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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. You missed the "When I have time" part. It will come as soon as I can make it, but no promises when that is. Sorry.
  2. As long as amount has units specified, that's how it should be. If not, I'll give you 1500nm/sec of delta V.
  3. Ok, putting on my Moderator Hat for a second... It's time for a patented KSPForums Chill Pill ! Let's *all* remember that (1) we're here because of a shared love of realistic rocketry; (2) that maintaining this is a lot of work, but that so is learning to fly with it; and that (3) this is at best a hobby for all of us, modders and players alike. As to the actual issue at hand: adding a CoM offset to the decoupler is a good way to handle this. Another option is using the Descent Mode CoM toggle from Bobcat's Soyuz. With that you can toggle between a normal CoM and a "descent mode" offset CoM. Since the CoM on these pods were somewhat movable, IIRC, that's not a bad solution.
  4. Jetwave: use CerberusRCAF's RT2 Groundstations config. You can get it from the first or second post of the Realism Overhaul thread. p-groves: I will release a fix shortly that should hopefully solve that. maccollo: Better?
  5. https://github.com/NathanKell/EngineIgnitor https://www.dropbox.com/s/lnyk9g9bxpw51bz/EngineIgnitor.dll
  6. Also also also NERVA was a NASA project and a particular engine. NTR is a type of engine, a nuclear thermal rocket. Although maybe hopefully that's not as common a mistake as it once was?
  7. Bouncing off Bomoo's suggestion--I definitely support new engines. I just would much rather see 1 single engine part (*without* that giant tank-butt mounting piece) and a separate mount with three stack nodes. For an example of how that's done, check out hte Saturn stuff in FASA. (Vs, say, the Titan stuff in FASA).
  8. Far from "everyone" does that. Many modders do--some even hack up the proportions so endpieces fit stock stack sizes. But some don't. Also, it is much, much easier to model and make the stuff at real size and then use the cfg to scale it down; you can use real measurements in your modeling program, etc. Besides, isn't the Kerbal motto MOAR Boosters!? Why would you want to scale stuff down?
  9. BTW my next task for MSS (was RSS) is a generic PQSMod mangler that will allow you to add, remove, and edit any PQSMod. I'm happy to join forces if you're interested.
  10. Nice! And...supreme apologies to all! Especially e of pi and nixonshead. Right about when I thought I could devote serious time to this, .24 entered experimentals and I haven't had time to do much of anything since other than update broken mods.
  11. It's a bug. ModuleAlternator binds to the first engine it finds. MultiModeEngines actually have two engine modules.
  12. Would people *please* stop saying this? Just because KSP uses a bad choice for a physics engine doesn't mean adding shader FX will slow you down. See also "n-body will melt your PC" -- no, try the various mods that add it.
  13. Yes it does. As long as the wing part itself moves via an IR hinge, it's not some animation of a part and the part stays still (like D12 swing wings).
  14. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used) Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log troyfawkes: issue 1 is a bug in RF. Fixed in git, will release soon.
  15. Renegade: Thanks, that narrows it down. It's clearly in UpdateUsedBy in MFT, since the debug log message I forgot to remove fires right before MFT launches UpdateUsedBy. And thanks! Back when R&D was "to be added" that's what they said they were going to add. And I was busy implementing TLs ahead of time. Released a day before Squad did, which was funny. Although R&D turned out to be just a part-unlocker. Regarding the thrust corrector code, Chad said he'd fix it; a year later I asked, and apparently he was overruled. aristurltle (hah! love the name) - thanks! You don't need the comment lines (they're ignored by KSP; I never got around to removing them), and also--did you increase tank volume by 5x? RF wants volume in liters, and by convention RF considers stock-KSP units to be 5L.
  16. Welp, styckx, thanks for finding out I'm a grade-A idiot. Fixed version re-uploaded that includes Module Manager this time. >.> jsimmons: if you don't put an AtmosphereFromGround...wait. I'm a moron #2. I think you found a big bug. EDIT: Confirmed. Whoo boy that's a biggie. For now, just add an empty AtmosphereFromGround{} node to *every planet*. I'll release a hotfix soon.
  17. Oh cool! Definitely will check it out. Probably in more ways than one
  18. maccollo: It shoudl work fine on x32, although you probably need to use lower res and/or fewer textures. Also, the shot is too dark for me to see what you mean. Unless that's what you mean. You can tweak the brightness of the textures by editing the blend = line in the PQSMod_VertexColorMapBlend entries. tmikesecrist: no output log, no help can be given because we have no idea. styckx: I don't make those cfgs, sorry. You will need to change: Body radius Body mass or gravParameter Body orbit SMA deformities and maybe frequencies of all PQSMods max atmosphere altitude, atmosphereCurves and/or scale heights/multiplier/etc. temperatureCurves AtmosphereFromGround inner and outer radii CelestialBodyScienceParams thresholds I *think* that's it. Alpheratz: thanks! For Gilly, looks like maybe a texture issue with a single white pixel on the top row or something. For Minmus, do you mean anything other than the typos? Fixed to: "The seventh planet in our neighborhood, Uranus, named after the Greek god of the sky, is similar to the relatively nearby planet Neptune. Uranus is sometimes placed in a category separate from gas giants, known as “Ice Giantsâ€Â. Having a similar atmosphere to Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is different from the two gas giants in that it contains more water, ammonia and methane. It also has the coldest planetary atmosphere, somewhere around -224 ºC." ziom4556: The links are in the opening post. And no, we can't share GameData folders, because licenses don't permit it. jsimmons: awesome! Regarding the issue you're having: need the output_log, not the ksp.log. outputlog will actually say where the error is. Also, if you edit the PQS of a world with an ocean, you *must* also add at least an empty node for the ocean (i..e if PQS { Eve {} } exists, it must be PQS { Eve {} EveOcean {} }
  19. justhearit: quoting myself. TeeGee: yes, it's possible. For a more serious answer, I'm not sure anyone has done that, although RO does it somewhat. That's probably more a question for the RO thread. If I make DRE too close to RO standards, although the people who like "stock KSP hardmode" will scream... :] guitarxe: Pics of your pod, then pics during reentry, with the navball showing. WololoW: you will need to add a temperatureCurve to Kerbol. RSS can do that for you, if you write one for it. DRE doesn't change bodies' temperatureCurves. Motokid600: this really sounds like vsync might not be getting enabled properly for you. The reentry FX *do* flicker some, both in stock KSP and with DRE (to me, the same amount). They're flames; they're supposed to flicker.
  20. Renegade: thanks! Now we have to figure out if it's RF or KAE doing it (clearly both are involved...) dlrk: what RedAV8R said: this is seriously weird, so you need to test in a clean environment.
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