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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. An even more vivid example of the exploit is to replace all your nosecones with Communotron antennae.
  2. 500kJ (aka 500kWs) Yes, I thought you'd ported over the old volume settings actually--that pod looks like it's starting without LS resources either? EDIT: once again, missed the new page. So RedAV8R, you ninja'd my above. Although the question remains. R0cketC0der: It's actually 138Wh per liter (500,000J) in RF. This was based on an estimate of battery specific power from NASA docs for Gemini and Apollo and 70s-era kit. Same with the mass per kJ.
  3. I'm not asking about parts. I'm asking about mods. If you're not Real Fuels, then no, I don't know.
  4. Greenfire32: Trololol. No, that is entirely missing the point, and as a number of posts on this thread have quite conclusively argued, an utter copout. (Also, apologies for singling you out, but you're the most recent to do this.) Murder will never be entirely eliminated. Should we just embrace that and have neither a police nor a culture opposed to murder? Because hey, humans gonna murder, better expect it? Simply saying that human beings can (and often are) bad to each other is so far from an argument against changing culture--it's an argument for changing culture. Unless you think the culture of an environment has no effect on anyone's behavior. It is incredibly telling that this thread is now arguing over whether being rude to modders is a good thing. Because criticism must be both personal and destructive, and because that experience is, what, "character building" for modders? I consider myself extremely lucky that the folks who use my mods and report on issues they encounter are generally a very polite and constructive bunch. There are a lot of people who run into difficulty, true (you wouldn't think a one-step install instruction would be that confusing, but eh) but they don't generally take it out on me. That is not the case for many modders here; ask yourself why the B9 thread is locked, or the KW thread before it, or why the KAS thread is such a mess right now. Let alone the recent controversy over mod statistics collection. Simply saying "people on the internet will be rude" is a descriptive, not prescriptive statement. If anything, as above, it is a prescription for ameliorating that, not embracing its inevitability. Finally, I do want to second (third? fourth?) the comments regarding reporting posts. That button is there, it is not so frequently used that we won't notice if it's used, and it is exactly what is called for when someone makes personal attacks. This forum has a quite strict policy against personal attacks, and it is enforced.
  5. Well, *that's* weird. I *thought* I pulled the latest from your repo, and just added swamp_ig's pull request and corrected the missing p.GetFlowMode() (since that's required in .24.2).
  6. maccollo: you can play with the two VertexSimplexColorNoise mods on Kerbin to edit the amount of color noise.
  7. Leave wrap=true in the top of the RSS.cfg. People should *always* leave wrap on now, it only uses like 15-20 seconds extra each load.
  8. You posted there, I answered there. Working as designed. Check the RO FAQ
  9. If you use Photoshop, make sure to get SuperPNG, and when you load the PNG, hold down ALT when you click open. Then choose "alpha" not "layer transparency", and "Set Default." That will make your life easier. PS does *not* handle PNG well out of the box.
  10. As spaceplanes aren't yet supported by RO, we don't really have working RO-class shielding for them yet. For now, just turn up the reflectivity to .99 or so.
  11. Uh, the way I've seen it done, and the way I do it, is to create a new empty gameobject, make it a child of the PQS, and add the PQSMod as a component to the empty gameobject. scaledVersion presumably points to the scaled space transform? That's a mesh, usually of ~1000 unit radius, but some moons are 100 unit radius. The mesh is (or darn well should be) warped so that it wraps to the PQS terrain. It is then scaled in its transform so that its vertices are v.magnitude = PQS.height * ScaledSpace.inverseScaleFactor (1/6000). Most code for dealing with that starts here in RSS.
  12. Ok folks, it's time to chill again. First of all, let's remember that "time from first post" to "time of working screenshots" is...not indicative of how much time is actually spent on the project. It's also a big difference between "Hey, I can show off something that works a bit" and "I fixed all the bugs." I dare say those two WIP releases are just that--WIP. Majiir has said his piece. I suggest people follow his advice, and if you have a serious offer of help to make, use that PM button.
  13. Good. That's what the install instructions said, and that's how it should turn out: there will be a RealismOverhaul folder in KSP/GameData.
  14. Since the above post is related to Procedural Parts, not Deadly Reentry, I have moved it here. That sounds like a bug; please post an issue on the github repo, as the OP instructs. I (or swamp_ig when he gets back) will address it when we can.
  15. tmikesecrist: No, you install exactly as the Install Instructions say. Always. Well over half of the support requests modders receive are due to users not following the one or two step install instructions we provide. Please, please follow the directions. ninjaweasel: We get that question a lot. I have added an entry to the FAQ in the opening post.
  16. TeeGee: nope, not at all. Just copy your EI install to .24, then drop that dll on top of your old dll. This is *not* a full release. It's a patch. The github link is for source, since I need to post source every time I post a dll.
  17. Sorry! I'll get a recompile out soon. It does basically work in .24 though; if not, post logs here.
  18. Sparker: moved your post to the appropriate thread. justhearit: What you say about "easy to blame it on other modders" is quite true. That's why I'm asking you to verify the problem is actually in Deadly Reentry, so you aren't doing that very thing.
  19. tmikesecrist: Per the changelog, max atmosphere heights were reduced. I do mention these things.
  20. Yeah, tankbutts are the bane of my existence. And many of our existences. Y U DO THAT, people who make parts?
  21. JetWave: there's a link in the Deadly Reentry OP that points right at the one file you need. Although I highly recommend getting the full RO suite.
  22. rbray adds a PQS to Jool in EVE Overhaul. You can check the code in the Overhaul branch. BryceSchroeder: got the mail! Thanks! I'll send you a PM with my email.
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