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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Ahhh... OK... I thought you were getting exceptions AFTER loading parts in Unity... I guess wht I was saying, is that when you DO start loading parts, load up something VERY basic at first, to help determine whether its just something with the part itself, or Part Tools...
  2. re-read my post, as you ninja'd my edit Try loading a different .fbx file from Blender... make sure its a very simple model...like a small fuel tank or something... No windows, no lights, no animations, no AIRLOCKS or LADDERS, like the part in your screen shot...
  3. Follow the instructions in Agathorn's post (the 2nd post) in the thread you posted... Those seem to be the most accurate, detailed instructions for installing Part Tools. You might want to look at Beale's tutorial for making basic parts... Its a little dated, AND it uses Wings3D instead of Blender... BUT follow the tutorial using Wings3D, and you should be able to get the basic concepts of making a basic WORKING part for KSP... Its how i started, before I jumped to Blender... THEN, when you are ready for Blender, watch and follow all three of Nifty55's Blender/Unity tutorials... Again, a little dated, but the best I found a few months ago when I started with Blender... There's also this video for texturing and UV mapping, and this one for Part Tools There was a good site for explaingin configs and stuff, but I cant find the link right now...
  4. Ahhh...OK... Yes I am using Taniwha's Blender Tool... ANnnnd if thats what is happening, that would explain why its always named "collider.collider"... I've been reworking someone else's models, and I've been deleting the second object, with no ill effects, but being new to modelling myself, I didnt know if I was doing something wrong... So THANK YOU both for the replies
  5. So looking at many models from different mods, I see a parent "collider" object, and LOTS of times, there will be both a "collider" and a "collider.collider" dependent objects in the hierarchy... They both appear to be the same exact same...?? So why both?
  6. Ooppps ... Did you see my edit?... We cross ninja'd each other
  7. WoW!.... This sounds awesome! Have you seen/looked at Mini-Sample Return Capsule to maybe get ideas from?... I cant tell from your description in the OP, whether you are talking about something like the above, or a more permanently attched part, that is meant to return with the whole vessel... (rather than a tiny, robotic return part)... Have you seen the Kerbal Hacks Portable Science Crate ?? Maybe you could ask @Enceos if you could (at least temporarily), use THAT in your mod...??
  8. ^^Ditto... (means "likewise", or "I agree, also"... ) @RaendyLeBeau Also, if you decide to put this up for adoption, any chance to release what you have already started for AIAKOS, and let someone pick THAT up as well?... Your work is INCREDIBLE, and it would be a shame to let what you've already done, go to waste, if you prefer not to finish it...
  9. @Araym Actually, the first link for each download seems to be working...IF you know how.... Clue is in the text for the link
  10. Darn...its on Github... I'll get it Soon™ tho, so THANK YOU Angel-125 EDIT: nvm... Just checked SD...
  11. The .mu importer will bring everything, including the materials... EXCEPT some animations will not import, so you may need to redo them in Unity...You will also have to set the shaders, and match the textures to the game objects... But thats super easy to do...
  12. If you are not using Steam for KSP, its easy... Just creat an empty folder (NOT in C:\Program Files, \Program Files x86, or \Program Data), name it something descriptive like "KSP RO Install", and unzip the KSP .zip into it... If you are on Steam, then its more involved; I have no idea how THAT worx; Hopefully someone familiar with Steam will post instructions...
  13. @Enceos I am updating another mod, that has a large part that we're deciding on the scale of... I needed a large fairing to help size up my part.. I wanted something quick & easy, without having to install a full large parts mod... I've had your stock 5m fairing for awhile, and finally got to try it out... Unfortunately, it wasnt big enough... ... So I hope you dont mind, but I copied it and made a 7.5m (size5) one... Not sure if there is any need or use for it, but here it is if you, or anyone else wants it:
  14. Again, no expert here, but look at the rim around the porthole, and the panel seams, as well as the hatch... They are also black... Also look at the color of the porthole itself... It almost looks like either the layers are out of order, or the transparencies or masks arent set properly, and the alpha is showing thru on top...?? I know, can I be more "Gee, there's something wrong, there...", in a more "Duh", manner...?? lol
  15. Actually, I have plans for the science lab, to be used in another mod I want to revive... It wont be as a "science lab", tho... That version will be specific for use with THAT mod... I dont really have any big plans for it as a "science lab" as yet, but I will see if there's anything I can do to "spice" it up, and include it in my ZZZ parts pack...
