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Everything posted by Stone Blue
There's this one that has excellent antennas (though the circular antenna, at least, seems overpowered...I usually tweak the range down to 7.5-8.5Mm): And this one: Also, AEIS has a BUNCH of excellent antennas...Animated, even... I think Lack's SXT has aome antennas IIRC? This one, too...(Though its for 1.0.4, so I dont know if it worx 100% for 1.0.5): Origame Foldable Antenna Array There are more, but thats all I can think of off the top of my head...
[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)
Stone Blue replied to Claw's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
^^ THANK YOU!! -
@lynwoodm They are old BobCat rovers... There were 5 different ones, some have a few variants, also... This thread only lists the 1st three...There is a MK4 & a MK5 as well... Do a Google for "Kerbal DEMV"...LOTS of youtube vids of them in action... BobCat DEMV rovers A few people did updates for them... I know they can work up to 0.90... I cant remember if I ever tried them in 1.0.0 or not...
[KSP v1.1.3] Stock Bug Fix Modules (Release v1.1.3b.1 - 10 Jul 16)
Stone Blue replied to Claw's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Claw, First let me apologize profusely if this has been asked before...I skimmed the first and last halfdozen pages, but didnt come across this being discussed: Any chance you could host this on another host in addition to Github?... I'll take anywhere... Due to some unknown issue, my home router blocks the Github domain, so I cant access anything, unless I traipse my butt and my laptop to a friend's house, whom I only see every couple of weeks... Hmmm... I can understand the reasoning for this I guess, but this is just another reason why I think I dislike CKAN... lol -
As to first statement, I just thought I would add, to anyone considering picking this mod up, it seems as far as the LEGAL aspect, anyone can grab it and continue it... However, I would urge such person to consider the ETHICAL aspect: whether it should be continued or not, WITHOUT Fengist's blessing, since he has taken the time to at least explain his feelings about the matter... There is another modder who had several nice mods I liked, and found himself in sort of a similar situation... I for one would not use "Continued" versions of Fengist's, or anyone other's such mods, without their public blessing since they have stated their feeling on the matter... I dont know, it just wouldnt seem right to me... But that is just MY opinion... Which as always, doesnt matter much in the scheme of things...lol As to second statement, is it just me, or does there seem to be increasing posts of whining, complaining, and downright demanding posts, towards modders regarding fixes & updates?... Maybe its just due to increasing numbers of people buying the game, so the numbers of people doing such things will of course increas..?? I just hope it doesnt start discouraging more and more modders to leave or drop things... @Fengist , I commend you on your response above, to basically give your blessing to the right person to pick this up, given the unfortunate state of affairs... I really have enjoyed playing both the Maritime and Sub packs... The Sub pack inspired me to start an attempt at picking up modelling & making my second ever part for KSP... (Its submarine related... )
[1.0] TurboNisuReloaded - Stock-a-Like Parts Pack [06/05/15]
Stone Blue replied to a__gun's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Thanx for the updates... @passinglurker Now, any chance of getting updates on the structurals?... I've been using the ones from Alchemy Tech, but that mod got MAJOR parts creep, since all the individual packs got thrown into ONE pack... (its kind of a PIA, since its close to practically replacing the whole Squad folder... lol)...And it hasnt had any updates lately... Not that I think it really needs one, IIRC... -
CliftonM, I agree with everything you said, but I just wanted to point out that, at least with Squad, its a COMMERCIAL endeavor... Meaning there is $$, an income, involved... Developing (basically DONATING) a mod for KSP, (at least, usually), there is no income or $$ involved... Granted Fengist took the effort of actually posting that he was abandoning the mod, and why... Most mods that become abandoned, are just that, with no statement or reason stating such, leaving people to wonder...
As Whizzkid said, only two small parts: a receiver part, and a transmitter part... Transmitter can be deleted if you make the .cfg change as above... OR, there is also a pack of .cfgs, which Malah made that adds transmitter to all all pods (You can delete all but the Kerbal GPS .cfg if you dont want the others): Malah's Stock Plugins Also, has anyone tried this in 1.0.5 yet?... I suppose I'll have to give it a try soon...
