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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Never had trouble targeting a world, but yeah I wish sometimes right clicking the screen brought up a list of all vessels in the area, maybe sorted by distance (on the screen) from where you clicked.
  2. "Inefficient" means you are able to do it one way, but you choose another way that uses more resources. If you can't do it any other way, then the way you are calling "inefficient" is actually the opposite. That said, as others have pointed out the Mk1 capsule and a heat shield is remarkably robust, making that the more efficient route. However if that did NOT work and a larger heat shield DID work, then the larger heat shield - as painful as it would be to bring along - would still be the most efficient route.
  3. All that is true except the parts about gravity assists. You can instead bring extra fuel and/or some heat shields.
  4. I was having some nasty shaking due to - of all things - too many struts.
  5. Actually you could go one further and say the only 2 docking ports that are ever enabled are the "control from here" port on your ship and the target on the other ship. Of course that would screw up multidocking... Which I don't use so I have no real ideas on how to preserve it. EDIT: Maybe the "control from" port is the only one, and it checks all other ports? If it finds one in range, on your ship or not, it docks to it if able.
  6. Where we said to start Take the ship you sent to Mun, give it about 1000-1500 more m/s of dV, add parachutes to the lander portion, and go! Make mistakes. Figure out why they are mistakes and try again. If you get it right on the first try you're doing it wrong. EDIT: I know of no non-stock anythings when it comes to parts. I only use non-stock parts when they add a whole new function to the game (Like Extraplanetary Launchpads and the like).
  7. Actually I can't help you with SpaceY or KW Rocketry. I've literally never used them and may not have ever even visited their threads. I am personally pretty averse to using non-stock parts and physics (though I have no problem with others using them!). Taking a station to Duna will be FAR harder than dropping boots on the ground and planting a flag and coming home. For the same reason that doing so on Mun is easier. Maybe, MAYBE taking a station there and just getting it into orbit is easier than the landing part, but I still suggest the smaller mission. So much unexpected things can go wrong, and it's far easier to get discouraged when your 10-hour play session is ruined because you forgot a probe core or solar panel. If you instead lose the 30 minutes you spent beefing up your Mun rocket to make it to Duna, it's not nearly as bad. I'm about to go offline for quite some time so won't be replying. Yay nice summer days
  8. It's when you come in from orbit or interplanetary space and enter the planet's atmosphere, using it to brake your ship so you don't have to spend the fuel. It is quite daunting (and you can blow up if you get too hot from it) so I frequently skip it and just bring the extra fuel. However on Duna it's not very bad. If you try it, quicksave when you enter Duna's SOI and then burn radially to set your Pe around 15-20km off the surface. Then ride it down and see what happens. If you blow up, set your Pe higher but note the higher you go, the less braking you get. You can either burn to help the atmosphere out, or orbit once and come back down to brake again. Then, once your Ap is down low enough, burn at it to raise your Pe up over 50km so you won't brake anymore. Boom, orbit with VERY little fuel expenditure. That's one of those "logistics" I mentioned that makes interplanetary much harder than getting to Mun. If I may suggest: Use the TIME listed in the transfer window planner and ignore everything else. When you're within a few days of that TIME, launch your ship into Kerbin orbit (I'd say around 100km, not 1,000km like you mentioned) and then place a maneuver node on the night side of the planet, somewhere midway between that and your orbital "sunset". Drag it out about 1150m/s or so and then scroll out so you can see your Sun orbit. Right-click the Sun Apoapsis so you can see the numbers, and scroll back in so you can see your Kerbin orbit AND that Ap number in the same screen, and then drag the maneuver node a little left and right and see which one makes the number go up. Find the spot on your orbit where dragging it left OR right makes it go down. That's the sweet spot. You've located where you want to burn. Scroll back out, and then tweak the AMOUNT of the burn so you just touch Duna's orbit. If you're lucky, you may even get your encounter. I should really make a video on this But that's the core of pretty much every Transfer-Window-Assisted interplanetary maneuver I've ever done.
  9. Note that 780 science assumes you milk that puppy dry. If you just hit it with the common early experiments (EVA flying and standing, goo, jr, and thermometer, and maybe a surface sample) and only do one per place (as I do. Doing extra experiments is extra work after all) it'll be far less. I personally would decide on what is the bare minimum I need to reach orbit and/or Mun or Minmus (for me that's maybe the first 2 tiers including "Start" for orbit, and the next one for Mun or Minmus) and just take that amount of science.
  10. That thing looks right proper rickety and may take a bit of finesse to get into orbit. I approve! I would play around with replacing those SRBs with actual boosters and fuel, and then adding SRBs (those or BACCs) to the outside of those. That way you get the big boost off the pad, have control once up higher, and have a bit more dV to boot. tl;dr: MOAR BOOSTERS. Sometimes it IS the correct way.
