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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Raptor831, you might want to pick up the engine configs I removed from RF--like the B9 stuff, the NTRs (although you have your own NTR configs?), and TT's Vector Engine. Think that's it.
  2. And .24.1 actually makes things pretty stable, so I'm going for an official release. Note that I HAVE REMOVED ALL REMAINING ENGINE CONFIGS. You *must* use an engine pack. Changelog: v7.0 \/ *Add tanks to more FS parts *Disable TweakScale on any part with a ModuleEngineConfigs / ModuleHybridEngine* *TACLS now supports RF/MFT natively, so removed TACLS interaction cfg. *Enable ElectricCharge in fuselages *Update ElectricCharge utilization to be 500 rather than 100 (mass per EC unchanged). Now it quite closely matches Silver Zinc Oxide batteries in volume as well as mass. *Spanier: add KSPX Short 2.5m RCS config. *Revert to showing the full precision volume of tanks. *Removed configs for B9 jets and rockets; use AJE. *Removed last remaining engine configs (Starwaster's NTRs, TT Vector engine)--use an engine pack! *By default bring back up the mass of solid fuel in a part to where it was pre-RF. Later configs will override. *Temporarily disable the "dedicated" setting for tanks, it's just causing issues. *Update to 0.24.1
  3. Changelog: v5.1 *Recompiled for 0.24.1 *Nerfed overpowered 1.25m heatshield, had double the dissipation it should.
  4. A flat nerf isn't going to work right, since the B9 engines, because they were made by Taverius (who actually both (a) cares about, and ( knows about, jet performance) thus have reasonable figures.
  5. 0.24.1 has fixed a good number of issues and as such, with the latest KAE, it seems time for an official in-development release. I have therefore posted 0.9.15. Note that it is marked as pre-release for good reason, but seems to work fairly well. ABZB et al: thanks for valuable testing feedback in the meanwhile!
  6. Read the last few pages, it's been non-stop people complaining they were OP!!!!111one and Renegade having some suggestions. And then ferram4 says in the changelog: I'm going with Renegade's numbers, blame her/him if you don't like it.
  7. Furious1964: read the post just above yours. rbray forgot to update the thread title; the OP is correct. rbray, hope you don't mind me fixing that for you.
  8. Don't clone the part that way. Use MM. +PART[oldid]:FINAL { @name = newid // changed params } However, RealEngines doesn't yet cover generic solid rockets. So if this is not a solid modified by RO, you would have to add the ModuleEngineConfigs manually. Look a an example from an existing solid that RO does modify for the ModuleEngineConfigs syntax.
  9. e-dog: posted. elfindreams: unable to replicate. Sounds like you have an old version maybe.
  10. Consider this scenario: I'm building a plane with a birdcage canopy. Like the A6M. Now, I want to use a Firespitter oblong fuselage. If the birdcage canopy is not *just* the canopy, but also a fuselage segment (as almost all currently-released cockpits are) then I will be forced to use whatever fuselage shape the cockpit maker decides to use (probably a round 1.25m fuselage). But if the canopy is *just* a canopy, and is surface-attachable, then I can surface-attach it on any fuselage I like.
  11. Sadly a lot of the stuff KSPRC does won't work with RSS. However, you could manually bring over the stuff that does, like changed part textures, new skybox, etc. EVE for .24 is still a WIP and not officially released, anyway.
  12. You need to change the TR config to not make EVE's textures unreadable.
  13. Starwaster, that was in from the original design; originally, the *only* way to declare a mod to exist was to have FOR[] nodes for it. Later support for detecting based on plugin and on path were added. This is why a mod, and only that mod, shoul use FOR nodes. Also: the internal order for the loop goes: All mods wtih DLLs All mods declared by FOR All cfgs in folders (detect mod name from folder) For each mod, do BEFORE[that], FOR[that], AFTER[that].
  14. Tiny bits of the wrong log are not helpful. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used) Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  15. sirkut: this is what Cpt. Kipard means. Plan view, side view, front view.
  16. Density at sea level is the same, so that should be correct. It's that Kerbin's falls off much faster. If you want to know what the Earth altitude of a Kerbin altitude is, set FAR to absolute atmosphere density, and reference that against Earth's atmospheric density in the ICAO atmosphere. Here's a more-or-less right calculator. http://www.digitaldutch.com/atmoscalc/
  17. So in other words you have a TWR greater than 4. That's your problem right there.
  18. Oh, nice! You might want to look into this tool (made by Jamis Buck): https://github.com/NathanKell/KSP-RealSolarSystem-Bundler If you give it a manifest of mods (and their links) the player can: Select individually Select from presets and it will auto-download and configure as necessary.
  19. And I forgot to edit the OP when I released taniwha's fixes last night. Now, edited.
  20. We now have our own Hype thread. It seems to be the thing to do.
  21. Team Crotchety Old Modders is: ferram4 Majiir NathanKell r4m0n
  22. As you will have seen from the Kerbin Cup thread, the new challenges are out! Team Crotchety Old Modders, your forum champs and Standard Bearer in the final battle against Reddit, is going to Mars, NASA-style! And yes, you read that right. Mars. Not Duna. We're doing it full real: real (or proposed) NASA hardware from the 60s and 70s. A realistic alternate history as to why. And the full suite of realism mods. The challenge says to use hardware inspired by the Integrated Program Plan. So to start things off, here are some relevant links. Von Braun's 1969 Mars plan for the IPP A "Maximum Rate Traffic Model" of the IPP in cislunar space And by googling I found this: Apparently something was done in stock KSP... Note that our plan may vary somewhat...you'll have to stay tuned to find out! Entry posted.
  23. By convention, MM patches that modify other mods with restrictive licenses are acceptable. Best to ask, first, though, as you are; and if cBBp et al wish to exclude it in this case, we should bow to their decision.
  24. I have an idea: post the log! We can't magically figure out what's going on without information. It's almost certain not to be MM; all MM will be doing is changing configs, and presumably when you remove MM all your *other* mods get disabled, because they are no longer added to parts, etc. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used) Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
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