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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Hmmm... Not sure if this might do what you're looking for?:
  2. VERY sweet textures... Just wondering if these parts could be easily converted into IVA props?
  3. This sounds very kewl and useful... However, your download link is kind of sketchy... I'm not familiar with zippyshare, but it says the filesize is 0MB ??... Also, you say to install the files to your volume 0? Does that mean your system drive?... Why would that be a requirement for a KSP addon?.. Is this an executable file? Perhaps hosting on SpaceDock or Curse might be an option?... Also, if this is not something that goes in the GameData folder, like standard KSP mods, then maybe more detail for installation instructions might be good.. Thanx for your time making this though... It sounds like it must have been quite a bit or work...
  4. I didnt mean to discourage you... Yes, either fusty or sumghai pulled the Munox series of parts (there were actually several parts), way back, maybe prior to KSP 0.25?... So nothing like them has been seen in probably a coupke years... So a fresh take on them would be interesting to see... I THINK the license is open on them, and IIRC, I have a copy of the last version, if you want it to look at or play with them...
  5. @Tokamak Ummm... http://imgur.com/a/7KLWc But GREAT job on your own version...
  6. Actually, I'm not sure if the part got carried over into the "new" version of the mod... After the last KSP 0.90 compat version, the mod packs got changed around, and it looks like the mod has gone thru lots of changes... They even made a NEW release thread for the 1.1.x version... If you click the link for the 0.90 KSO release thread I linked above, and scroll down about halfway, you'll see they actually made a seperate download just for this part... theres instructions there too... The download link still works, its just one of those hosts that got banned on the forums... You just have to add the proper "name" in the www..com part...
  7. Uhhh??... I wish I could pay you for texturing classes?... lol
  8. Well, thats the crux of the problem: modders want to run lots of mods, but want something that automatically updates (or at least notifies them), when mods they have, update... Hence, why CKAN and AVC came into being... I had great hopes for KSP Mod Admin, as it worked GREAT at doing mod installs, giving the user full control, and could do anything from complete manual installs, to fully automatic installs... The only caveat was that the user had to manually get the mod download themselves... Then there was an attempt to make it more like AVC/CKAN, where it had a "browser" where you could look up mod threads/download links, and have KSPMA get the download for you... But around that time, dev seems to have petered out on it, and IIRC, that part was never fully functioning... Anyway, yeah, choices for mod management for KSP are very limited right now... So you have CKAN, which I guess does everything for you, and the reason it has almost every mod, is because ANYONE can submit meta for ANY mod they like, (though this has been limited recently, due to the recent discussion between the mod dev community and the CKAN community)... Where as, KSP AVC, requires ONE person (the mod dev), to decide whether they want to support the functionality or not... Unfortunately, MANY do not, or possibly do not know the benefits of supporting AVC... i REALLY wish KSP AVC had more support from mod devs... Its a great tool... It of course doesnt check, and install mod dependencies for you, you're still on your own for THAT, but it also doesnt come with the problems that CKAN has... (Again, please dont flame me: I'm not saying one is better than the other, just that they are different, and each has pros & cons that the user has to decide for themselves on whether to use either) The only other viable method, is to once in awhile check the release threads for each mod, and grab them and install them yourself... Its actually not TOO bad, at least when the mod dev puts the a) KSP version, b) clear mod title, c) mod version, and/or d) date of the mod release, all in the thread title... Google is your friend for this, as the site search leaves quite a bit to be desired... You could also "Follow" the release threads, or maybe better, the mod dev, of the mods you want... The only problem is, then you get notified EVERY time there is a post...
  9. You do know that the mod itself has to support AVC? ... Thats (usually) a conscientious decision by the mod dev themselves, not an unknown 3rd party who takes it upon themselves to provide metadata for CKAN... I'm not saying either is good or bad, and I surely dont want to start a trainwreck with off-topic discussion of AVC vs CKAN... Just pointing out, that as far as I understand it, thats one of the basic differences between the two, and why many mod devs choose one over the other, if at all... SO if I am correct, your best bet is to go look at the list of supported AVC mods (its somewhere on the innerwebs), and see if enough of your preferred mods are on it, to justify the switch; and/or look thru the release thread of whatever mod you would like to see have AVC support, which does not, and see if the mod dev has discussed the issue in the thread already... If not, then maybe post or PM the mod dev asking if it would be possible to add AVC support to the mod... ????....
  10. Just thought I'd post an update.... That there is nothing updated... lol Still kind of on hold.... I was hoping to get further along on the models, not really for the Test Release, but for a future release... However, thanx to Microsoft, my life has been a living hell for the past two weeks... lol So no real KSP dev work done AT ALL, for almost a month... >:( Trying to get clean installs of Windows 7 & 8.1 back on my computer, and MS has made fresh, manual, user-done, installs very difficult... Hoping I can get working Windows installs done by next year...