  11. Your mission plans seem pretty grand for a very first mission to Duna ever, which I assume this is for you considering you don't know even the dV requirements. This, 100% of the way. Your first Duna mission should look a lot like your first Mun mission, with a bigger transfer stage. And (unless you did it this way when you went to Mun) you should have an orbiter and a return stage. Snark pretty much nailed it, though I don't see a link to said dV map (I could be missing it but I looked twice) so here's the one I use: Using this map, note you can land on Duna (with aerocapture and braking) for LESS dV than Mun. It's a bit more to get back, though: From LKO, Mun takes 860+310+580 (or 1750) to land on, and 580+310 (or 890) to return from. This is 2640m/s from LKO. I'd like 3000 myself for margins. From LKO, Duna takes 950+130+10* (or 1080-1090) to land on and 1450+360+250+130+10* (or 2190-2200) to return from. This is 3270-3290m/s depending on how much you spend to fix your angle. I'd bring at least 3500 myself for margins, and probably try for 4000. So really, Duna SEEMS daunting (and is from a logistics standpoint. Which is why I think you should start with a one-shot, Apollo-style mission to start) but as far as dV is concerned, it's really just a step up from Mun.
  12. To answer the title: Yes. To answer the post: Yes, it could. No, we can't know if it does until we actually look though.
  13. I am almost 100% positive that 1.1.3 experimentals are not public. I would say you're probably violating some prerelease NDA but the version number in your video thumbnail is very clearly "" which not only isn't 1.1.3, it isn't even the latest actual release.
  14. Hypers gonna hype. Put me down for a sleeper car.
  15. EDIT: This is the post where I got 5000 rep points. Nobody but me cares but hey. I care Why are you setting your periapsis at 15km when everybody is telling you to try 20-30km? I'd try 35km myself if I were you. Because you're not willing to go out of your way to help us, I went out of my way to help you and loaded up the game, launched a ship, and used that ship to go up to Mun's orbit. I actually went up to 16Mm because Mun was in the way and it was too much of a "drag" to wait. I set my periapsis to 33km (Trajectories said that would allow me to come in without re-exiting the atmosphere) and the temperature gauge showed up at about 55km and maybe 3300m/s, on the lander can. It got RIGHT to the top of the gauge and then started falling. I landed with no issues. The lander can is not for atmospheric re-entry. The fact that it works at all is the biggest problem in this whole post. You need to come in shallower and be more careful.
  16. Landing gear is problematic right now. They're working on it. 1.1.3 just went into experimentals and I'm hopeful it'll fix it. Though they have not released a changelog (and I don't think they will until it's actually out).
  17. You seem to have done it wrong, or at least all I see are the letter codes. However my imgur-fu is moderate so I see the images (See below). Yeah that's pretty cut and dried. I'd say recreate it in a stock game and report it as a bug. That will of course be a pain because you'd need to start a new stock career though you could pretty easily alt-f12 science and money into your economy so you start on day 0 with the required tech nodes unlocked and money to build the ship.
  18. Also, I've noticed that docking ports tend to lag far more than other parts. I've not done a hard analysis, but a 50-part ship with 10 of those parts docking ports makes a bigger hit for me than a 100-part ship.
  19. I still say no competition. If SpaceX does it for cheaper then NASA will happily pay them to do it. The only possible reason they would not do that would be because Congress directed them to build it themselves, and I'm not allowed to discuss politics on this forum (I've been warned) so I won't discuss why Congress might do THAT. If NASA does it cheaper... ...sorry I just laughed out loud for like 5 minutes straight.
  20. I poked into the config files for the command parts to see if "rename" was just a module on its own, and figured when I didn't find it that it was instead part of ModuleCommand, and before poking into THAT I came back here. I'll poke some more on that. Though a quick Google search for IVesselAutoRename is surprisingly sparse. This thread is the fourth hit on the page, even though the mention is minutes old. Of the 3 more relevant links, 2 deal with asteroids and one is a KSP Class Hierarchy page with links to a lot of these things but no link to IVesselAutoRename. So to most quickly answer: "No."
  21. Then they can't compete because they're not in the same niche. They both do Space, and work together when (as is extremely frequent) one needs or can help the other (and it's in each's best interest to do so, which seems also to be quite frequent). But saying they're competing is like saying Greyhound is competing with the Department of Transportation because both spend a lot of their efforts on the roads.
  22. I've never found one. A mod (or stock implementation) that allows you to name each "command" part in the VAB would probably do it.
  23. Could I see the contract on the screen, like as an image uploaded to Imgur or at least type it all in? Including the checkmarks next to it? This would be in the flight window with the contracts window up. Short: I don't know what could be wrong. My first guess is that the contract requires the ore to be in orbit with a periapsis over 70km and an apoapsis under whatever number is listed in the contract, if any.
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