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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. What @magnemoe said, with the additional note that gps isn't a 2d thing on the surface of a sphere. They pinpoint you in 3d space and then tell you where you are on a 2d map, ignoring (but frequently making available) your height. Also note that modern phone GPSes get a lot of help from things you won't have in space, namely cell towers and Google's map of wifi hotspots. Yes, being near a Starbucks frequently means you'll get better location pinpointing.
  2. In general, I tend to like tactical (and usually squad-based) games. In particular, the some of the last few games I've played are: Factorio Darkest Dungeon Guild of Dungeoneering Invisible, Inc. XCOM FTL I also tend to like single-player 3rd person games, especially the goofier ones like Just Cause, GTA, and Saint's Row. I also really enjoyed all the modern (3 and on) Fallout games.
  3. Yeah I get 1.474. Well, calculator.net does http://www.calculator.net/triangle-calculator.html?vc=45&vx=2&vy=1&va=&vz=&vb=&angleunits=d&x=66&y=16 ("Down" in the diagram is actually toward the upper right, and the rocket is thrusting right to left)
  4. If you use PreciseNode, you can enable the extra buttons in options and there's +Orbit and -Orbit buttons. The -Orbit button there works most of the time in these situations, even though the stock one doesn't.
  5. Note if your problems are asymmetric aerodynamics, one option is to break the "gravity turn" rule and launch straight up, at least for a bit. Maybe up to 10km or so. It's horribly inefficient but if it gets you to space, it gets you to space.
  6. I loaded the .craft file and it seems fine to me, though it does tend to flip as the fuel drains. On the pad though it's perfectly upright, both visually and on the navball. Frequently pics of what's happening in your game are more useful than a .craft file, as many of us won't go through the work to load it. I did this time because I'm bored
  7. This assumes that you are capable of getting the payload into orbit, were it not for the fact that it's asymmetric: Turn on the COM and COT markers. The buttons are in the lower left. Attach your asymmetric payload to your rocket (assuming it's not attached already) Turn on the translate button (or hit "2" which is its shortcut) and turn off angle snap (the hex button, make it a circle) by clicking or hitting "c". Click the decoupler or fairing base or whatever is convenient and at the top of your rocket (but under the payload) to bring up the translation gizmo for that part. Use the gizmo to slide the rocket around under the payload until the COM and COT markers line up. (optional) Get frustrated with the stock display of these markers and install RCS Build Aid to further help you line things up.
  8. That brings up, though, that it'd be nice to be able to toggle chairs as occupied or not in the VAB/SPH.
  9. For the tl;dr crowd, the question is at the bottom in bold. I'm trying to create a MM config that will create a tech tree node for every part. I can do it manually with multiple hundreds of lines, but it'd obviously be easier and more robust if there was some kind of loop to do so. NOTE: I don't care at the moment where those nodes are located on the R&D screen, so don't bring up that they'd all be on top of each other I think, for the part side (I want each part in its own tech tree node) all I need do is something like this: @PART[*] { TechRequired = #$name$ } (Note this isn't tested and I'm not asking for help on it, just showing what I want for the next bit. So, assuming the above works, I'd have every part with a "techrequired" set to its name. Now I need to create all those tech nodes. hundreds of lines like: @TechTree { +RDNode[start] { @Name=PartName } +RDNode[start] { @Name=OtherPartName } ...etc } would (I think) do it, but I'd have to put it in there once per part and update the config every time the stock game (or a mod) added new parts. Is there a way to loop through all parts, and create a RDNode in the TechTree with that part's name? From what I've seen in countless Google searches, I think not. But before I give up I figured I'd ask here.
  10. This times a billion, especially the part I would have bolded but didn't have to because you did that perfectly as well. THIS is what the Mission Control building should do. Contracts should be in the Administration building. Strategies? I don't use them so I don't know where they should go, or I can't say it here
  11. Parachutes, no, but I'm pretty sure you can get the twr and dV of the sepratrons so long as the staging is correct.
  12. Yeah, the Heavy Control Winglet is a modded part that's been skinned with the stock skin. I've never heard of it either.