  11. @RaendyLeBeau SInce this is on hold, and there has never been a release available, you might want to ask the moderators to lock this thread until you returnn, to keep people from posting, over and over again: "Where's the download link?...", "Are you ever gonna release this?...", "When are you gonna finish it?...", etc.. Link to request "lock", if you wish:
  12. I was recently given some texturing advice by a couple masters, who will remain un-named ( @akron & @CobaltWolf, & the rest of the Dev Hole group), that you should do the texturing in hi-res (like 4096 or at least 2048), and then shrink them to acceptable levels before final packaging (like 512, 1024, or 2048)... that way you sort of future proof the textures, and have nice high res versions... Basically, you can always shrink high res textures and they will look good; but you CANT make a lo-res texture look good, when making it bigger...
  13. "I" for one, never use struts or fuel lines... Thanx to KJR and TAC Fuel Balancer... Which should be stock anyway... I'm thinking (other than plugin mods), running a pretty much Squad-less, BDB install... I havent been playing KSP much at all myself, but my son has FINALLY shown interest in flying rockets, instead of playing KAP (Kerbal Airplane Program) exclusively... SO if I get rid of all the airplane and unnecessary parts, maybe I can get him to CONCENTRATE on ROCKETS, only... KBDBP ...
  14. Probably... Sometimes its the same degree as the scale... ie like the issue you had with the rescale where your part shrank so it was invisible... If Unity rescales by 100x, or 1000x, then the small "adjustments" Unity makes, are sometimes also scaled by the same multiplier... Yeah, MY animation importing fiascos are mostly because I'm working with existing, complicated models, and I dont have original source files... So I'm forced to work off importing .mu s into Blender, and hence, have to export the existing animations into Unity... If I was starting from scratch on animations, I'd most likely be doing them in Unity... Although, they dont seem too hard to do in Blender, and I've heard the new method in Unity 5 is "difficult"... BUT, there seems to be issues with importing animations from Blender... Sooo... kind of a pick your poison kind of thing, I guess...
  15. So, does BDB need/reference any Squad files? (ie .cfgs, models, textures, etc)... The reason I ask, is with the amount of parts in BDB, I'm wondering if there is enough of everything to completely replace ALL the stock parts...
  16. @Tokamak I cant remember where I read it, or who told me, (and someone can surely please correct me if I'm wrong), but I got the impression it wasnt the best thing to import .blend files into Unity... The gist of what all i came across after much searching and reading, was to use .fbx, or .dae for Unity... And I cant remember which is which, but one is best to use if there are NO animations exported from Blender, and to use the other when there ARE animations done in Blender... And I also end up with Unity (seemingly) randomly adding small rotations, and transform relocations to my imported files... Granted, they are usually 0 to 1.XXXXXX-eX ... ??? I just zero them out, or remove the added zeros, as determined by the -eX...
  17. IF you have Hullcam and RPM installed correctly, you shoudl be able to use the buttons along the edges of the MFDs to toggle the screen to the Hullcam camera view, then you can use more buttons to toggle thru the various cameras (if you have more than one), AND you can use other keys to move the camera angle and zoom in/out... If thats what you're doing, and its not working, then you should read the Support post, then return here with your logs, and more detail of your issue Go to the "KSP Logs" section:
  18. KerbalStuff closed its doors and turned off the lights the beginning of this year... Lots of mod devs havent updated DL links in their threads yet... For THIS mod, you'll have to skim back thru the past few pages to find "unofficial" links where people have re-hosted all the necessary files and packs...
  19. Cant BELIEVE this mod hasnt gotten more love...??? Unfortunately, I havent been playing KSP hardly AT ALL, since 1.1.0 dropped, so I havent been able to use it hardly at all, nor does it look like I will be playing much in the near future, so i cant say I'd be able to give useable feedback...
  20. What file format are you saving/exporting your Blender changes as?... I know if you export as .fbx, there is a section in the lower left where you can set/change scaling and axis orientation, to match Unity... HOWEVER, I have not been successful in getting it to work... lol Also, Blender can be set to automatically save backups of your .blend file at periodic intervals... Granted, it gives the files a .blend1 extension, rather than .blend, but with the issues with the export/import from Blender to Unity, saving your Blender work directly in the Unity project folders, so Unity can get the chnages dynamically, may not seem like the best thing to do presently... But then, remember I am extremely new at this, so i may be talking out of my backend...
  21. There's: Which, it looks like, Squad may be adding to stock for KSP 1.2... Or, theres:
  22. Yeah, but it only takes 2-3 times of forgetting it, before you shoudlnt be...lol But yeah, thats why I got in the habit of (generally) building my craft around the command component, and I generally try to put the MJ part on the command part.... Harder to forget that way...
  23. If its just the AR202 PART you dont like, theres an alternative part offered by the KSO (Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter) mod... The part is physically only about 20%-25% the size of the AR202... You can just delete the "stock" MechJeb part folders, and you can use the KSO part in addition/replacement of the MJ parts. Just scroll down, and you'll see this pic, and a link for the seperate part download:
  24. Hah!... I immediately though the same exact thing while reading the OP... lol
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