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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. jrandom: great! I'm totally stealing that for next RO. Mass for LM ascent stage was ~5 tons including fuel and engine. Altair/LSAM had an ascent stage of similar mass IIRC, but a much larger descent stage. Regarding electricity: that's less than 1kWhr. I suggest something on the order of 17kWhr inside the pod; the descent stage can make up the other ~60 for the lunar stay. (17 kWhr = 61,200 EC). For torque, look at what I did to the pods in Pods_Squad.cfg - basically, no torque. Scripto23: NICE!
  2. Correct. I need to set tanks to update node position OnLoad(). I will get to it as soon as I can.
  3. Some people seem to be under the misapprehension that this is the "you will be forced to use it" forum rather than the Addon forum. If you're not interested in a mod like this, fine, we get it, more power to ya. You don't have to keep telling us.
  4. In the end, each vertex gets UV coords, and these are interpolated by the pixel shader. Doesn't matter how complex your mapping was.
  5. He finished them. The delay is all me; I have to fix a couple other things in Strethchy before release.
  6. The issue is that while DRE detects an open chute of ModuleParachute (and counts it as unshielded, since the chute is far wider than the heatshield), it doesn't detect this. I'll fix. stupid_chris: excellent! Grabbing.
  7. RaccoonTOF: thanks for posting the math so I didn't have to! Regarding units--the KSP solar panel module (and most things that use or give EC, like generators or probes) defaults to EC/min instead of EC/s when < 1.0 That's not something we can change, AFAIK, though it is REALLY annoying, as you say.
  8. Ferram is a bit generous in the FAR code as to what's covered by fairings (due to people complaing that fairings weren't covering things, IIRC ) so that's part of it. The other part is that any part whose origin is inside fairings will count as faired. It just so happens that the heatshields have COMs near the top...
  9. Wow! That looks great! I have lots of things I'd love modeled--in particular, probe parts and realistic engines--but I'm full up right now with all the other stuff I'm coding and can't code this one for you. However if making human-scale / human-looking parts interests you...we should chat
  10. LC NOoSE IV: either you have a bad install, or, like you always have to do when you add new parts to an existing career save, you have to go back to the node where the part is set, and unlock it yourself (In R&D). For the 2.5m shield, that's specializedControl. ExEvolution: Can you use words (of a non-expletive sort) to explain exactly what happened? Your video is mostly in map view, then there's a boom, then there's fewer parts...?
  11. But that's not editing PFactory. That's editing RSS. And Visual Enhancements. Both of which things are totally legit.
  12. Does your pod/vessel have oxygen? ECLSS applies to all kerbals everywhere, so if no oxygen, dead kerbals.
  13. Alas no. Sarbian found that you can't do that for root nodes (like PART) only subnodes. Has to be a Squad-side change to allow that. So the main use case for $ is not working. :\ You'd use it just like @, though, IIRC: i.e. $PART[foo] { @name = newfoo //@other_changes_from_foo }
  14. 3 is correct for 3m in RO (for non-RO, use 2). Bottom of Rescaled Gem pod is 2, so top of Big G should be 2. If this is for non-rescaled, use 1 at top, 2 at bottom of Big G (but check your PMs first).
  15. FlowerChild: Thanks! Yeah, especially these days when I'm a half-week behind on the MFS and ST updates I said I'd get out this weekend, the last thing I want to read is "add this!" I'm happy to consider requests, although I do have to warn everybody that DRE is pretty low priority for me.* I just don't have time to rewrite it right now, so while I can add easy additions, and while I must fix big and harmful bugs...not much else at the moment. *Fixing MFS/ST is now #1. Then I want to work on RSS again, and by then we'll be dealing with .23 Regarding ICBMs: You need a warhead that has a really high g tolerance, and also a really good heatshield. LC NOoSE IV: dude I need more than that to go on lawl.
  16. jrandom: you didn't miss an update. I missed an extra eleventy-hundred hours to do it. Although Dragon01's doing some of it too. Coming Soon . And in module manager form rather than via duplicate parts. frizzank: and that's why I'm always bugging part-makers to use appropriate-size attach nodes for everything. It doesn't matter to joint strength, but it matters to FAR.
  17. Do things have the appropriate size attach nodes? Make sure that bottom node is size 2.
  18. Woot! Loving this. Can't wait. A note on the pics above. Note that the first (the cutaway) shows the Dynasoar in its later transport incarnation, not the original recon/bomber/fighter with the cargo bay (The four astronauts are actually in a built-in pod in the cargo bay IIRC). Here's the X-20A (Astronautix has some other good cutaways, including different equipment bays): There's a version from Orbiter if you want some texture references (though the textures there seem VERY simple): http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=1030
  19. jrandom: KSP has basically two options for textures in memory: DXT1/5, or RGB/A. That's it. All image files in GameData, no matter what they are (jpg? png? mbm? tga? bmp? whatever) are loaded and converted to bitmap, then either stored (if mbm with no-compress flag, or tga) or compressed (to DXT1 if no alpha channel or DXT5 if alpha channel, if png or normal mbm). What that mod does is also compress the files that weren't automatically compressed (again, to DXT1 or 5, using the same built in Compress() call that KSP calls for pngs etc). Again, pngs are already compressed by KSP natively; their issue is that there's a bug where mipmaps aren't autogenerated for them like they are for mbms and tgas. The best format for KSP textures remains MBM...
  20. rbray: it's very cool, but...as you know it really only makes a difference for TGAs and non-compress-flagged mbms. PNGs and most MBMs are already compressed. Besides, there's not point in cluttering up the parts list with tanks if Stretchies will do everything. Thesonicgalaxy: what other one? The alpha that AncientGammoner posted had issues, and it was buried in the Dev forum; that's the only other one of which I'm aware. Unless you're thinking of texture _reduction_ packs, which are totally not the same thing at all.
  21. That sounds...kinda weird. Are you using RSS or not? If not, you need to open the DRE 2.5m heatshield part.cfg Copy and paste the MODULE and the RESOURCE sections from it, into the PPTS heatshield cfg. That's it.
  22. Lovad--great to see you back! As long as the rockets are in proportion, rescaling in KSP is no trouble. It's only if, for example, the rocket is 64% the diameter it is in real life but 50% the height, then there's a problem. Also: would you mind if someone made real-life [real 100% scale, real stats) cfg patches for these rockets? They're _perfect_ for it.
  23. So, since the use case of these are probably going to be 50% with Real Solar System (making and using the actual launchers with real Earth), I'm going to second Dragon01 and ask for exact scale copies--in whatever scale you choose, as long as it's easily rescalable to 100% real size. That list was good; I'd add some older stuff though, like the original Castor (aka Sergeant, or rather the SRM inside the Sergeant)--needed for TONS of early stuff like Scout, Juno, Little Joe; Algol, for Scout and Little Joe II; Antares and Altair, the Scout's upper stages (and used for the Vanguard upper stage, and early Thor-Deltas)...
  24. Again, I'd beg of you to just set reasonable breakingforces yourself, instead of using multipliers. Re: pWings: PM DYJ and ask if ze could change (or would mind if someone else changed) pWings to scale OnLoad?
  25. Yes, I do plan to realscale/realstat the rest. Just been busy. Budgie: Gemini is just about right (it's a little short, basically) and same for Titan II. That is, if you rescale from 2.5m to 3m. Titan II will also work as Titan IIIC with the UA1205 solids. We need stretched Titan III-1 and Titan III-2 stages, and UA1207s (7-seg Titan SRMs) for Titan IIIM and Titan IV. But since Big G was planned for IIIC it's fine; MOL needed the IIIM.
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