contracts available to even see, until toggled on. Then I want them to be Offered so you can accept the ones you want, and then I want whatever Offered ones are left to be able to be toggled back to Unavailable. Until such time as the player wants to toggle them back to Offered. In theory this is unnecessary; I could just have all 200+ "Research this part" contracts available at all times. However I don't think this would be a good user experience I'll fiddle with the examples you gave, and that 1 second timer seems perfect. I didn't even notice that in the wiki. Thanks!
  5. The Steam release is on Friday. It's currently Thursday, even in those places in the world where it's past midnight.
  6. With the new version of Contract Configurator I'm starting to revisit some ideas I had for a techtree replacement contract pack. If you recall, I originally had the "scavenger" idea and it didn't work well (Nothing to do with Contract Configurator. It was just a bad idea that looked good on paper). I had another idea but it wouldn't have worked before and now (that you can see all possible contracts and they are always available) I think it might, but it needs one thing that I am not quite sure of how to do, or even if I can do it. What I need is to be able to "toggle" contracts on and off in a simple, user-friendly way. For example, let's say you want to unlock some wing parts. You - as the player - should be able to do something (Perhaps take a "I want to unlock wings" contract that just completes automatically and thereby sets up a valid prereq for all the wing-related part contracts). Then, all wing contracts become available and you can select as many as you want. Then, you need to be able to toggle them off so the available wing contracts don't clutter up your contract list. Is there a way to do this? I see from the documentation that I can do the first part. I can set it up to not enable the Wing contracts until the player has successfully completed the "I want to research wings" contract. However, I don't see how I could then disable the Wing contracts when the player successfully completes a "I don't want to research wings anymore" contract. Also, is there a way for a contract to just auto-complete? Could I just do something like "Not plant a flag on Jool" and the game will just auto complete the contract as I've not done that? Or would that break something? If you don't know I can test this, but I don't want to start at all unless I can be at least reasonably sure I can also get the above - much harder in my mind - part working.
  7. Which I don't understand. One thing I've not heard of through all of this? Through any of the Let's Plays I've watched?* I've not heard of one instance of lag, pauses while things sync to a server, or outages because the servers are overloaded. Even though the cause of the "you lied to us!" multiplayer bug was understandably explained by the fact that a massive amount of people were playing the game at the time and they just didn't have the server capacity to process them all. What would you rather have, massive downtime throughout the first weeks of the game's run, plus the constant possibility that they'll some day turn off the servers and render your game unplayable, or the lack of the extremely remote chance that you'll ever meet someone else? I know what I'm rooting for, especially because that person I'd never meet anyway would probably grief me. *I'll freely admit that I've wathced a lot of NMS LPs over the past 2 days, in lieu of buying a PS4 and the game instead of doing what I'm planning on doing which is buying it for PC this weekend.
  8. With all due respect back, I never said one was worse than the other. And that was on purpose, not just a random omission.
  9. Agreed. Any console game with a mouse cursor (I'm looking at YOU, No Man's Sky) should fail cert. I think maybe the EU is doing gamers a favor when it comes to dragging their feet on this. I love KSP as well, bugs and all. But a console is not a pc and a touchpad is not a mouse. They require different control schemes, period.
  10. I got beat up by 3 guys once. My favorite was the guy who punched me in the gut. He was the nicest of the trio for sure.
  11. The image is there but I can't click on it. I have no idea if it's something that broke recently or not because up until this moment, I've never clicked on it before.
  12. Sauron put all of his power into the ring, so with it he could control the rings he gave to everybody else. He basically took a huge risk and put all his eggs in one basket, in a gambit to take over the world. Chopping off his finger was like upending his egg basket. Frodo was just carrying the ring. It had corrupted him - sure - but it wasn't holding all his power. His power - as it was - was actually separate from the ring and was the only thing that allowed him to hold it for that long. I don't know this one, as it's been quite a while since I read the books. But I think Elrond (and everybody) didn't actually know to what extent the Ring's power was. Also, even then the Elves' rule over the world was waning (I think by their choice) and perhaps he didn't feel it was his right to make that decision. They never said. I suppose Gollum was so corrupted by the ring that its power had overtaken him fully. Bilbo, on the other hand, "got better" when the ring was removed from his presence. Aging wasn't a consequence of losing the ring so much as him being "cured" of the evil. This has been debated for decades. I won't go into it here as I've no strong opinion about it. Tolkien wanted Frodo to almost die and have no hope and then be saved. "I know. Eagles!" and bam. From what I remember of the books, he released them to die once they helped win the battle, which was their payment for both helping him and also not killing him when they found him originally. They didn't in the first books. LotR is a bit of a parallel of WW1, and the Nazgul are the elite soldiers. At the start, they didn't have the Magic/Technology to fly, and by the end they did. Also, I think again Tolkien didn't think of it until later. I always thought of the Elves as the "First world" craftsmen. They take highly refined materials and create high-grade items. Dwarves are more third-world (though not exactly because they had great halls and kingdoms) and go more for utility and not so much for froo-froo, and prefer to get their own materials for smelting. They'd rather have 1000 iron axes than a single ornate magical sword.
  13. Other than the obvious *looks down at signature* I'd say my proudest moment was when my 1.0.x Eve lifter got into orbit. My Jool 5 was quite an achievement but it took 2 (or was it 3?) refuels so I'm not quite so proud of it. I'd be proud of my Grand Tour (of which the aforementoined Eve lifter was the first part) but that's still in orbit of Jool waiting for - can you guess? - refueling. As far as full careers go, I'm most proud of my "Kerpollo" save where I went to each planet and moon one time - and only one time - with an Apollo-style mission. Except Kerbin (which I just got to by starting the game), Mun and Minmus (which I got to before unlocking docking ports, so no Apollo-style possible), and Jool et al (which I did as the aforementioned ill-fated-but-eventually-successful Jool 5 mission). It's one of the few times in the game where I started a career with a clearly defined goal and worked through until achieving it.
