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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. @Red Iron Crown What about adding single images, using the "Insert Media..." button?... I thought I had used that successfully for posting single imgur images before?... I just tried to post a pic in a thread (which i tagged you in), and THAT seems to not work now?... Is that broken JUST for imgur, or will it work for other pic hosting sites?
  2. OMG!... I completely forgot something... @Red Iron Crown & @stibbons post's triggered my memory, that MJ does INDEED have a built-in LIVE GRAPH for several telemetry data points... It's called "Flight Recorder"... http://imgur.com/a/pGNu1
  3. @Burning For New Frontiers OK... I just didnt know if you knew one rescaled with the nodes, and one doesnt... I've found Felbourn's NodeHelper mod to be invaluable for setting up nodes... However, when using it with the rescaleFactor, it does some weird stuff... You can use it to place the nodes, but I dont let it write the new changes... I copy down the node coords, and edit them into the .cfg myself...
  4. @ctbram No problem... and no, I understood the dimness was a separate issue... I just didnt address it... And you are correct... they can probably be thickened a little, which would help... But i think theres only so far you could go, till they would look "odd"... And at that point you still might have the same issue with some parts you would attach them to... But yeah, thickening & tweaking a little probably would help a bit EDIT: I'm hoping to add some more light models for use with AviationLights, Soon­™.... I'll take a look at the existing models, and see how much wiggle room there is on tweaking the meshes & colliders to try to minimize the "part gobbling" you're describing... And just so you know, i DO know exactly what you are describing: I've had the same issue ever since first using the mod, way back before 0.24... And it has always bugged me too... i've even been adjusting a couple of antenna parts I've made, just becasue the bases of the parts sometimes end up "floating" off the surface of some parts they get attached to...
  5. TO put the MJ/KER war to rest, I have used both, and tweaked both of their in-flight telemetry displays... They are SOOO close to displaying 100% of the same info, its ridiculous to argue one over the other solely on the basis of in-flight data display. VOID also displays so close to 100% of that same data its ALSO ridiculous... Please stop arguing one is better than the other based on false information, or that one is "cheaty" and one is not... You SHOULD be basing your decision on which to use based on KER has better editor info (ie dV calculations per stage), or MJ has the multitude of autopilot functions (which the user can choose to use all or none, or one or two for specifc things ie docking, or maneuver planning), as well as a flight computer.... OR VOID for a more customizable in-flight display than either KER or MJ, with customizable HUDs, which NEITHER KER or MJ have... SO they all display the SAME EXACT info... The only real differences between the three, DO NOT EVEN OVERLAP!!... So they are not mutually exclusive... Many times I run all three mods at once... Again, I prefer the HUD displays of VOID, sometimes I need the in-editor dV calculator, and many times I need a couple of the autopilot functions... The flight computer is nice, too, for quick attitude changes and position holds... Click one button, and your ship rolls the proper direction, and holds there... SO cheaty... Again, if you read the OP and think about it, the question was about in-flight data display (telemetry).... IMHO, all three mods do the job equally well, so not really a place for a KER/MJ flame war again...
  6. VOID - Vessel Orbital Information Display is a very much viable alternative to EITHER MJ or KER for telemetry... So pphhhttttt, KER & MJ users/bashers... It doesnt have the dV tools in editor that KER has, nor does it have all the autopilot functions, or flight computer that MJ has, but it shows just as much, if not MORE data points in-flight, and if you want straight up, in-flight telemtery, with a VERY, more customizable display window than either KER or MJ, then VOID is IT... PLUS, it has none, one, two, or up to three small HUDs that can be customized, AND repositioned anywhere on your screen... It also has several "skins" for the display window(s), and IIRC, the HUD color is also switchable... Actually, @tcannonfodder has just released a working version... Telemachus can do more than what you said above... Think of it as a way to: 1) display not only telemetry, but useable CONTROLS, on displays other than your main computer screen 2) it can display on: a second screen running directly off your computer a second COMPUTER/display, somehow connected by wire or wirelessly to your main KSP computer a wireless device, such as phone, tablet, laptop, etc, connected to your home network (even better if its a touch screen) allows other users to access the telemetry/controls over the internet, from a remote location (though I'm not sure on how they get to interface with your live instance of KSP itself)
  7. @Milkshakefiend any chance on adding a non-restrictive license, so others could share in using your awesome models/textures? I'd like to see more of these parts from you... Thanx for all the work you've already done... (I know I enjoy using the great SCANsat models... )
  8. You're right to post here and ask, but maybe also check www.KerbalX.com ? Its a craft hosting site, and handles modded crafts well, too... You can even search by mod, and see crafts people have submitted that use a specific mod...
