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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Try replacing the contents with this: ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = BoulderCo enabled = true OVERRIDES { BoulderCo/Atmosphere/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } BoulderCo/Clouds/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } BoulderCo/CityLights/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = true } } }
  2. Ramjets have flown to Mach 5 before. They're also not super heavy. The Vulcan is basically a developed J58 optimized for near-hypersonic speed rather than the Mach 3 range. Instead of a regular turbojet with bleed air, where even at max bleed it still has a decent compressor pressure ratio, a true turboramjet will entirely bypass the compressor at high mach. A turboramjet is, basically, everything from a turbojet that uses a ramjet combustor rather than a traditional afterburner (the Miles M.52 engine) through the J58 (a turbojet with bleed-air bypass such that at high mach intake air is routed around the compressor) to what the VULCAN is: essentially a non-afterburning turbojet *inside* a ramjet. Another way of conceptualizing the VULCAN is as a J58 where the ratio of bled air to compressed air approaches 100% at high mach. This is, in fact, an engine broadly achievable with 1960s technology; the problem is basically to ensure that the aircraft (and the ramjet insides and the diverter placed in front of the compressor intake) will survive the heat at that temperature. One need not worry about the delicate fan blades at that temperature because the air is fully diverted away from the compressor at high mach. Note that since only the nozzle is graphically modeled, the engine itself (which probably ought to be a good 2m in diameter) is not. So make sure you have a wide enough fuselage.
  3. rdswo: the problem you are getting is because ATM (or Texture Replacer, that might also be doing it) is leaving the cloud texture unreadable. For this reason, EVE doesn't know what should and should not be clouds. Check the BoulderCo/ActiveTextureManagerConfigs/BoulderCo.cfg file. Post it here. Also, are you using Texture Replacer?
  4. Agathorn: Guilty! jrandom: that's from RftS. It's so you can make biplanes with wings that are lighter than a spaceplane's. Roleplay it as easily breakable. Phredward: Sounds like you're missing a resource it's using.
  5. fig0451, are you sure you have the right thread? This is the EVE thread, not the RSS thread. rdwso: sounds like you need to update ATM.
  6. The one that works in the command prompt is dead simple and has never given me a problem. Add it to your path, open a command prompt in the folder with the mbm, and type mbm2png <filename> and hit enter. Bingo. Done. Cpt. Kipard: Pretty sure it was in one of the stickies about the new GameDatabase system. I.e. that all models and all textures are loaded independently, and only linked via URL once ingame.
  7. Yeah, I was holding off to release with .24, but I'll post a hotfix. Sorry.
  8. Uh, no, it really doesn't. It hasn't since 0.20. The way KSP loads models, all it cares about is the name before the extension for a texture. That is converted to a ResourceURL, exactly the same kind you use in MODEL nodes (path/to/file/without/extension) when overriding a texture path. If you convert an MBM to png and delete the MBM, KSP will happily use the PNG instead.
  9. Um, as RedAV8R said, RT2 does work fine with RSS.
  10. Nice looking ships! But yes, this belongs in Spacecraft Exchange. So, off we go!
  11. Cpt. Kipard: Not sure where you're getting that from. Sounds like mastermapmaker is just having trouble using the MBM to PNG converter. mastermapmaker: what happens when you try to run it? Do the instructions make sense to you? (Unity shouldn't be needed *at all* in this process...)
  12. They are, in fact, only obtainable separately. Check post 2 of this thread.
  13. You posted the launcher log (from Launcher_Data). Follow the above directions and post KSP's output log from KSP_Data.
  14. Ok, either your install is missing textures, or the Mac is having a weird issue. What I'm seeing in the log: /Users/iamdigitalman/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/RealSolarSystem/Plugins/PluginData/EarthHeight.png (and others like it). 1. Verify you do actually have that file (and all the other texture files). 2. If you do, then try moving the Kerbal Space Program folder out onto your desktop or something? Maybe Steam didn't give it the right permissions? EDIT: ninja'd by Agathorn (does it count as a ninja if you don't notice there's another page? ). Agathorn has your problem nailed. With RSS, as the giant red text in the OP says, you have to exactly follow the installation instructions. That means extracting the archive directly to your KSP GameData folder, not "into its own archive-named folder in that folder"
  15. Also, if you set Multiple Antenna Multiplier >0 you can use more than one omni together and you'll get a boosted range.
  16. The license you have listed on Curse is All Rights Reserved. Is that indeed the license you want this to have? If so, you need to place it in the first post and in the download; forum rules require this; otherwise we will have to remove the download link until you comply (I have not yet done so because I understand that as English is not your first language you may be somewhat unclear as to the rules). If you need help selecting a license, refer to this guide. Congratulations on a neat mod!
  17. Post logs! Just saying "my game is brokened!!1one" doesn't give anyone enough info to help. Do the thing that makes your game bug out, then: Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  18. EPL and Kethane store their persistent settings that way, for example.
  19. Can you post your log? Run KSP, launch, etc., then quit. Then: Upload your output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something. Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  20. Sadly swamp_ig had an attack of the RLs and is quite busy right now (per latest post in the Proc Parts thread). Given his prior comments, however, and stated license terms, I'm sure he wouldn't mind your using it in Smart Parts.
  21. This isn't a game about absurdly-made rockets per se; rockets are absurd because aero is broken and parts are (mostly were) wobbly. You're mixing cause and effect. Many, many people when they first start playing KSP make their rockets looking like real rockets. Pretty natural. It's only once they find that due to weird issues in the game physics that other rockets work better, do they change to that.
  22. RSS obliterates all powerCurves and replaces them with hyperaccurate inverse-square curves (thanks eggrobin!) normalized to 1.0x power at 1 AU.
  23. Hi! Welcome to the forums! (Please don't die! Keep kerbaling!) Indeed the posting of craft really fits better in the Spacecraft Exchange forum, so off we go! Also--folks, "no pix no clix" is *satire*, used on people who have that attitude. Or so I've always seen it. While pictures would be great, let's not harsh on a new person (who is not as experienced in English anyway) sharing their love of the game in the form of crafts.
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