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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. If you're trying to combine a circularization burn with an inclination change you should: 1. Create the apogee change maneuver in MJ maneuver planner at the AN or DN. 2. Execute the manuever. Create a circularization maneuver at the new apogee (which will be the DN or AN). 3. Open the maneuver node editor in MJ and note the three component m/s changes (prograde, normal, radial) 4. Create the inclination change maneuver in MJ maneuver planner. 5. Open the maneuver node editor in MJ and switch to the inclination maneuver and note *its* changes. 6. Sum the prograde terms from the two maneuvers and note the result. Do the same for normal and radial. 7. Delete the inclination change maneuver. 8. Apply the sums to the circularization maneuver. 9. Execute.
  2. That's stock KSP. It determines whether resources can flow into/out of the tank. If it's set to play, resoruces can be pulled from / pushed to that tank, otherwise they will not.
  3. @MissMolly whenever you throttle an engine back to 0%, it shuts off. Engines in real life (and thus RO) have limited ignitions, so once you shut an engine off you probabyl can't turn it back on again. That's why you were getting the "no ignitions remaining" messages. Note that if you have an autopilot mod (like MechJeb) make sure you've left turned off any throttling options (like Maintain Acceleration, or Limit Dynamic Pressure) since they don't realize that throttling an engine to 0 is bad in RO. In order for an engine to start and/or keep running, you need to make sure that only propellant (and not pressurant vapor) is in the feedlines. To do this, the engine and the tanks need to be under, or recently under, positive acceleration. You can do this as mentioned above: via ullage rockets that fire before and during ignition (solid or RCS), by firing the next stage while the lower stage is still firing ("hot staging"), or by having sufficient cryogenic boiloff vented out the rear that positive acceleration is maintained. This tutorial covers that sort of thing, I believe: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Tutorial:-Reaching-Orbit
  4. @Phineas Freak Yep, RCS really should fail to work if its propellant isn't highly pressurized. My aim was to make SovlerEngines and ModuleEnginesRF generic enough that they would work for both engines *and* RCS, thereby not having to duplicate code. In other news, forgot to update the OP. 10.7.3. SSTU updates. Fix Pyrios atmo curve. Radiator fixes Add Castor 4. Fix MMRTG. Fix Able and Delta drag cubes. Fix Voyager antenna range. Fix gimbal for AJ10-137 (SPS) using VSR model.
  5. Welp, totally forgot to bump the OP's version. We're on .42 now. Place and price CryoEngines mod. Make crewed Mars/Venus flyby contracts declinable. Fix placement of the Blok V engines (should not be in Supersonic Flight). Make sure EVA vessels don't have locked controls.
  6. There's a known issue with the BD adjustable gear. We're looking into it, but it's an RO issue (to do with the part cfg) not placement or pricing. For now replace your RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/BahamutoD/Adjustable Landing Gear.cfg file with this one: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/raw/master/GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/BahamutoD/Adjustable%20Landing%20Gear.cfg and see if it helps.
  7. Posts like that keep me going. So glad you're getting so much out of RO, it's the best I could ask for.
  8. All the changes made here can be done by Kopernicus too of course, BodyLoader can be a considered a much-lighter-weight, fewer-featured kind of plugin (indeed, it's a partial rewrite of RSS-the-plugin for 1.0, rather than something big like Kopernicus). It runs on Main Menu, after the system is created; Kopernicus interrupts (and rewires) system creation itself.
  9. Did you install all the required mods? ...actually I highly recommend following the OP's advice: Make a fresh KSP install, grab CKAN, and let it install RO for you. EDIT: @stoani96 as its lack of presence on the OP implies, no, we don't support it yet, sorry.
  10. Redownload KSP. You missed the Silent Patch.
  11. And if you do, ping the regulars. We don't often follow it live, but do (sometimes) come when called.
  12. Ah, apologies, I skimmed a bit. I thought the question was about the mechanics of atmospheres, rather than the mechanics of floatcurves. Yes, the third and fourth values will be the first derivative at the point. See http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/464782/t-is-the-math-behind-animationcurveevaluate.html EDIT: I highly recommend downloading Unity 4 and using the plugin package here; then you can paste in your curve and visually see (and manipulate) it, then copy the changed curve data. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/84201-info-ksp-floatcurves-and-you-the-magic-of-tangents/#post1952481 Oh, right, tagging. @OhioBob @jsimmons
  13. As of 1.0.5, jets do respect crossfeed, You need valid crossfeed, the only difference between jets and rockets is jets will check surface-attached parts as well as stack-attached parts (that behavior can be activated for rockets, too, by changing the setting in Physics.cfg).
