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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Very cool. Between this and fuel transfer, you've actually eliminated the need for me to install K[AI]S. Nothing against that mod, it just does about 10 times what I generally want
  2. I'm personally thinking that a jet like that should not have a Cessna's landing gear.
  3. Cheers! Much appreciated. This is one of those mods that should not die.
  4. I don't see much utility in a totally mouseless function, but if I could hover over a part on the ship and use... whatever 2 keys to move them up and down in staging, that would be great
  5. My goal in every career is 0 debris and 0 ships around after they have reached end of life. This keeps things pretty tidy and makes me feel good to boot. I will only delete ships and debris if one of these is true: It will crash or touch atmosphere It will cross a sphere of influence boundary It is escaping from Sun. The first and last are obvious. The middle one though, you can safely assume that the craft will get into one or the other state eventually.
  6. This happened to me in pre-release, but I was a build behind so didn't report it. It was like my entire career reset to day 0. Cash, rep, science, tech. I don't remember but I think it also reset my contacts.
  7. While we're wishing... If I were to magically grow whatever brain parts modders have that I don't, my strut mod would work with stock strut nubs. And it would work essentially like it does in the VAB, but in space and via right click menus to detach and attach.
  8. I was very excited about ActiveStruts but it never worked great, and then they stopped working on it.
  9. What I use K[AI]S for the most - fuel lines - is available in one of DMagic's Modlets named EVA Transfer. I've also thought about making a mod that allowed you to just transfer fuel between landed ships that were X meters apart, but I'm still learning to crawl and that's more of a light jog. I've never found a strut mod that worked well enough for me, and as far as I know nothing allows you to assemble or disassemble a ship or even parts of a ship, other than KAS/KIS.
  10. Those weren't inherently unable to run in 64-bit. 64-bit was buggy though and was causing a lot of false bug reports. So, the modders explicitly coded in blocks so you couldn't run the mods in 64-bit. That's not a problem now, though, as 64-bit is just as stable as 32-bit.
  11. I believe that mods need nothing special to work in 64 bit KSP. I know mine didn't.
  12. When the game stops crashing or eating my ships for no reason, I'll start an Ironman save.
  13. Yeah there are a lot of examples of this sort of thing. Wait until you have to save someone from a retrograde Sun orbit.
  14. Also, I apologize for the above. I know I'm being a bit crabby and pedantic. There are about 3 main types of threads on this forum and they each generate their own set of predictable responses. A few times a day an interesting question is asked and when those ALSO generate the SAME canned responses, it irks me.
  15. I didn't miss it, overshadowed as it was by the bulleted list of what you didn't like.
  16. Scientist's DO get bonus science when leveled up (at least, they used to.haven't tested lately but haven't heard it changed) but no where near +100%. It's more like 1%-10%. Are you sure it's not just saying that, because the scientist has not leveled up at all, you're getting 100% - aka normal returns?
  17. Actually most replies in this thread are irrelevant to the question at hand, which is what do you LIKE, not what do you WANT. I really like the new haze for faraway mountains.
  18. I tried to recompile but it doesn't work. Sadly, other than pasting the code into the right place, I am helpless when it comes to this stuff. You may be thinking of the launchpad throttle. Though that'd be nice.
  19. All the likes! Thank you for continuing my favorite fuel balancer!
  20. If you bought it from the store, it may still be in your browser or Windows download folder. If you bought it from Steam, I think you can say to use the previous version. In either case, now's a good time to set up some sort of archiving or multi-install setup, as you can now see the benefit.
  21. As someone floundering in the morass that is learning to mod KSP, I salute you!
  22. Did you post that you tried just having the taking station and mission control upgraded? I apologize if so, but I just reread your post (good job, I didn't even know you weren't a dirty American) and I don't even see a reference to mission control. EDIT: I did misread your post. I thought you said that you had to upgrade everything in order to get conics, not that you upgraded everything and still didn't get them. I'd apologize for that, but don't feel any desire. Were I you, I'd recreate it with a fresh save with no mods installed, and report it as a bug on the bug tracker.
  23. You need to update taking station for patched conics, and mission control for maneuver nodes. These are frequently my first two upgrades.
  24. That is an extremely good question that I personally cannot answer.
  25. Note: All Y'All seems to work fine in 1.1 proper. If you have any problems of course let me know, but I'm going to consider it "good enough for now."
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