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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. @Tornado77 I guess this is probably what you had more in mind for your question? vOv And you dont really *need* to upload on Github... If you are making code, then you yes, you have to have your source code hosted and available publicly, but it doesnt have to be *specifically* Github... there are other choices you could use, as well. If you are *not* writing code, you can just host on SpaceDock... and/or github, or other sites...
  2. I'll just mention, that yeah, there seems to be some (probably minor) issues with many of the IVA textures and props... Theres a *ton* of log spam for them... I was planning (hoping) to take a look at the IVAs, after a couple other things get fixed... (namely the Humpback cargo tail)...
  3. @CraigCottingham how difficult/involved would it be to add maps for different planet packs?
  4. @DanGSun idk, is it just me, but do @CraigCottingham 's zoom levels seem much broader than current ones? (at least as Telemachus interfaces with the current ones?) I admittedly havent actually *played* KSP in too long, but I do remember complaining that you couldnt zoom in far enuff on the maps in Telemachus... vOv
  5. Sorry if its in the thread somewheres already (I did go thru several pages, but its late for me, and I am tired, and prolly shouldnt even be on the forums right nao).. But does anyone know of a link for instructions on how to make useable FE icons? I found link for the non-existant wiki vOv
  6. actually, if youve got beefy hardware, you can run that on *one* box...
  7. :O noice... *...runs to notify the Telemachus dev aboot this...*
  8. I believe thats because this mod uses spaces in the internal part names in the .cfgs... and the err tells you *exactly* what to do about it... ModuleManager doesnt allow spaces in internal part names... use " ? " mark in place of spaces in MM patches... Users can edit the patch files until/if they get updated/released in a new package... Just copy/pasta the following lines into the PP_RCS.cfg file, overwriting the existing lines: @PART[CST-100?Service?Module]:FOR[CST-100]:NEEDS[PlumeParty] @PART[CST-100?capsule]:FOR[CST-100]:NEEDS[PlumeParty] Also, @Drakenex the :FOR[ ] statements in the patches are unnecessary, and should probably be removed... from what I gather, :FOR[ ] statements should be used sparingly, and only by that mod's dev, *for* that mod only... for the RealPlume patches, I would use :NEEDS[RealPlume,SmokeScreen] instead... vOv
  9. Nice Uhmm.. you forgot to click the "Publish" button on SpaceDock, methinks... getting a 404err from that link... also, you might want to edit your post above, to add a license, so people know what they can/cannot do with these... even in 10yrs, when SpaceDock may be gone...
  10. Since this pack has no .version file to maintain, mebbe worth updating the thread title as new KSP updates drop? Some devs show min-current range of KSP versions that they will offer support for... generally meaning no significant breaking changes... ie [1.3.X - 1.7.3] ... then just update the "1.7.3" whenever needed... Also, its pretty easy to update the KSP version on SpaceDock, without having to relist, or upload a new package... vOv
  11. VERY nice to see a simple, well-done, quality planet mod... especially as someone's first... IMHO, coming right out of the gate as a beginner, and trying for massive planet/star packs all at once, seem to generally produce less than desirable quality mods... and also, many times there are people who just want to add one or two little planets or moons, rather than *everything*... But *this*?... *this* is well done... *this* might be added to my Must Have Mods List... Also, I want to say... "EXCELLENT choice in mods to use in showcasing this mod... You couldnt have picked better, higher-quality mods for the aspects that each represents..." - Hope to see moar things from you...
  12. NOICE... Always great to see new, awesome stuff get roped, tamed, then saddled for inclusion into the WBI stables...
  13. I dont touch CKAN, so I do not know what its specifically called there... I even get confused with the naming between it and Legacy on SpaceDock... However, *this* thread you are posting in, is the thread for OPT "Main"... "Main" is an "unofficial" name that has been given to it by the community, to differentiate between it and Legacy. You can probably refer to the first post, to clarify your CKAN question... or at least use the link to manually grab the pack from SpaceDock... I believe KYeon intended to have the parts in Legacy completely disappear forever, after the "remake" that contains the new stuff... So I assume there was no need to rename the mod, so "officially", its still only Orbit Portal Technology Space Plane Parts... It was after that, that idk who exactly, grabbed up the old parts and "re-released" them as a seperate pack, naming them OPT Legacy... I dont think there was ever a new, seperate thread created for the "Legacy" pack, until JadeOfMaar created one when he made the Reconfig patches... *That* thread is where both OPT Reconfig and OPT Legacy mods are hosted and discussed... NOT this thread... Sorry for any confusion, but it is what it is... it can be difficult to have clear threads and discussions when mods are taken over, or split off, without a good "hand-off", from original dev to anyone else who gets involved... vOv Heres the Reconfig/Legacy thread: And to answer your question, OPT is a strictly parts pack, and does not include any plugins (.dll files) of its own, so it should pretty much work in any version of KSP.... from 1.3.0 (possibly even earlier), up to and including any future versions... So, yes... it does still currently work as-is... I would however highly recommend *always* having OPT Reconfig installed with either OPT Main, or Legacy pack... It is an awesome set of patches that tweaks both packs, and helps keep them current and compatable with both stock KSP and many other great mods.
  14. I see you have OPT Legacy installed.. the Humpback to Juno (J-class) adapter is just that... your issue is that that is *not* a Juno (J-class) aerospike... It is Stail class... The Stail class is *very* close to the Juno profile, but as you can see, doesnt *quite* fit... vOv Currently, there are no parts to cross Humpback directly with Stail parts. Also, there is technically only *one* J-class part specific to OPT Legacy, and that's the J Cockpit Legacy... The drone core and RCS unit are actually parts from OPT Main, but are cloned in Legacy, if Main is not installed as well... If you want a full line-up of J-class parts, you need to install OPT Main, as well...
  15. Ppfffffttt... i dont believe it for a second... *...youve been rubbing elbows too much with a cyan canine, lately...* Mod revamping is a contagious thing... Amazing how quick you've gotten to such a high level of modelling and texturing... You have a lot to be proud of...
  16. @Poodmund any idea if this new update will affect any of the many OPM *addons* that are out there? vOv
  17. Mebbe cuz its in *Add-on Discussions*, instead of Add-On Releases, or even Add-On Development, one of which, where it should really probably be, instead of Discussions .. vOv @0x00 Mebbe you should ask to have it moved? I'm a *long time* mod hoarder, and I've never heard of this before nao... Also, I am on a potato... (slightly lower CPU and Nvida GPU stats), but otherwise the same as 0x00 poasted that he has... I think I'll definately give this a try, now that I've discovered it ...
  18. I use KSP Mod Admin to verify/edit craft files .. Been a while since I used it with craft files, tho... IIRC, it tells you what parts come from what mod.. at least when the mods are installed... ie you can find parts in a craft from a mod you want to uninstall... find the parts, and delete them from the craft file, *then* you can remove the mod...
  19. Is the Badlands (and others) folders missing? what version of the mod do you have?
  20. Anyone have any idea why theres a new /Mono folder and UnityPlayer.dll in the /KSP install folder?
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