  14. Nope, you're forgetting that KSC is on the equator so the air temperature is rather higher than the reference temperature. Actual speed of sound during the day near KSC at sea level is ~352m/s. It decreases to about 300m/s at 8km and holds there, more or less.
  15. You might want to chat with @OhioBob, he's just been knee-deep in exactly that sort of thing and is very knowledgeable.
  16. Neat stuff! Oh, hey, if you get bored it'd be awesome to have your better Earth model in RSS
  17. For color scheme I suggest checkboard. Civilianized (I'm guessing for both non-nastiness reasons and no-banned-logo reasons we're going with a PoD of a surviving Weimar where Rocketmania never dies, and the Heereswaffenamt gradually re-civilianizes their VfR hires?) A-series rockets would presumably have a similar patter to what the same people painted on their test articles in the US, black-white patterns to make visually obvious any roll during ascent.
  18. Ah, glad it's sorted! Also, I put in a request to the CKAN folks to bump up the Taerobee metadata. While I highly recommend CKAN I don't personally use it (too many dev folders) and thus was not aware it was not 1.0.5-listed. For playing without remotetech, you'll actually be slightly handicapped, since with RT installed pretty much everything has an antenna, whereas without it installed you'll need to add your own antennas to transmit science (I'm thinking of sounding rockets in particular). On the other hand you already passed that stage, so... Sadly the RP-0er who most did stuff with kOS has gone MIA, the only extant RP-0 kOS ascent script of which I'm aware relies on a Juno I/II style launch-to-apogee-and-kick. For Mechjeb, you can maybe try a negative inclination? Does that kick it into launching south?
  19. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Setting_up_Visual_Studio There are also tutorials on the wiki for other dev environments. In terms of entry points, there's quite a few now: partmodules, KSPAddons, scenario modules, contracts...
  20. @Lilienthal all I'm seeing that's relevant is you're getting exceptions from Proc Parts. Are you on the absolute latest release? Double check the github releases page just in case... @Workable Goblin first, let me just say what an honor it is to have one of the coauthors of Eyes playing RP-0! (And that I'm tickled you finally picked up KSP...) The Taerobee remark was regarding the XLR11: we used to make that SXT part the XLR11 but now that Taerobee has it covered, the best way to get the XLR11 is via Taerobee and we un-repurposed the SXT part. That said, as you say, if you're a dab hand at area-ruling, you can get supersonic on dry thrust alone. As to the issue: It sounds like one of three things: 1. Somewhere the "limit acceleration" checkbox in MJ got checked. Look in the Ascent Autopilot panel or the Utilities panel (I think those are the only two places, paging @sarbian ). 2. Q limiter is doing it. Unlikely, since AFAIK the Q limiter works by constraining AoA based on a Q limit, rather than thrust, but who knows. Clearing your MJ folder's PluginData folder (GameData/MechJeb2/Plugins/PluginData IIRC) should solve that, if you can't undo it. 3. @Laie reported an issue with the Bell 80xx engine (but only the VSR version of it) where it cuts out early. What engines are involved? Craft file? I'm away and can't easily test right now, but maybe some other kind person on this thread could. Ok, 4 for kicks: there used to be issues with electric charge and RemoteTech. Do you have consistent LOS to a groundstation, and do you have sufficient battery reserves of on the LV? Avionics is thirsty.
  21. As we've both been saying, you need to assume that every part in a given folder uses every texture in that folder. That's why they're in the same folder. There's no secret answer here, that is the answer. Of course, you can certainly remove cfgs as desired, it's just trying to remove textures without removing the entire folder, that's where it gets bad.
  22. Ah, ok, I did indeed miss that context! And my pleasure, glad it helped!
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