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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. @tcannonfodder Thanx for keeping Telemachus alive, as well as new features and improvements. Any chance you could maybe contact the dev of KeRD, and see if there are plans for continued development/support, and if not, any chance YOU would be interested in taking a look at the source, and possibly integrating it into Telemachus?
  2. Well, its easy enough to down-convert them to png, tga or mbm...
  3. Try creating a "Textures" folder inside the Assets folder, and then manually drop/copy all the required textures into it...
  4. Considering the basic "cartoony", "Kerbal" look of the outside of the parts, i would keep the IVAs basic, and not worry about going for "realism", at least in the details... Maybe shoparound many of the other mods that have station or module IVAs to get example & a "feel" for what would fit THESE specific parts...
  5. Yup... Wheels/landing gear are royally messed up in 1.1.x.... Thats why the Kerbal Foundries mod is "on hold"... Probably no point in putting in time messing with wheels/gear till Squad gets the stock modules fixed... Soon (TM), of course...
  6. @legoclone09 Oh... yeah, I forgot to mention, its not throwing any issues in the logs either, so yeah, should be "relatively" issue free..
  7. Wait...So you installed PartTools & Unity to do this?... And things dont load because of the .dds textures?... Hmmm... I know there are several programs/utilities out there that will convert .dds back to .png, .tga, or .mbm... I havent used it yet, so I dont even remember exactly what it does, but google "mbm utilities textures", to find a utility called "MBM Utilities"...might be what you need...
  8. @legoclone09 It should... Its just parts, with NO plugins... AND theres llittle if any difference between 1.1.2 & .3 to affect parts/.cfgs I havent fully playtested it yet, but I've had it installed for awhile in 1.1.3, and the parts all load up ok...
  9. Luv the Futurama refernce Sooo... Hopefully this new functionality will work flawlessly with this?:
  10. Yeah... But dont worry... In worst case scenario, and we were to decide we couldnt continue development, one of us WOULD, most definately post that info, and probably offer up our source files, in case someone else would like to pick up development... So we wouldnt let the mod die an un-announced death... lol So if we dont post anything for awhile, dont worry... Silence does NOT mean we are not still working on it, or expecting to get a TR out
  11. @RomanCat Shoot!!... I was going to post an update a few days ago, but I was on someone else's computer at the time, and couldnt log in... Then I forgot...lol Not much to report, anyway... I havent heard from @BetaguyGZT in some time...But that was expected: again, he is taking some express/condensed, really heavy-duty/rocket-science (<--- LITERALLY), degree program over the summer... So I guess double or triple normal class-work... I expect we'll hear from him when his vacation of regular classes starts... lol I'm making a little progress with models... I think other than the greenhouses, all the original models should work, so everything else I'm doing with them could be considered "upgrades/features", so no biggie if they dont make it into the test/maintainance releases... I really think ALL the models should be gone thru and completely redone, anyway, to get the feeling of more of a single, aesthetic/form/design, where the look of the parts will fit better together... So I dont really want to put a lot of work into existing models & textures... Though I guess I better push my latest work to him, so he can see if it can be merged easily... (I've renamed all the parts names, file names, and folder structure)... He may want to kill me, because it may cause him lots of re-coding...lol So anything we release, even for a test release will definately break any existing save games... Thats one reason we've kind of held off on even a test release: We dont want to release a TR, or even the first maintenance release or two, only to have to change a bunch of stuff, that will again break save games... We want to try to get any obvious save-breaking changes incorporated as soon as possible, so as to keep from having to break saves again and again...
  12. @danielboro Good suggestion And for future reference, when you want to tag someone in a post, type the @ symbol, then start typing the person's name... you'll see a list of user names drop down... As you type more characters, it narrows the search... You can either scroll down the list, or keep typing till the person you are looking for shows up... CLick the name, and it will be highlighted, such as yours above... Thats when you know you did it correctly... And in case he isnt actually following this thread, here's his tag: @linuxgurugamer
  13. WoW!.... I wish I could learn Blender that fast, and pull off stuff like this IVA in so short a time... Even tho I had ideas on these parts, if you can pull off an IVA like that, that quick, I think its best that you are redoing the pack...
  14. @DrPastah Yeah, I think the closest you'll find is the mod Gaiiden linked above... Its one of my Must-Have-Mods...
  15. Yeah, but I wonder how many modders are put off using it in their mods, due to lack of solid documentation
  16. Thats why I was asking about the three links on page 41... I was testing them, and in the middle of it, the site seemed to come back, so i didnt post more info... lol
  17. Thanx everybody... Thats what I needed to know: If it was on my end or not... I guess it was the NoScript update yesterday that killed it for me... All working now...
  18. So.... Is it just me, that no longer has the "share this post" button on the top right of every post? I absolutely NEED that feature...
  19. Is the site unbearably slow today for anyone else, or just me? EDIT: Hmm... I guess nevermind?... In the middle of me testing loading the site, it seems to have come back up... ?? ... @VITAS Is your post with the three server links for testing, on page 41, still relevant?... I was trying them out, not only to see if it was just me, but to post my results, in case it would help with troubleshooting outages? If so, i will bookmark them for future reference...
  20. @Adam Kerman are you trying telemachus on your KSP computer, or a seperate device?... Usually, its good prcatice to set up telemachus on the same computer you are running KSP on... If you get it working (ie the networking and ports), THEN attempt changing the netwrok settings for a different device...
  21. @Ruedii Felbourn's NodeHelper .dll is a great tool for accomplishing this, quickly and easily...
  22. Try to zoom in on the center of where the part would be... If you have to, try to launch it in the flight screen... You can zoom in closer in the flight screen, than in the VAB/SPH... My 1st guess would be a scale discrepancy in Unity... I still dont understand it fully, but most of the time, when I export .fbx from Blender, into Unity, the scale is off on the top object by 100x... Scale being 100, instead of 1... Hence, your part (just the model), is 100 times smaller than the size its supposed to be, in KSP....(the nodes will show, as they are defined in the .cfg, separate from the model)... So its THERE, its just so small you cant see it... Dont touch the scale... just create an empty Game Object, then use that to parent your model's hierarchy...
  23. I agree.. Theres RPM, Hullcam, KURS-style docking cam, and I believe theres camera stuff with the BD Armory stuff... The way the camera mods work, IIRC, its best to just have one installed at a time... So, many people will already have one they prefer installed... Its probably easier to just add support for those mods, and leave it up to the user to choose, rather than developing a whole nother plugin JUST for Telemachus, while re-inventing the wheel again
  24. @Randazzo AWESOME video... Wish that was around a few months ago... Thats the best, shortest, clearest, actually up-to-date instructions for this I've seen... Any chance you could throw it up on its own thread, similar to the stickied thread ? Then I could pester the forum mods to use it to REPLACE the stickied thread...
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