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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. I can see how some players might like this, but I can see at least ONE reason how Squad would not want old versions easily available... I imagine its a support nightmare when thousands of new players start screaming about bugs, and needing support for old versions, that have already been fixed or addressed... I mean, how many times have we seen people post about mods having bugs and being completely broken, only to find out they are using an old, unsupported version, or they installed it incorrectly?....
  2. Link?... I couldnt find it there... EDIT: DOH!...nvm... Couldnt find the "Users" search filter...Got it now
  3. @taniwha Sorry for the off-topic post, but your does your link change only affect: Blender.mu, ExtraPlanetary Launchpads, Survey Transponder, & Talisar Parts?... or were there more mods? (I cant access Github from home, so i cant check myself... ) If there are more, no need to post links, just mod title would be fine, if you could... Thank You...
  4. See v3.1 in the Changelog in the OP...
  5. @AdamMil What latest version of TAC FB is your version built from, if you dont mind my asking?... (For backward compatability info...)
  6. Raptor9, I've had issues exactly like this using HyperEdit...Except WITHOUT UbioZur welded parts... Maybe try VesselMover, or other means to get your craft to water...
  7. Think of it as a mobile KSC... The 6 crew act as Mission Controllers, the special probe core acts as all the Mission Control computers & stuff... Its meant so you can send it, say, to outer planets, and you can control a planetary SOI locally, without having to setup long range communications/antennas/networks/relays... Also, does away with signal delay, for use with those mods that incorporate signal delay into the game... So just like having a KSC right there in that planet's SOI...
  8. Hmmm... I'm not sure about the markers themselves, but i know you can changes the number, thickness, and color of the grid lines in the settings... Check there to see if the markers can be changed too...
  9. Yes....The VERY old packs... From mid-2013.... Let's just say I am updating a historical record that I keep, of KSP mods...
  10. @AlphaAsh Is there a download link for v0.7?...Or is it not released yet?
  11. @hoojiwana Whatever happened with the separate Electric Engines, Power Generation, & MMRTG packs?... Did the parts get dropped, or merged into RLA Stockalike?... I ask, cuz I dont see pics of them in the OP album...???
  12. I may be way off here, but I just read this post, that seems might be a similar issue to using SCANSat, M700, & RT together...??? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/121397-105-beta-pathfinder-097-geoscience-for-better-resource-extraction/&do=findComment&comment=2381906
  13. So F2 doesnt work to clear off the GUI in Tracking Station, like it does in flight screen?
  14. Good point... Either way, it only takes ONE hot tempered post... lol
  15. Eeshhh.... Too bad it looks like that got locked, and killed the mod because of one **** who ticked off raidernick...
  16. Just a bump to see if there's any life left in this, Kommitz...
  17. So this takes into consideration, ALL parts?... where stock only looks at parts that are supposedly "designed" to provide lift?.. Probably such as only those listed as being in the aero catagory?
  18. OK... whats the difference between this and stock? What's it do different?
  19. @readyFORafk Is this in a career game?... Have you unlocked them yet?...
  20. node_stack's probably just need to be fixed in .cfgs, hopefully.... EDIT: I was just going to take a look at the .cfgs, but I see there is no license posted, so I dont see much point in spending any time trying to get 'em working... Too bad, as these look pretty nice... And I bet a bunch of time went into the volume/mass calculations, and most definately in the IVAs... Oh well... Some mods are just destined to stay dead, I guess...
  21. The Mars Underground, Journey to the Edge of the Universe' The Year of Pluto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJxwWpaGoJs New Horizons: Passport to Pluto & Beyond: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faRsejEXwl0 Chasing Pluto: http://www.space.com/29948-chasing-pluto-flyby-pbs-documentary.html Nat Geo's Mission Pluto: http://www.space.com/29880-nat-geo-s-mission-pluto-documentary-first-5-minutes-video.html
  22. @devikwolf Hmmm... Not sure exactly what you are looking for, but if you are talking about external camera views (using actual camera parts you place on the craft), I believe RPM doesnt really have that function by itself.. I believe it uses the Hullcam mod to provide the basic functionality, which RPM then takes the "feed" from, and displays it in an RPM monitor in IVA... So basically, what it sounds like what you want, is the Hullcam mod itself, or maybe the Docking Camera KURS Style mod...
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