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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It's also worth noting, regarding the x64 hacks, that most modders refuse support to anyone using them (because they are very buggy in various hard-to-detect ways) and sometimes also lock the mod in the presence of the hack.
  2. that field is to be used to tell MJ how much of an offset in LAN your launch trajectory creates. If by the time you circularize your LAN is 10 degrees past what it was at launch, put 10 there. MJ will populate the field for you if you launch and then rvert.
  3. Sprite 7 performs final course correction This will bring Sprite 7 into a Jupiter encounter well inside the orbit of Io while also providing a Uranus encounter in 19 years and a Jupiter encounter even later.
  4. If you right-click on the file and choose properties, what extension is shown in the 'Type of file' line? It sounds likely that it's still getting kept as a .txt file. Instead, try opening the RealSettings file and go to the end, hit enter a bunch of times, and then paste that code in, and save the file. That way you'll be sure it's in a cfg. If that still doesn't work, please zip and then upload your ModuleManager.ConfigCache file (it's in GameData) as well as your KSP_Data\output_log.txt file.
  5. @blowfish which is the CoM unless CoMOffset is used, so you're correct either way. And the reason for my confusion: I did fix it, but apparently for 1.1 not 1.0.5. It blurs... :]
  6. @inigma I do not. I've more or less only responded when pinged today so I'm not really up to speed. In a few hours @pjf might be able to check up on things, but he has RL commitments at the moment.
  7. @inigma as I mentioned on the #ckan IRC channel, while I support CKAN, I support it with moral support (and occasionally by creating or merging metadata). I am not a CKAN dev. Good luck to all.
  8. Then you've created a spaceplane...
  9. Because in reality they'd melt to a puddle, pretty much. Or have to be as shielded as the Shuttle's, and even those were barely LEO-rated, not lunar or IP-rated.
  10. @MatterBeam dunno then... As to crewed Mars/Venus flights...I'd like to, but we'll see how far I get / how much time I have. I need to land on the Moon first though! And probably upgrade to the Mk1-2 pod, the VA doesn't have enough ablator for interplanetary I think (well, it does if you pull like 10G on the first reentry, but that's harsh).
  11. No logs are showing up in your post. I've tried rereading it.
  12. @AceButtcheeks you're welcome! Please tell me what you named the cfg and where you placed it, and pastebin its contents. And please make sure it really does end in cfg, not .cfg.txt or something.
  13. @MatterBeam thanks! This playthrough I decided on gemstones/minerals for boosters, trees for uppers, immaterial things (Sprite, Sylph, Snipe, Faerie) for probes, and dogs for crewed spacecraft. My guess is because it's less dangerous in high Earth orbit: you have, like, a day to catch someone who gets loose, vs in lunar orbit where things decay fast without stationkeeping and you are limited in how far you can travel (and get comparatively larger differences in period for velocity changes). But that's speculation.
  14. The moment we've all been waiting for: human beings leave the cradle of Earth! Dalmatian 5 sees a veteran crew fly past the Moon and return safely to the Earth.
  15. @Wallygator Welcome to the world of RF! I'll do a pass over the OP to clear up any install issues. RF comes with two prerequisite mods, SovlerEngines and CRP. Both need to be present for RF to work. In addition, as the OP does specify, you need an engine config pack. Without that no engines will actually be configured for use. The second post in this thread details your two options. It's possible that the engine pack you're using doesn't configure fuel cells yet; if so, post on the pack's thread. Or if you don't have any engine pack, that's your problem. Once you have placed an engine, you can right-click on any tanks that feed the engine and choose to autoconifgure that tank for the engine. Or you can open the tank GUI and do it there (right-click, Show GUI; or action group editor mode->click on tank). To change what propellant mixture an RCS block uses, open its GUI (same was as for a tank) and select the mixture. RCS are treated just like engines. If you still have problems, post your log please and we can try to figure out. I can certainly guarantee that it works for a proper RO install. @AceButtcheeks Open RealFuels/RealSettings.cfg and scroll down to the end, the Ullage section. You can set ullage to false, and also IIRC disable limiting ignitions. If not, this simple patch will handle it. Place it in a new .cfg file somewhere in GameData. @PART[*]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleEnginesRF],* { %minThrust = 0 %ignitions = -1 %ullage = False } @MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs],* { @CONFIG,* { %minThrust = 0 %ignitions = -1 %ullage = False } } }
  16. @Umlüx @Majiir did host KerbalStuff for the early part of its existence, until SirCmpwn moved it to his own servers.
  17. Some tutorials: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/wiki/First-RO-Rocket https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/wiki/Ferram's-Launch-Vehicle-Tutorial https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Tutorial:-Reaching-Orbit
  18. Blargh, I *know* I fixed exactly that. Must not have gotten to the release version or something. Ah well... EDIT: Yep, it's not in git. Apologies.
  19. As @Phineas Freak says. @pingopete however you really shouldn't be setting the fade start and ends to the same number. At least do like a 10m difference or something. And deactivate altitude should be a good bit higher than fade end. This is so, coming down, the PQS exists by the time it's faded in. That's important. :]
  20. We now have two launch pads, one capable of thousand-ton-plus class LVs and one capable of 800 tons. While Dalmatian 4, the uncrewed lunar flyby, is integrated and checked out at LC-5A, we take advantage of another Mars window to launch Faerie 1, a Phobos/Deimos flyby probe and Deimos lander. Faerie 1, a Mars orbiter / Phobos and Deimos flyby / Deimos lander The Martian followup to Sprite 6 (Sprite 7 is going to Jupiter), Faerie 1 will capture into medium Mars orbit, then change apoapsis for a Deimos encounter. It will then brake to capture at Deimos and separate. The lander will then orbit Deimos and land at various spots, while the bus will then burn for a Phobos flyby encounter. Faerie 1 Lander on the surface of Deimos
  21. Rated burn should be a bit beyond the longest real life burn time of the given engine, I'd say. For reliability curves, just try to copy the shape of a similar-era existing config? Like the Sputnik-level RD-107/108 should have similar curves to the LR89-NA-3 whereas the Soyuz era ones should be similar to LR89-NA-6 or H-1.
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