  16. Yes, I'm doing ALL of ZZZ's models, except ones that were made/are in use only in one, specific mod... I may do something with those as well, if licenses and mod devs permit, in later releases, once I get a basic pack out... ZZZ's models are awesome, and top notch... However, for KSP, there just seems a few things that feel "unfinished" with many of them... I cant claim to know the final direction ZZZ was going with certain things, but I have a few ideas I want to try to implement, to improve and expand on the models. So if I get the pack released, I hope to have more than just a simple "Here's-ZZZs-models-alltogether-in-one-zip-with-a-few-small-tweaks"... Granted, many of them are fine as-is, but i hope to make significant improvements to many of them... Probably not ALL, but many... I had a good start on several of the Propulsion parts, (the Radial Mounts are almost done, and have SEVERAL improvements i think people will like), then I got caught up in, and am currently reworking a few of ZZZ's more complicated models, which are included in the BioMASS mod... I also have a commitment to another mod that I have to finish, Soon™... Then I will be concentrating mostly on putting together a release of all ZZZ's parts...
  17. Hence... Where the voodoo-magical-mystical-auras of Keinstein's Postulate of Photons and Energy Kuanta manifest themselves...
  18. Are you using Blender?... i know Blender has buttons to flip thru the alpha/RGB channels....
  19. Layers & Alpha Channels: Another Voodoo-Magical Aspect of Texturing
  20. Again, I'm no expert, and just learning myself, but I think it depends on which direction (axis) the node is supposed to be used in... ie, I know nodes defined in KSP itself, (via .cfgs), like top stack nodes usually have the orientation in the Y+, bottom stack nodes usually Y- ... I just added side attachement nodes to a part, and I needed to orient the node to point in the Z+ (to the right, from the default starting position in the VAB; which would also be down, toward the floor in the SPH) ... SO I think you just orient the node directly out from the face of the part, so it points AT the part that will be attached at that node... I know Unity and KSP (luckily; unlike Blender & Unity/KSP.. ) share axis orientation, so I THINK my statement above should be correct... So yeah, in the example you've shown, if thats a horizontal missile tube, and the missile "attaches" on the left, and shoots out to the right, I THINK you would want the node oriented in the Z- axis... UNLESS, defining nodes in Unity is like defining Airlock/Ladder nodes, which, yes, are always supposed to be oriented in the Z+ direction... ?? But then it would kind of be the same thing since you would need to use "Local" vs "Global" orientation, to get the Z+ pointed in the correct direction... ?? Are you having to define the node as a Part Trigger? I have not used transforms in the model to define nodes yet, but I will be following this thread... I use Felbourn's NodeHelper mod to get my nodes sorted in KSP itself (thru the node defs in the .cfgs)... The only thing is, it doesnt work with surface attachment nodes, only stack nodes... So I sometimes create a "fake" stack node, just to get the proper coords/placement, then use the coords in a node_attachment def in the cfg... The nice thing with NodeHelper, is that it visually shows the attachment orientation, and you can see it live, while making changes to it So I apologize if i am way off base, but I figured I would post this, since I figure I, or someone else, would only post asking questions/clarifications on the thoughts I just posted, later on, so i might as well do it now, and get it out of the way...
  21. Well, I'm no expert, but a lot of it will depend on how the tower is designed... If not a lot of separate or moving parts, for one thing, it may just take a little tweaking of scale & rescaleFactor in the .cfgs... ??
  22. I was mainly just kidding... Sometimes I try to be humorous, and I fail miserably... OMG!!.... Wow... Thats awesome!... AND that was QUICK!....
  23. Of course! ... I do it WELL... and you should always encourage people to do what they do well, right?...
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