[Stock] [1.05] Hurricane Launch Vehicle Family
Stone Blue replied to Temstar's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
Hence, why I was wondering if FMRS was a possibility... But that was already discussed above... -
These are pretty much the only ones I can think of right now off the top of my head: Nausicaa GAWD How I hate this stoopid forum software....
[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)
Stone Blue replied to cybutek's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
@StahnAileron This is WIP/experimental, but you could give a try: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/114181-wip-multi-monitor-screen-space/&page=1 -
[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)
Stone Blue replied to cybutek's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
@Qwarkk Maybe its time for Blizzy's Toolbar -
Mk3 Expansion - [KSP 1.12x] Version 1.6 [10/5/21]
Stone Blue replied to SuicidalInsanity's topic in KSP1 Mod Development
@SuicidalInsanity I dontt know if you've seen this, or know about it yet... Just thought I would mention it, as I would think getting correct, precisely "clocked" hard docking would be more imperative with Mk2/Mk3 parts, than other, "circular" parts if you know what I mean...- 862 replies
You're more than likely right, but I think it depends on a lot of economic factors... If ULA can replace everything except the engine, cheaper than what it costs SpaceX to recover & refurb a full 1st stage, AND have a lower turn-around time, ULA may be able to compete or beat... I doubt it, tho, and I think you are correct, SpaceX's full-on recover & refurb will end up being cheaper, but I just wanted to point out there are other factors and ways to make things cheaper too...
[0.23.5] Go At Throttle Up [May-11-2014]
Stone Blue replied to TacoScott's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Does this work for 1.0.5? I would try it myself, but i cant download anything from Github... -
Station/Base building mods
Stone Blue replied to Atlas2342's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
Stock a like? These by far then: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/82833-104-stockalike-station-parts-expansion-04062015-bugfixes/ I would also add these, except that, even though they work in 1.0.5, they would need to be tweaked for full compatability: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/31891-large-structuralstation-components-20-compatible-release-thread/ -
[1.1][1.1-1] Apr-19-2016 Dynamic Texture Loader
Stone Blue replied to rbray89's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
"....Again!!".... -
Ascent paths, gravity turns, SRBs
Stone Blue replied to CosmicCharlie's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Not sure exactly what you mean... No, SAS wont do the maneuvering itself.... Also, leaving it by itself with SAS off wont do the meaneuvering... You have to do it manually... UNLESS: Did you mention before you were using MechJeb?... You should have mentioned that from the beginning...lol No, Heaven's no!, Do NOT set "Limit AoA" to 45°.... Lleaving "Limit AoA" to 5° is fine, and even now recommended, in MJ... I'm probably not gonna end up explaining this clearly, but: MJ isnt "all-knowing", and if its NOT checked, but you have a craft design that ABSOLUTELY needs to limit the AoA, MJ wont know the difference, and it may manhandle the gravity turn how it THINKS it should be done... And it may crash the craft... Basically, if its unchecked, MJ may decide its fine to pitch over 45° mid-gravity turn... I have no idea how MJ does the calculations for autopilot... I never really bothered with Limit AoA until 1.0 came out with the new aero model... Keeping a shallow AoA wasnt a big issue, since the (stock) drag and aero model was hugely forgiving... I could be wrong, but I thought 1.0.5 brought in fine-tuning/stricter enforcement of drag & aero physics... ?? ANYWAY, with MJ, you can actually also tweak the ascent profile... Theres a button that opens another little window, that graphs the gravity curve as you tweak it... -
^^ No mod required... just an MM patch... If you want to see an examplle, I know the Antennas mod has additional antennas for Telemachus, and there are .cfgs in there you can use as examples to write your own .cfgs... HOWEVER, if you use RemoteTech, there IS this "mod": http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/100730-wipplugin090-telemachus-and-remotetech-kitbash/
1.0.5 Training Tutorials are bleeped!
Stone Blue replied to Derfel99's topic in KSP1 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials
Dev notes, shmev notes.... Boy, I would hate to be the poor sucker that has to FIX the tutorials...