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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. As would be discovered by even a cursory examination of the source of any of these mods (which, btw, is required to be posted, both to avoid malware and to avoid malicious comments) you would discover: 1. It's not phishing. 2. Nothing has a hard dependency on it. Kethane will redownload it (which is annoying) but it will still work if you delete it each time, and 3. If you add the simple disabling setting, none of the copies will be active. Oh, and 4. the "errors" are not in fact errors in ModStats, but in those plugins: they're compiled for the wrong version of the .NET framework and may break in unexpected ways (like if they use a 4.0 feature in 3.5, KSP will crash). So you should tell those mods' authors they should recompile for 3.5.
  2. Peregrinus: download EVE Overhaul by going to the repo, selecting the overhaul branch (instead of master) and click down below on the x86 or x64 release as appropriate. Then click "raw" to download. If you want to use it in 7-3, you'll need to first offset it 2048 pixels right, then flip it horizontally. Then save it. Then delete your original file (main.tga I guess?). Note that KSP doesn't care about file extensions like that, so replacing a tga with a png is fine.
  3. Source is now up on git. Comments gone of course, but (after I fixed the flow issue) it compiles on .24.2. https://github.com/MedievalNerd/RPL I will edit the OP to bring it into compliance with the rules
  4. TheAlmightyOS: I have thus edited the poll to combine the KerbalStuff and Majiir Repo options. Let me know if you want me to add a "don't care" option.
  5. That's because unless you change the deformities, Gilly and Pol *are* featureless at 10x scale. That's what wrapping the scaled space mesh to PQS shows you: what the terrain actually is. Thing is, terrain deformity does not scale with radius. So a 2km cliff that looks enormous on a 50km-radius planet will look positively flat on a 5000km-radius planet. You have to actually go through all the bodies' PQSs and change the deformity values (and probably a few other things) whenever you change scale. Regarding EVE 7.3 - interesting, was that causing cloud height to not match volume cloud height? (The unexpected scale difference, I mean). That would be an unexpected bonus of my workaround.
  6. Why do you want a standin? It's not like it needs replacement or anything.
  7. Starwaster: for now you can right-click on the clamp to turn the pump on or off. Is that not working? aristurtle: look at my above link directly responding to your post. We can.
  8. Open the cfg file in the EVE folder (not BoulderCo). Change the radius. However, that will make them sparser, so you might want to increase the divisor too, but that will massively increase your scene load times (and lower performance). It's a careful balance.
  9. Nope. sidfu: I'm not aware of any. Also, what does that have to do with Real Fuels?
  10. Just AJE goes in. Well, compare it with the last released AJE? I shouldn't have broken anything. Maybe the RAPIER mod defaults to using Kero when you're not using RF? EDIT: Yep. I'll fix that. You can too, just change all mentions of Kerosene (or LiquidH2) with LiquidFuel, and LiquidOxygen with Oxidizer.
  11. https://github.com/NathanKell/AJE There you go.
  12. TACLS in prerelease form now uses 1L = 1 unit. Even if it didn't, RO makes that change. Regarding RF and presets: You *can* switch tank types. Procedural Parts RF tank implements that. Regarding AJE: I have built a compiled-for-.24 version of AJE. You can get it here: https://github.com/NathanKell/AJE Just download the repo and stick the AJE folder in GameData.
  13. density is what changes side fairing mass. specificMass (a set of coefficients) is what change base/adapter mass.
  14. You'd be surprised how hard determining what "current stage" actually means is.
  15. aristurtle: yep, this is *Real* Fuels. Actual tank dimensions are the best. I've only been using the multipliers because finding the real dimensions of tanks is...hard. Because, note: you can't just use the total volume enclosed by the tank; a "tank" in KSP is actually a structural element with multiple pressure vessels. Example, the Titan II: So you need to figure out the volume utilization of the "tank" part (0.86 or so is a good guess if the stage is sufficiently tall; if the stage is so short that you can only fit spheres in, like the N-1's stages, then you might only have a utilization of ~.65-.75). Also: Yes, I know about the Xenon thing. Consider that real life ion thrusters make, say, 20 newtons of thrust. And require a lot of power. Now scale up the power draw by 100x to accord with 2kN of thrust...
  16. False. What's going on is x64 isn't catching some exceptions, so now if your mod throws in OnGUI, the whole program CTDs. So it may be both issues, and you can't know that without seeing the log.
  17. If you want the last stable version, download from the OP. If you want a dev version (that plays nice with RSS and .24 (and x64)), download This for 64bit: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/raw/Overhaul/x64-Release.zip or this for 32bit: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/raw/Overhaul/x86-Release.zip Both those are the *current* Overhaul build. The Overhaul releases on the "Releases" subpage have not been updated in a while and should not be used in either case.
  18. Medieval Nerd told me that either an update would come out this coming weekend, or he would agree to delegate. RL is keeping him super busy right now.
  19. That is correct. pingopete was working on a full suite.
  20. The 1/10th cfg needs to be updated. For the regular config: Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used) Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  21. I thought the MM order of ops was the reverse? Can you try it with MFT but no TACLS or RF? Otherwise, looks good to me.
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