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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I use VideoPad and while it takes a little getting used to (but what doesn't) I've found it more than suits my needs. There's a timed demo with some restrictions that I can't remember (though I recall only having 2 audio tracks available) and the whole thing costs about $70 (and there are no restrictions in the paid version. I've had a dozen or more video tracks and 4+ audio tracks with no issues). I think it was well worth it for myself, though I've been using it almost daily for years. I have no idea if it's "Designed for Windows" or not. Until reading this post I didn't even know there were things called Windows Logo Requirements. So if that's important to you you'll need to check that yourself. However I've used VideoPad in Windows 7, 8, and 10 with no crashing issues.
  2. I recently made what I called an HTOVL, as I got sick of trying to land a plane on a mountain and just threw parachutes all over it
  3. One other important thing: You can line up your docking, hit F5, and then try that over and over again. F5 technically works in atmo at full throttle, but in practice it's not quite so useful as when floating stationary in space next to your target.
  4. VERY IMPORTANT if you're using the -popupwindow switch. Once you go back into the game IT'LL STILL BE IN FULLSCREEN MODE until you turn off fullscreen mode in the options. Then, set your resolution to be your screen's resolution, lest you get a borderless window in the middle of your screen with stuff around it. "popupwindow" is not "fake fullscreen." It's just a borderless, centered version of the game instead of one with borders and the title bar at the top. You have to - in addition to using that switch - tell KSP how big you want it and that you don't want "real" fullscreen. Source: I've been using the switch for about 3 years now.
  5. I don't have the time to check it (and I sure don't have time to fix any problems along the way) but would in no way stop someone else from doing so. My gut says all you'd need to do is load it in the new version and let KSP convert it, and then zip up the new persistent file.
  6. Easier in what way? You have to bring more fuel, so need a bigger lifter, which means more difficulty getting out of the atmosphere. For me personally, once you get into space EVERYTHING is easy because you have as much time as you need to get it right with maneuver nodes before doing any burns, and you have hours, days, or sometimes even years to tweak things. That first few minutes from launch to orbit, though, you gotta get right all at once with no mistakes.
  7. I will take that as a compliment, as I have those skills
  8. Did you try landing again after going into orbit at the end, there? I don't think I've ever tried to land while already landed. One more possibility, try Vessel Mover which does a better job in my opinion of handling the pinpoint landings than Hyperedit does. From that thread, I see that 1.1.3 caused some issues with the HyperEdit landing code. Make sure you've got the most recent version of HyperEdit installed.
  9. Yes, but part of the tech tree is to give you that feel of going through early stages of the game. I don't personally see the need for it, but the signs are there in many nodes. Especially the very high ones with things like long girders in them.
  10. On my recent playthrough, I just decided to not bother with goo or jrs. Hasn't slowed me down. But yes I found way back when atmo changed that the Jrs were particularly terrible for re-entry. I don't know if I've brought one back from anything but early career orbital flights since.
  11. Because if the money stops rolling in they all lose their jobs, or at the very best stop working on KSP and move on to an entirely different game.
  12. Not directly, but you can tell what it is (roughly) based on the G meter. If your G meter is 2 at full throttle, your TWR is (about) 2. If it's halfway between 1 and 2, it's (about) 1.5. Yes, this is also true while heading straight up. Note this doesn't work for local TWR (or more precisely, it only works for local TWR at sea level on Kerbin) but it's "good enough" for many many purposes.
  13. I was updating my mods and noticed that KAC is version but the forum post still says
  14. This is an opportunity for the devs to modify the contract UI. There should be a circle next to some text: "Test the part in staging or via the part's right-click menu." In general, all contracts should consistently list all requirements, with check marks, every time.
  15. Then I can confirm that it's mod related, and I've never seen its like before. What mods are you using? EDIT: I don't use MechJeb or CameraTools, and they both have intrusive natures (not saying its bad just changes the game in significant ways) so I'm guessing one of those. I vaguely recall seeing a picture of CameraTools in action where you could record one vessel moving and then record a second one, and there were lines. Maybe that's what those lines look like close up? Or maybe my memories are totally wrong? Both are possible!
  16. Notepad a text file, name it <anything>.cfg Copy and paste the code above into the file. It should look exactly like that, from the first @ to the last } Save that file ANYWHERE in your GameData folder. Right next to the ModuleManager dll is fine. I personally make a folder named 00Mine to hold all of my configs to keep it neat. Then load a new game of KSP (If you're playing, you have to exit out of the program and reload from scratch) and assuming the code works (I've not tested it), then it'll just work.
  17. Nope. Resetting them does. Resetting also closes the doors but you can - with the "close door" button, close them without resetting. As was said above, though, there is an actual reason to close the doors: It makes the part a bit more aerodynamic if you return it to Kerbin after use.
  18. Edit: Welcome to the forums! The book described in quite a bit of detail the path Hermes went on. Enough that - if I had the mind to - I'm pretty sure I could plot the course. The movie skipped a lot of that but did (IIRC) state how long they were in space. At the very least, it told how many days Watney was on Duna and we know Hermes was in space that entire time. So to tl;dr it, time spent and places traveled by the Hermes are not assumptions. They're derivations.
  19. It's not even remotely logical but I've found that by alternating between "delete", "down arrow", and "backspace" I can delete any number of of the new HRs. Though if we had access to source we'd not need all this.
  20. See that's what I get for designing over-efficiently. And by that I of course mean littering Science Jr's everywhere before coming home Seriously I don't remember the last time I returned from anywhere but LKO with a Science Jr.
  21. While we're on the subject of useless gui buttons, is there any gameplay reason to "close" the Science Jr? The only possible thing I can think of is to trick yourself into forgetting you ran it.
  22. Create a maneuver node to exit Kerbin equatorially. Your ship's projected Sun orbit will have the AN/DN lines so long as Moho is your target (or Dres, or Eeloo, or whatever target you want though those 3 are the only ones where this plan is reasonable, and due to how insanely long it would take, Eeloo is likely better to just suck it up and do the mid course burn). Also, you can focus the map on Sun and just tilt it and eyeball it. Though getting the Sun orbit is more precise. Note: Don't execute this burn, just plot it to see where the line is.
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