  9. @KasperVld speaking of the follow function, is there any way to possibly add in a "Follow" button on the small popup when you hover over a forum users name, on the left of a post, where their rep/post count is... ie add a button for follow along with the "Message User", "ignore User", "Find Content" buttons?... Kind of a small pain to have to load up their profile page, and follow them from there... I ask, since I use "Message" & "Follow", WAYYYY more than I ever use "Ignore" or "Find Content"....??
  10. @Burning For New Frontiers Just realise that the MODEL scale line, will rescale ONLY the model... and NOT the attachment nodes... If you want to rescale the model AND the attachment nodes with it (so everything will attach in the proper place on the enlarged model), you want to use the rescaleFactor def... the rescaleFactor defaults to 1.25m ... So, IIRC, to enlarge the part to a 2.5m, you would rescaleFactor = 2 ... rescaleFactor = 1 would be a 1m based part... You can use a combination of the two, but then theres math and ratios involved to figure out... As a sidenote, you should really only have to define the scale = (the one OUTSIDE the MODEL node), if the part was modelled using a scale other than 1m in the modelling program... So scale = 1 is 1m units, 0.1 is one modelled using 0.1m unit (decimeter), 0.01m unit (centimeters)
  11. Yeah... I think inter-mod support should be (if possible) discussed between the mod devs, and they can work out who ever has the time/dedication/know-how to develop the necessary patches/.cfgs/models/textures, to get it done, and add it to either mod... Or even have a 3rd party release it as an "add-on" mod or dependency...
  12. @ctbram Unfortunately, the models MAY be able to be tweaked a little more, but since they ARE so thin, adjusting the colliders for THESE parts, no matter how much you tweak them, there will ALWAYS be many parts you would attach these to, that would swallow, or float them... Its all determined by the shape/size/position of the part colliders that are being placed together... So it not only depends on JUST the models of the lights: it depends JUST as much on how the colliders are done on the part you are attaching them to...
  13. 'K... Just also wondering if THIS could be JoePatrick1's issue?
  14. @SpannerMonkey(smce) (and @JoePatrick1), just to confirm, did you know THIS about the texture names being defined in the models, themselves? Skip down to the bottom 1/3rd, where Necro quotes me...
  15. Ahhh... THANK YOU!... Yeah, I figured it was something like that... I noticed loading issues as soon as I started changing texture/material names both in the models & filenames... that also explains why I have seen mods done both ways: some needing placeholders, some not... So is there a way to fix it in the models, so that you dont have to mess with 1Kb placeholder textures?
  16. I was commenting that I thought maybe it was you who were using Unity 5 in Linux for KSP modding... Sorry... Maybe its @CliftonM I'm thinking of? Well, sort of... Yes, I'm complaining that MS seems to be bloating their products more & more... Hence, I just thought I would warn people just dabbling in 3d modelling, that perhaps VisualStudio should be overlooked, and another alternative tried, or if going ahead and giving VS a try, just to be aware that it seems to be a nightmare to try to uninstall if you change your mind...
  17. Too bad @Devo had such a bad experience with someone messing with his mod hosting & stuff... KSP lost a great mod dev when he "stepped" back... But here's his version... More of an actual radial HATCH than an "airlock":
  18. AWESOME SAUCE!!! THANK YOU @tcannonfodder Any chance to get hosted on SpaceDock as well? Also, not sure who wrote this, EDIT: this was done by @Z-Key Aerospace, but here's a "Telemachus for All Antennas" patch, for those who dont like to use the included Telemachus parts... You should be able to simply edit, or add new entries for other antennas, and just replace the [partname]... Also, any chance you could look into either adding or supporting the RT-Telechamus Kitbash? Unfortunately, it seems @jackellice never listed a license, so I guess he would need to be contacted, OR someone would have to re-start something from scratch...
  19. Yes, but do you check the "Show Materials" box, and click the "Compile Materials" button in the Part Tools component, before writing the .mbm? I've had issues where I've changed materials/textures in Unity, and NOT recompiled before writing the model, and had similar issues with loading in-game... I'm not sure if it only does it when you do the actual change in Unity, then write without compiling, or if Unity will automagically recompiile everything if you Save Scene/Project, and or close/re-open Unity...
  20. @JoePatrick1 do you compile your materials in Unity, before writing the new model?
  21. Ahhh... Thank You... I've been wondering why the def needed the two "parts", and why you would need to specify the texture name first, then basically repeat with the folder path... Seems every example I've seen of the texture def, has always had the replacement texture named the same as the original...
  22. I'm thinking it might be because the textures are baked, or packed in with the models... I've seen mods where placeholder textures are not necessary at all, but I've run into a couple where they are... I'm just learning basic texturing & UV mapping, so i'm guessing its something that I'm not getting changed with the models, which seem to be expecting the textures to be in the same folder, when the textures get moved out to another folder... EDIT: Ok, this may help a bit... Anyway, sorry for starting to derail the thread... I guess we can return to our regular scheduled programming now... lol
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