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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. An inline drill. I hate that I can't put one drill on a lander without it either clipping crazily into something or being asymmetric.
  2. I seem to have installed KAC so quickly after installing 1.0.x that I didn't even know the stock game had "warp to" markers. I hid them KAC after the 3rd or 4th time I accidentally clicked one, screwing up my mission. Sad, too, because I was one of the people who requested them.
  3. I too find Rune's signoff jarring. He was actually who I was thinking of when I wrote my first post in this thread. HMV. I mix it up by using the shortened version of my name.
  4. I play as stock as I can stomach for my YouTube series. Ideally, if you see me fly a ship you should be able to build it without too much fuss and fly it. It helps my viewers learn or - if they don't need to learn - at least gives us a common ground so they know what to expect from my ships. That said, there are certain things I simply can't abide like lack of information, alerts, and the supermassive fairing bases, and a hodgepodge of things I want that aren't in stock like an inline drill or rudimentary life support. For these, I mod with wild abandon. Also, I feel that you (or at least I) should be able to play the game competently with NO mods at all. You should be able to - in stock - perform an interplanetary mission even if it's not all that efficient. If you can do that, the mods are aids, not crutches. It's like long division. You should know how to do it, but never in civilized society should you actually be required to do it.
  5. I apologize, but quite literally the only thing I could glean out of that post was that it was directed at me, and even that's a guess based on the fact that I was talking to someone whose name started with "destro".
  6. I've never felt the need for different "landing struts." I have felt the need for different gears (up until now. Now I haven't. Yet). And I almost never fly planes and have sent all kinds of things to every world in the game. Maybe one more set of landing legs, to put down some massive SLS-type ship on Eve.
  7. Actually, you win at animated gif as I've not felt the need to hide yours. Usually it's just the really annoying ones, and for some reason I found that one of the 11th Doctor just... disquieting.
  8. I totally agree. Likewise, I will never attach an oil drill and refinery to my car.
  9. I don't use one, and frequently find that kind of thing annoying if it doesn't actually fit into the post. Maybe I'm just old and stodgy, but if you tack something on to every post just put it in your sig
  10. They keep people from putting these things into their posts. They also allow some individuality to shine through. I recognize people by their sigs, especially those who use animated gifs as avatars, causing me to block their avatar images Nothing wrong with self advertising. People gotta find your stuff somehow.
  11. To keep from needing to install KAS I'm planning on setting up my Minmus ISRU base with Sr docking ports to land on.
  12. What I learned from this thread: Squad was dumb to rush 1.0.2, because they broke all the fun. Squad should rush 1.0.3 to fix it.
  13. That's how close your Kerbal('s feet) has to be before you can right click the thing and store experiments.
  14. Neither of these replies answers the question. I can't answer it either because I don't know. However, why not test it? Take a satellite you don't care about or don't mind replacing, set it to debris, and see if it gets deleted? You could even back up your save first (just hit F5 to make a quicksave) so you could restore it and not even risk losing the satellite.
  15. They do more. They should be more massive and cost more (as they do). Physical size means little. Compare a titanium golf club with the cardboard box that contained it. And even considering that, the 2.5 meter decoupler is ridiculously large. I was hoping it would be cut down to about 1/4 of its vertical size in 1.0.
  16. I just stack Mk1 capsules. 2 capsules, 2 radial parachutes on one of them. If they want a pilot (Or is that the tourism mod?) then just stack 3 of them and use 3 radial chutes. 3 Mk1 capsules is about 2 tons, which is pretty small by KSP standards. If you can get a science vessel landed on Mun you can cart 3 guys up to LKO. Here's a vid of my mission with a pretty simple (and low tech) ship that got 2 people into space and even brought a satellite to complete some of those contracts.
  17. Landed debris is not removed. It's recovered. You just don't get the alert. Run a test. Put some debris around the KSC, look at your money, and then change scenes or whatever to trigger the debris being removed, then look at your money again. It'll go up. If you want debris to be persistent, make it be "not debris" by adding a probe core or capsule. You must want to control it at some point if you want it to stay around anyway.
  18. Haven't tried to fly on Duna in 1.0 yet, but other than needing more wings and preferring the lowest altitudes for landing, I didn't find flying on Duna particularly hard. In fact, it sometimes felt more like flying on Earth than Kerbin due to the ability to actually low-speed glide without coming to a stop and dropping from the sky.
  19. I frequently want a stack separator to separate a ship into two workable ships. However, I don't want to leave the separator as debris so I instead use 2 decouplers. That way, I can separate the two ships but keep the "poor man's stack separator" connected to one of the ships until it's on a collision trajectory with a planet or moon. Then I decouple the other decoupler so it'll crash. If this could be done with stack separators, I'd be all for it. And unless it's changed since 0.90 (I'm not in the game now) then stack separators are more expensive AND more massive than a single decoupler of the same size, so I don't think decouplers should have this ability instead.
  20. The last thing we need is to double, triple, or quadruple the number of tanks available. The way it is now is a pretty decent compromise that doesn't add any extra tanks.
  21. I'm cool with them being inaccurate. Even shockingly so. My problem is that they're inaccurate in different ways. It'd be one thing if they were a little dimmer in one mode than the other, or one mode showed off a hotspot (that may be a phantom) that the other didn't. But these modes have vast swaths of area that are completely different. One is perfectly transparent while the other blazes in color, and the outlines are even suggestions of each other. It'd be like showing someone a map of Kerbin's coastlines, then Eve's coastlines, and saying "Yeah this map of Laythe is wildly inaccurate, but the data comes from the same place." What you're saying here is that the maps are useless. I'm cool with that too. I assume once I ground truth everything they will become more useful. But maybe instead of showing data that is terribly useless but appears very accurate, you should just put "DATA IS USELESS AT THIS LEVEL OF ACCURACY. TRY DOING SURFACE READINGS." Or at least have some sort of confidence reading on the screen. If the game said "Confidence 10%" then I'd know to not trust it. As it is, I assumed that if there was a huge 1/8th section of a planet' surface that was colored pretty brightly, then there would probalby be more ore in that 1/8th section than average. But then I switch modes and that 1/8th section is dark, telling me that on average it has less ore than the rest of the planet. Again, I'm cool with the readings being wrong. I would just like them to all be wrong in the same way.
  22. What benefit can a small remote lab give you that the massive resources of a fully stocked R&D center back home can't, when both would get exactly the same data?
  23. I don't see exactly what you mean. Those are different save games. I name my most important save starting with "00" so it will always be first in the list. The rest I use rarely enough that it doesn't matter (and I won't remember anyway) where they are on the list.
  24. I don't see why a mod couldn't do it, though it could become a UI nightmare Also, the paradigm in the game is that you either have the experiment physically present, or you transmit it and it vanishes. Transmitting a surface sample up to a lab is not really possible, in any way that would not make it just more practical to transmit back to KSC. And in this game, even thermometer readings have some sort of benefit to having physical access to. I like this - it gives an in-game design challenge. However, it is not really realistic nor does it either work well with the "transmit to an orbiting station" idea.
  25. Note that on Kerbin, Laythe and Tylo (And even Eve but it's pretty marginal) you can do a jetpack-jump to get up onto something that you can't simply jump on. I've successfully jet-jumped onto the wing of my return plane on Laythe, when jumping and jetpacking alone didn't do the trick. May work even better in 1.0 with the clambering. Interestingly, the Oberth Effect rules this kind of thing. Jumping, then jetpacking at the apex doesn't help, but jumping and instantly jetpacking does.
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