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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. CrazyCanadian: It only works in flight. Were you in the flight scene? positivewun:
  2. Ophiucus: @ is for modifying + is for cloning. No command is needed if you're just adding something. So @MODULE[ModuleEngineConfgs] // what we're about to add should go inside this node { CONFIG { //stufff } }
  3. Rescale and repaint of the Mk3 system and pwings.
  4. You should wait. Those mods are compiled against a specific version of KAE, and changing that version on them might cause things to break.
  5. In the SPH this is true, it comes from the door. In the VAB, it comes from above. Basically, the "wind" aligns with the default direction parts are oriented in.
  6. taniwha just released a massive update to this. Please, everyone who uses it, update to 1.7.0.
  7. Also, a polite reminder of interest. I had to create my own for the COM entry, and that made me a sad panda. :]
  8. RPL kinda works in .24.2, it's waiting on some updates. Prices and contracts aren't touched yet.
  9. Starwaster is correct: physicsless parts are ignored. They are also an abomination and a bad hack to get around joint issues, but let's not go there
  10. Ralathon: thanks. Fixed in git. Also added a fix to hopefully deal with when people don't have RF. That inlet is from TVPP. I will get to the other inlets when I have time, thanks for the headsup.
  11. HoneyFox: Also, can't remember where you asked this, but I don't think I responded. I added a thrust-fuel curve to RF because I worried, based on checking your source, that yours and my Isp-based thrust correction might interfere...
  12. aristurtle: cool! I'd suggest taking the engine configs to Raptor831 on the Stockalike thread, though--or helldiver can bundle them with KSO istelf, via MM :NEEDS[RealFuels] patches
  13. TeiwazVIE: Get Firespitter and use the alignment guides to perfectly align your wheels. KSP has a giant honking known issue with unaligned wheels causing planes to skitter all over the runway and go boom. But the other serious issue is that your takeoff speed is going to be insanely high because your main wheels are so far back from your COM, and even with perfectly aligned wheels, KSP *does not like* high speed on the wheels. Of course, you also have the wing loading of an F-104, so that doesn't help either, but the main fix will be to place your main wheels *right* below your AC, slightly back from the CoM. That will let you takeoff at maybe 100-120m/s? (aka 220-250 mph).
  14. Rune: Get KIDS or RF. We both fix that. Also, as you can tell, you're not getting IPP as it was. The point of divergence is in the 1950s. But I doubt Tom Paine (assuming he's even tapped) would complain, given we're going for an EOR C-8 architecture for Mars...actually, basically a combo of Von Braun 69 and LESA.
  15. 64bit has a 64bit problem. It's quite unstable, and doesn't catch all the exceptions it should (and doesn't catch all the exceptions 32bit does). You can make almost any collection of mods crash 64bit; by contrast, I (and some, though not all) others have had no trouble with ATM. Note that if 64bit crashes, you really do need to read the output_log, and in particular the stack trace at the bottom. If it doesn't mention a mod, don't blame a mod. :)

  16. Never did, never will. The way it actually decouples is when you decouple the fairings. The interstage adapter is for "fairing-supported" payloads, like how the Apollo CSM was suspended over the LM, held aloft by the SLA panels.
  17. RF: Back when there was one part per tank type, before swamp_ig changed it so you can switch tank types from a single procedural part, there were descriptions. Sounds like I need to add to the readme (the readme already covers fuels and engine types). TWR: Both MJ2 and KER (Padishar's development build) support thrust correction now. In MJ2, with the delta v stats window open, click "all" so all columns appear. SLT is your sea level TWR. I'll let someone who uses KER answer how to get it in KER.
  18. Another teaser: November 1965: DynaSoar 3 roars into the heavens on a pillar of flame. After the UA1204 solids were crew-rated on prior SLS A-42 flights, and for the spacecraft and , DynaSoar 3 carried Col. James Wood into orbit aboard the fifth* type of spacecraft to carry a human being into space ().*that number would be retroactively changed to sixth once X-15 flights were counted. T+20, Pitch program initiated SLS A core separation, revealing the Vega upper stage / orbital maneuvering system for DynaSoar. It is a less risky variant of Centaur, featuring rigid tanks and a single RL-10. When SLS was selected over Titan derivatives as the DynaSoar launch vehicle, Vega (borrowing the name from a canceled NASA upper stage project) was selected both as the upper stage for DynaSoar and for NASA missions that did not call for a full Centaur.
  19. You mean swamp_ig. toadicus does Tweakable Everything I don't know of a way either to do what you're asking; the best approach here is to (as with so many KSP things) write it yourself. Then no one else has to...
  20. Check all of CB Sun's children. If it's in one of their SOIs, check that body's children to see if it's in that SOI. Keep drilling down. Now it's O(log(n)) not O(n)...
  21. Well, ferram4 did update our progress thread with pics of the moon landing in the alternate history...
  22. Struts are nothing but a location and an angle. However, that doesn't solve the issue of "how to edit the angle after the strut is placed, and is no longer picked up." Well, you could do it via Action Group editor? There you can select parts without having them be picked up and detached... Actually, I really like that idea generally--it would allow you to edit orientation of parts without picking them up, which is great for parts that are very hard to place precisely.
  23. As the OP states, OSX cannot handle 8192x4096 textures, only a max of 4096 in each dimension. Note that those are dimensions; a texture of those dimensions is 33.5 megapixels. Unity itself cannot handle larger than 8192x8192.
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