  14. @tater We're getting way outside the topic so I'm going to drop my side of the argument. I think we just simply find different parts of the game engaging.
  15. The EXACT same craft? No. Extremely similar craft, to the point where it doesn't really give me any new gameplay? Yes. And comparing Eeloo to Mun isn't the best as Eeloo's in the game. I'm not arguing to remove Eeloo, I'm arguing that adding more planets farther out would be too similar to it. Jool gives new gameplay, because it has 5 (6 if you count Jool itself) destinations that are tantalizingly close to each other yet far from Kerbin, making a "Jool 5" mission an attractive idea that takes quite a bit of planning and engineering. It also allows for interesting interplay between its moons that can save (or cost) literally thousands of m/s to navigate. That's gameplay. Aptur in the New Horizons mod was a tiny planetoid that co-orbited a gas giant with - and around - its large neighbor (which happened to be Kerbin), making it the closest thing to Kerbin that I found extremely hard to get to. That's new gameplay. A half dozen planets that are all roughly the size of the half dozen planets we have now, farther out and with a moon or two each (or even 5) is not new gameplay. It's 6 places you'll go to once or twice and get bored with just like people are bored with Dres and Eeloo.
  16. 5. I've never heard of these contracts, but I tend to ignore the tourist stuff because I don't personally find it fun, but this should work fine, I've done it for polar launches before: Do one launch with your rocket, DIRECTLY NORTH. Keep the rocket pointed North throughout the entire burn. Note how many degrees off of the North Pole you are as you pass by it (roughly. Just eyeball it). Revert to launch and launch again, this time turned that many degrees West of North (again, just eyeballing it should be fine). 6. The center of the area in question is at the tip of the cone below the circle, but the entire area is usually several km (I think even as high as 25 or more in some cases) around it. If you are interested in an elegant mod solution to contract waypoint markers, check out Waypoint Manager. Among several other things, it shows you waypoints on the in-flight screen so you can target them by eye without having to go to map mode.
  17. The problem here is that planets further out don't require any advanced techniques. In fact, I personally think Moho is much harder to reach than any other world, and it's not really that hard. Putting a planet further out only increases the time you can take making a sandwich while time warping. Nothing more. Hiding them behind "unlock the whole tree and suddenly see them" is... well it would work I guess. But considering we found all the planets in our system over 100 years before we launched a single thing into space, I'm leery to accept it.
  18. Star Wars (what they call A New Hope these days) was probably not the first movie I saw in a theater, but it is the first that I remember seeing in the theater. I actually remember the fact that I was in a theater watching it, which is impressive considering I was 5ish at the time. But it wasn't really inspiring. I think the most inspiring movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark, at least from a "creating fiction" perspective. It's one of the best action movies ever made, and I still frown when current movies make mistakes that Steven Spielberg basically wrote a tutorial on how to make correctly. I won't speak to other aspects of life, as those are equally more personal and less awesome than Raiders was.
  19. 212: Replying to someone using the @ symbol instead of quoting them, forcing everybody to scroll up the page to find their post, to see what you are saying to them. 213: Doing the above when their post is further back than the current page, making it even harder to find out what you meant by your cryptic answer.
  20. I use another mod called Automated Science Sampler. Like ForScience it will move stuff into a command pod for you (which I prefer myself) but you can turn that off and still automate the collection of science. And if you want to trigger the science yourself but eliminate a lot of the clickiness, I can't help but push All Y'All, which lets you right click any science part and select "run all science." All that does is trigger science on all parts that have a science experiment on them that is available to run.
  21. From what I've read you do not NEED to be online for anything other than registering your finds online to get "credit" for them. As far as I can tell, that doesn't even give you anything in the game. That aspect - the total lack of meaningful multiplayer - is one of the most attractive parts of the game for me. It's why I'm eagerly awaiting NMS while I didn't even put Elite Dangerous on my Steam watch list. I seriously doubt that NMS multiplayer got very much attention during dev time, considering the vastly huge number of people who could play the game for thousands of hours and never ever see another soul. Talk about wasted effort.
  22. When staring a new game I choose a cornerstone mod or set of mods, and a goal for the save. For example, my current save the goal is to find all Easter Eggs (seemed appropriate given the recent changes in the game) and to aid in that the cornerstone mods are Contract Configurator and the Anomaly Pack. Then I add a few helper (or hinderer) mods for flair, and of course all those mods I consider stock, and away I go.
  23. Be prepared to be very unhappy with the utility of your rover once on the surface, especially on Minmus. Driving there is more like skiing. Or trying to run on ice with tap shoes on. Mun's not much better, except your tires will get a little grip, allowing you to go much faster before losing total control.
  24. My current signature quote is among my favorites: "You cannot learn a thing you THINK you know." I don't know if someone said it originally but I got it from the narrator of Darkest Dungeon. Another fave: "If you really want to do something, nothing can stop you. If you really DON'T want to do something, anything can stop you." Again, I have no idea who said it first. And another: "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do learn from history are doomed to watch OTHERS repeat it." One more, and I'm fairly sure I made this one up but wouldn't be surprised to find I accidentally stole it from someone else: "Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime. Give a man a fish, he'll complain about the quality of his free fish."
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