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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. 5.01 is broken, and was superceded for good reason. biotronic is good about pumping out new releases each day; ask for a new compile on the TweakScale thread.
  2. <moderator voice>Without source and license I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to remove the link. However, as you're obviously very new here (welcome to the forums! And contributing already, nice!) I'll give you a chance to do that rather than immediately yanking it.</moderator voice> This is an interesting idea, although I'm not sure of the use case--is this for launching TWR=3 rockets from Eve? As with a normal launch from Kerbin, you're unlikely to ever hit terminal velocity. What would be *really* useful for FAR-MJ interaction, however, is an autopilot that flew an *actual* gravity turn, not the based-on-altitude pitch program Ascent Guidance uses.
  3. Note that the version of KSPAPIExtensions that ships with--unless you compiled from source of KAE within the last few hours--has some serious bugs. The *latest* version has been working better, so there may be light at the end of the tunnel. A note: I will not be supporting any unofficial recompiled builds, because--unless somehow my recompiling is different from yours--it is still throwing errors.
  4. Indeed s/he was. That's what I was responding to: aircraft with very high wingloading won't slow down easily at all: think dart rather than paper airplane. The way you make a dart slow down is add more fins. Etc. Re: your response to ferram, the swept wing version has lower induced drag and a smaller wetted area. In real life those wings would break, probably, which is more or less why we don't use high AR wings supersonic IIRC.
  5. See, I don't understand that at all. I find it *so* much harder to make planes without FAR than with FAR. What engineering burden do you mean?
  6. Then you need the full RSS from the RSS thread (in my sig) although it's not quite ready for 0.24 yet.
  7. You assume correctly. Although if you can figure out how to *fix* said exceptions, that'd be awesome.
  8. It's really, really easy to not notice when your IDE helpfully "updates" it for you Thanks!
  9. And by "had no problems" do you mean "it appears to work ok" or do you mean "I actually checked the log and verified it wasn't dumping errors"? Because "it appears to work" is insufficient, and is why I haven't just posted a recompile. Also, KAE still has issues (taniwha's fixed a couple more, I need to make another release).
  10. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used) Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  11. Starwaster: planned once Chris adds max temperatures to his chutes
  12. Also FYI you're targeting not-3.5. Might want to fix that. KSP wants its assemblies targeting .NET 3.5.
  13. You have very little wing area and very little wetted area on the fuselage. You probably have a quite high wingloading, maybe 1.5-2x what the space shuttle does, and the space shuttle lands at 200 knots (~110m/s). You have the weight of an F-15 and the wing area of an F-104, basically. Add flaps and add spoilers, increase your wing area, and lengthen your fuselage even if you don't put fuel in the extra bits.
  14. Right here. I'm not putting it in the OP because I don't want to deal with everyone trying it and then complaining; if I post it in a post, only people who actually read the thread will get the link. I hope.
  15. Galane: I responded on your other thread. It doesn't work like that. swamp_ig: great news! And yes, there is indeed demand Good luck on the exams!
  16. 1. It fixes still-existing loader bugs. 2. There *is* a limit to x64, somewhere around the 5GB mark IIRC. It won't straight-up crash after that, but it gets very unstable.
  17. The "cut chutes...rather than destroy the part" means it will not do *anything* to the part unless the part exceeds its normal max temperature. In prior versions, if you deployed a chute when things were too hot, the whole part would go kaboom. Now, the chute is cut but the part stays alive. If you have RealChutes, this matters, because you'll have a spare chute and can deploy again later. Consider a part with 1200 max temp. If you deploy a chute and adjusted shockwave temperature is >600, the chute will burn up but the part will be fine. Only if the *part* temperature goes over 1200 will the *part* be destroyed.
  18. Confirmed there are serious issues with event handling, both for onAttach and on symmetry counterpart attach. The mod seems to actually *work* ok, but I'm worried what's breaking under the surface. I will put up an official beta though.
  19. Also, it fixes some loader bugs that still exist. Also also, x64 *does* have a memory cap; beyond a certain point it gets very, very crashy.
  20. I am trying to make *sure* it's not bleed-through from PP. But I can't swear to it. It's a very intermittent issue with the OnPartAttach message exceptioning, well, one of the problems is that.
  21. FAR recalculates drag whenever you remove parts from your vessel, e.g. stage away launch clamps. Ferram's saying once you do stage once, drag will be correct.
  22. Ah, but what *is* the axis of the vehicle? World +Y? The root part's +Y? Some control part's +Y? It might be nice if you could auto-rotate to align with *world XYZ* however (as displayed by Snjo's Wheel Alignment module). (Galane, this may well be what you meant)
  23. It was hypergolic NTO/AZ50 in real life. 315s specific impulse, 91.2kN thrust. Pressure-fed, and an eventual derivative of the first US sounding rocket engine (on the WAC Corporal), and a direct descendent of the Able upper stage on Vanguard (renamed Delta for NASA, hence the Thor-Delta and then just Delta LV).
  24. It's actually taniwha. I just was the one to edit the OP because I have Special Powers. :] Though, I'm happy to fix that if I have a minute and get to it before taniwha.
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