  13. Also, any LS system will almost require an in-game, user-friendly way to estimate mission duration. And probably in-mission notifications when you're not likely to hit milestones. As I don't see that happening any time soon if at all, I'm now comfortable voting 'no' to this poll.
  14. I am very torn on this. I've tried several life support mods and have enjoyed none of them. Some of them seemed promising, but in the end I just never enjoyed the experience. Now the same could be said for ISRU and remote telemetry limits, and I am very happy with the stock implementation of ISRU* and the stock telemetry implementation seems like it'll be similarly enjoyable. So, it's very possible that Squad will somehow be able to make a life support system that I actually like. So I'm not voting. *It's not without it's issues, sure, but it's still my favorite of all the ISRU systems I've tried, and as far as I know I've tried them all.
  15. If you've not taken the mission yet, there will be a waypoint in the Tracking Station for it. It can be hard to correlate it with the contract because there is no indication what the waypoint is for, other than the name. So you have to remember the name between Mission Control and the Tracking Station. A nice QOL improvement would be to show a globe of Kerbin in Mission Control, showing the waypoint. And in the Tracking Station, you should be able to click the waypoint and see the contract. And - why not - accept or decline it from there.
  16. Based on what I've seen in No Man's Sky, I think it'll likely be named Planet McPlanetyFace Poopworld <Name>'s Awesome Planet
  17. I pretty much know all the tricks to get to and from inclined orbits, and this is by far my favorite. Simple (easy to set up and understand), effective (ALWAYS works), and efficient, as you're doing your "alignment burn" at Kerbin (furthest from Sun) AND pairing it with your encounter burn (getting the benefit of "walking the diagonal" and combining two near-perpendicular burns into one burn). The only problem is that it sometimes takes a Sun orbit or two to meet back with Kerbin, but time's free in this game and orbits so close to Sun go by quick.
  18. I imagine a "contract editor" robust enough to allow most every challenge ever posted here to have a little downloadable file that would set the challenge up as a contract in the game.
  19. I learned that one the hard way: I triggered it accidentally and nearly tore my hair out trying to figure out the "bug" where nothing would stage.
  20. Hmm. I didn't know they were buggy. I've even used them in 1.1.3 with no problems. Related to this, I always run at 5x time warp to avoid just such a problem.
  21. That's because 'L' is "translate right". It's part of the ijklhn cluster. No, they turn on with 'L'. I think that stands for "throw Logic out the window"
  22. Deep Space is a bit too much in one tool for me. I wish it was a set of mods so I could pick and choose. I also like the "Instagram Filter Remover" mod
  23. Agreed. Like an Oscar-D (2 Oscar-Bs, or 4 Oscar-As which don't exist) and an Oscar-H (8 Oscar-As) would be nice. They'd be the size-0 equivalent of the FL-T200 (the Oscar-B which we have already), FL-T400 (Oscar-D), and the FL-T800 (Oscar-H). The FL-T100 equivalent is probably not necessary. Or we could just get procedural tanks in stock.
  24. Very much agreed. I usually vet mods and see if I want them but that one I just installed without a second thought. Regarding building your own ship... yes please. Though right now I'd just be happy if you could get a discount for the ship you currently own, when buying a new ship. It's ridiculous that it costs the same amount of money to upgrade from a 7-slot ship to a 30-slot ship, as it does to upgrade from a 28-slot ship to that same 30-slot ship.
  25. Trim. It's so hidden I know all the controls and still can't seem to get it to work. Oh, and keyboard shortcuts in the VAB/SPH. I essentially can't watch a streamer/LPer who clicks the symmetry button with their mouse (say, to Symmetry 4), brings the cursor back onto the ship and goes over something with a different Symmetry (say, Symmetry 2), and can't figure out why it changed or how to make it work correctly. Especially if they go through the process multiple times on stream. It triggers all my "if I were playing this wouldn't be a problem" rage.
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