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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. you can still have your mod *use* them, by specifying the file URLs in the configs, using the path to the *existing* Squad files... That way your parts will *use* the Squad assets, but you dont have to have them included or distributed in *your* mods' .zip package.... vOv
  2. @Aaron11 this post two pages back, should help fix the JSI/RPM camera problem... idk know about your other KSPI part problem... maybe its a similar/same issue? vOv
  3. Wow... VERY nice... Good to see you adding moar stand-alone mods to TD Industries... Quick question tho... can you bake meatloaf with this engine? lol
  4. Yes it certainly is... Along with some from at least the ReStock mod...oops...
  5. yes, thats Kerbal Flight Indicators, not NavHUD, tho they are similar. i prefer KFI for atmospheric and planetary "operations", and NavHUD for orbital/in-space operations.
  6. You all *do* know that this mod has absolutely NO license listed or stated anywhere in the OP or the .zip.... and that it therefore is automatically assumed to be ARR, meaning I'm pretty sure no one is supposed to even be passing around copies of it without specific permission from Lunaran the author? vOv
  7. First question is, did you install the two required dependencies as listed? New Dependencies  Click Through Blocker  ToolbarController All the mods are included in a single zip file for the beta. I know, its kinda confusing and not really clear that you have to grab these two *seperately*, and that these two are *not* included in the single zip file.
  8. remember to add 2.7 scale, for JNSQ?... pretty pleeze?... (again)... lol
  9. Just copy everything from +PART down to the last line (with the last bracket), open Notepad or any text editor, paste, save the file with any name you want (AviationLights_dockingport) or something descriptive, add .cfg at the end of the name, and click save... save anywhere in the /GameData folder, or any subfolder... Thats it.
  10. All other differences aside, just dumping Dx9 and moving to Dx11 should be a pretty significant performance gain... I've seen the difference for a few years.
  11. OwO ... noice... one of my biggest hopes for KSP *...runs off to find this announcement thread...*
  12. yea... KSP most likely will never have another Unity update, so likely that version will be the same for all future KSP upfdates... If it *does* get a Unity update at some point, I'm sure JPL will update that thread. @matthewjd24 Also Google will most likely be your best bet... the forum search function succs... theres *tons* of decent KSP modding tutes and threads out there... Just depends on what aspects of modding you're looking to get into. just use google to get started... most threads/tutes will have links and terminology which you can use to better specify google searches... Its all out there, tho
  13. Should be... this post is from an actual, official Squad/KSP dev. He's been excellent in keeping it updated any time theres a Unity upgrade for KSP:
  14. Good to know... I'll have to check all the mods that are spamming for me, and see if moving them helps
  15. IIRC, they need to be .png... and should really be 32x32... KSP will *use* different sized textures, but it wont compress anything *not* a power of two, and will spam the KSP log if it cant... ie I see lots of mods using 38x38, but then you get log spam, and I assume those textures dont get compressed, from the error message
  16. @DanGSun I'm not sure how long its been up, but CONGRATS on Telemachus Reborn making it onto the Featured Mods list on SpaceDock https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program
  17. @Exodus_Solis have you thought about adding these last two?... you *are* supposed to have a license listed in your OP per forum rules
  18. EDIT: nvm... seems I myself got my mods mixed up in my reply to Lo Var Lachland :face_palm:
  19. Not to speak for pizzaoverhead, but I'm pretty sure modelling IVA meshes to match up to the external part meshes, (even colliders, especially since KSP only does convex colliders), is quite tedious and time consuming... 95% of the part modders I know of that make crewed/crew possible parts, simply wont touch IVAs, since they are so much work, for so few people that use them. (I say few, relatively speaking, as even tho people who DO use IVAs are plentiful, and quite vocal in the community, they are *still* most likely a vast minority)
  20. Hopefully with a newer than 2017.1.3 Unity version, KSP 2 will also get multi-monitor support... Altho, I dont even know why I'm hopeful... My old, potato computer probably wont even be able to run KSP 2
  21. Actually, this was included right into the Telemachus release packages quite some time ago, IIRC. SO you shouldnt have to download this seperately... Just install Telemachus and its in there. *And*, IIRC, it mostly works
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