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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Aazard: I've looked a bit at your configs, and I'm sorry to say it is kinda hard to follow what's getting changed. Doing them up as a ModuleManager patch would be (a) safer, ( clearer, and © more useful. They're not hard to make though. Here's how. First, the original docs to ModuleManager are very useful. Here's the original thread.. But as a quick explanation, config values are the things like foo = bar, and confignodes are the things that are like foo { //values here } You modify things with @: @ will change the original node or value. You add things with no-operator (add a value to a node by doing @node { newvalue = foo newNode { newvalue2 = bar } } etc. When there is more than one confignode of a given name (multiple PARTs in the game, obviously, or multiple MODULEs in a PART) you can tell MM which to modify by keying based off its name value (as opposed to the node name). For example, your average RCS module MODULE // the confignode's name { name = ModuleRCS // the name value inside the node foo = 5 } To change foo, do @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @foo = 10 } CAVEATS: @ only works if what it's modifying is already there. no-operator will add things whether or not they're there. (i.e. @foo = bar will fail if foo doesn't already exist in the cfg; foo = bar will add another copy of foo if foo is already in the cfg). In these cases, use % which will change or add, depending on if the value exists or not.
  2. 1. Ah, right, sorry. 2. Shouldn't matter. The loading is by Unity's own PNG reader, which I would assume supports whatever PNG you want to throw at it.
  3. SpacedInvader: MonoBehaviors are actually Unity things; scripts you can add to gameobjects (as components) or call independently. (Well, I am not a Unity expert. I think that's correct. https://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/MonoBehaviour.html ) I haven't messed with AltitudeAlpha, but Starwaster may be right that that's what to change. Subcidal: if you use the pack for PlanetFactory, then yes. And with Texture Replacer it will fix that too IIRC. braininator: for the background, you need Texture Replacer to replace the skybox. For the sun, don't think anyone's doing that yet. Starwaster: a warning about ocatve. That's how many levels of noise the PQSMod calculates. You *can* slow things down by increasing it. lacunarity is *very* subtle, yes. And yeah, practicing editing those mods on a flat planet would be useful, or rather on a heightmap with simple height changes--since many of them are *filters* in the way Gaussian Blur, or Unsharp Mask, or whatever are: they increase sharpness of slopes, that sort of thing. So a completely flat terrain might be counter-productive for testing them, i.e. make them do nothing. I think Minmus has a special "flatten if below 0 height" PQSMod (check the dumps) but Duna doesn't.... SpacedInvader: sounds like Duna has some PQSMods that RSS doesn't edit yet, and they're messing with the heightmap. +1 again for generic loader. MeCripp: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h7cuxthv9v5c66a/main.tga Replace your existing citylights main.tga with this.
  4. That's not how rescaling parts for KSP works. Usually real parts are *lighter* than KSP versions (see engines, tanks, airplane parts, trusses...). Or at least the same mass (see pods).
  5. You've made one set of parts look less cartoony. What about making another set (C7 plane parts, say?) look less cartoony?
  6. mahboi818: ah,, gotcha. :] Pockrtplanesairways: In the list of things, ranked by how unknown they are, I think "Pockrtplanesairways wants that Soyuz" may rank below even "water is wet"
  7. When you add the ModuleFuelTank module to the fuel tank, give it type=ServiceModule
  8. Ok, so the problem goes deeper than I thought. Dang. Those Conics really need to get added to the free node. Lemme poke MedievalNerd and/or try to think of a fix. EDIT: Have you considered, y'know, *using* them Oscar-Bs? Back in my day all we had in 0.625m was Oscar-Bs, and we liked it! Make a sounding rocket with about 10-12 Oscar-Bs (or less?) and a small engine, get some science, unlock node.
  9. This is in part because pWings modifies its size and mass after OnLoad, so that KJR still thinks it's tiny. That really needs to be fixed...
  10. Sorry, the Voskhod one was what? R-7-based? Yes. (Derived from Vostok/Luna 8K72 with more powerful upper stage and updated engines. Usually classed as 11A57.) An unmodified R-7? No.
  11. Aazard: You have it quite right! Here's an easy-fix zip (also fixes issues with Procedural Fairings interstage). Extract it into GameData AFTER you install Stretchy and Proc Fairnigs. https://www.dropbox.com/s/40887vdxafxe92q/RPLFixes_ST_PF.zip Licenses prevent it, yes. The best bet is to use the RSS Mod Bundler, which basically creates that "big zip" for you.
  12. Even if I didn't like them (I do), that's *not* how you express constructive criticism folks. It's also just plain rude.
  13. T10M101: Schweet! ObsessedWithKSP: uh, yeah. Saturn V is 10m diameter after all...I think the largest rescale of a KW engine in RftS is 8m.
  14. Err, the "Sputnik launch vehicle" was *actually* the R-7, just without a warhead. The later ones were R-7-deriveds with upper stages.
  15. Service Module is the pressurized tank for both regular and cryogenic fuels. ...wait, what pressure-fed hydrolox engines are there!? I'm not aware of any. And there certainly aren't any in RealEngines: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aotgw0qR1h0UdDhRazYxaDNPT0psVnhNNHFIVnZLM3c&usp=drive_web#gid=6 Everything's either staged, gas generator, or expander. Heck, there aren't even any pressure-fed *kerolox* engines in RealEngines. Just hypergolics.
  16. No, there are *two* of those type of heatshield. 1 is 2.5; look lower in the partlist (where all the other RO parts are) for RO heatshields. Use the one that says "for Mk1-2 pod (4M)." You need to attach it properly so that the shield's *top* node is connected to the pod, and the shield's *bottom* node is free.
  17. Ferram: Got it working today. Hacked around to shield the rear gear (B9 shorts); the front gear is, I think, unshielded (y u disable *all* flight info? Can't even tell what's shielded and not, in flight... :] ) And the non-delta
  18. Hey, if people have other tanks they want this applied to--post your MM configs and I'll add it to the official release. That way only 1 person has to write the cfg
  19. Is the heatshield attached by the correct node? Sometimes that's a problem. ....oh. You need to use the "Heatshield for Mk1-2 pod (4m)" instead of a 3.75m heatshield (the pod is 4m!)
  20. Yes, e-dog now always limits procedural parts' diameters based on tech. So you needn't worry about unbalancing things.
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