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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Uhhh... until *someone* finishes fixing the parts, Soon™, so they can make it into a future update
  2. So, is there something *not* working with this mod, in 1.8.1? vOv
  3. @RocketSimplicity At first look: 1) i dont see the ProbeControlRoom.dll as registering 2) What is in ProbeControlRoomToolbar folder? I dont recall ever seeing this folder created? vOv 3) The 3 MM exceptions seem to be: 2 caused by a MiniAVC issue (the one in Click through Blocker folder) vOv, and 1 thrown by DPAI Also, (quite possibly unrelated), wondering what version of RPM you have installed... I ask, becuase IIRC, 0.30.6 was MOARdV's last "official" version, but Tegmil has a recompile out for 1.8.1... Their .version file *does* say 0.30.7, but not sure if theres anything in the plugin code related to version, that may still report v0.30.6? vOv EDIT: I just loaded up RPM by Tegmil, and yeah, the registered .dll still shows as v0.30.6.39518, so yeah, i guess my question is valid?
  4. @yocracra try installing World Stabilizer . You must have at least one of the OPT parts that has collider issues used in your craft, and that triggers a bug which causes spawned craft to launch 1km above the runway. World Stabilizer should temporarily fix at least *that* issue.
  5. I dont remember which KSP version added the autostrut feature, but anything newer than 1.4.0 should have it. Its in the Main game settings. I dont remember if you can adjust it in the in-game settings menu. If you need something moar, maybe look at one of the three versions of currently maintained Kerbal Joint reinforcement? vOv
  6. @RocketSimplicity I could be wrong, but that log looks like its from a stock pre-1.4.0 KSP install. Note the Unity version of 5.4.0p4 and DirectX9 at the top. Logs from 1.4.0-1.7.3 should have Unity 2017.1.3p1. Logs from 1.8.+ should say 2019.2.2f1, *AND* DirectX 11 or 12 only (support for Dx9 was dropped) Note that the name of the output_log.txt changed to Player.log, as well as the location of the log is NOT in the /KSP install folder anymoar. For Windows, its in /Users/<user>/AppData/LocalLow/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/ (at least for NON-Steam users, anyway vOv)
  7. MM is very flexible. Meaning there are usually moar than one way to skin a cat It all depends on your targeted parts. If, like you said, you want to target parts specific to a single (or even multiple mods), you can specify the name of the mod(s) folder(s). ie @PART[*]:NEEDS[<mod(s)folder(s)_name>] { do stuff } if targeting 2 or moar mod folders, seperate the folder names with a comma, inside the single set of brackets. I gave an example of a general patch. the top line can have additional filters/logic depending on what set of parts you want to target. Just realise, that you have to keep in mind what youre trying to do, how youre trying to do it, and how it might affect any other installed patches trying to target the same set of parts. You dont want to end up with conflicting or overlapping patches.
  8. Actually, no, i did not guess wrong. Allista only updated his AT_Utilities mod (used in all his mods), just yesterday. Look thru the last page or so of most of his mod threads. There have been issues, and no official 1.8.+ compatability stated on most, if not all of them, until just yesterday. If Allista's mods slipped thru while checking the OP's install to make sure everything was indeed 1.8.+ compatable, who's to say others didnt slip thru. vOv My post was *just* to say, that before digging into this deeper, everything should be checked again. Totally seperate issue from having incompatable/interacting mods installed together.
  9. I just wanted to point out, based on the timeline of this thread, that it appears @Problemless Mods Wanter has/had some of Alista's mods installed, which were *not* updated for KSP 1.8.+ at the time... Allista only started releasing some initial 1.8.1 updates for his mods a day or two ago... So, i guess, i would say, might want to scrub thru installed mods again, checking for *verified*, official 1.8.1 compatability. (this part below is NOT just for you, Problemless Mods Wanter) Remember, CKAN and KSP-AVC do *NOT* version check every mod out there... even tho many that do not get checked may stil have a .version file packaged. Many devs do not want their mods to be handled by CKAN, and theres no guarantee those devs have taken steps to have KSP-AVC do so instead... vOv Anything that falls in those cracks would *have* to be manually looked up for 1.8.+ compat.
  10. Well, trying to have it launch in closed position... But then the deploy limiter is limiting the wrong end of the animation. Been struggling with the stock module, and cant get it to reverse. Seems the part has had this issue since KYeon first made it? vOv
  11. @linuxgurugamer Can this be used on a *single* animation? Currently trying to address the "reversed" deployment limit on an OPT cargo tail ramp. I already have a single animation for it and wondering if it will work as-is with MSAG, before I go and redo/split the animation up in Blender, and have to re-run it thru Unity. I apologize in advance, since I will most likely have moar questions incoming, as well. If i can get this to work, we will probably try to integrate it into several OPT parts, and add it as a dependancy. EDIT: Also throwing out a "HELP! me pleeze" call, to any other mod devs who have poked or integrated this as a dependency into a mod... I know LGG is pretty busy rn, just trying to get his million and one mods updated for 1.8.+
  12. @AG-cs wow... SWEET use of OPT parts for such a kewl creative craft. Nice to see OPT parts used on moar than just atmospheric SSTOs. :thumbs_up: @JadeOfMaar That is so kewl, that you found that movie. And even moar kewl to find that, at least that one design, actually *flies*, in KSP. Makes one wonder who the artist/creator was, and if they had an actual background in aeronautical/aerospace design.
  13. @Zerolera While these might be a little outdated as to to specifics, overall, these should help explain RemoteTech, if you havent already read them Not sure if there is a specific thread, or write-up that specifically *compares* RemoteTech and CommNet side-by-side, but these two wikis should be a good place for you to start. https://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/ https://remotetechnologiesgroup.github.io/RemoteTech/guide/
  14. Yeah, thanx for picking this up, Badger. Ooff... i already have MOARdVs .zips named as "Continued" in my archives.. Have to figure out something to differentiate between this takeover and those, nao... lol
  15. First thing to check is if they are DXT3 or DXT5 .dds format. Unity 2019 update dropped DXT3 support. If thats (hopefully) the case, just a simple matter of converting them over to DXT5. Its listed in the 1.8.0 KSP changelog on the OP of the KSP 1.8.0 release announcement thread by Uommacapra, for verification. @Kernowden Kerbin tagging you for FYI
  16. @Dundrogen OwO ...wow... that..is...AWESOME @TiktaalikDreaming Just tagging you for FYI... you gotta see that vid...
  17. @GJNelson quickly looking at your log, you have quite a lot of mods. I notice off the bat, that you have at least Throttle Controlled Avionics installed, which I am pretty sure hasnt been updated for 1.8.0 yet. I see some other mods I'm not sure are updated for 1.8 yet either. I would, upon game startup, reset any version compatability overides you may have set in KSP-AVC, and recheck for 1.8.x compatability on those mods that would nao show as yellow. Then also, either check with CKAN, or manually check the thread for compatability status of any mod that KSP-AVC doesnt do checking for. Also, [WRN]s in the KSP.log are not necessarily show-stoppers. Unless you are seeing actual issues *in-game* during play, they can generally be ignored. Its not a bad idea to let the mod dev know you're getting them, but before doing so, its usually best to test on a *fresh*, stock KSP install with *only* the mod in question, and any *required* dependencies installed.
  18. to add to what DStaal said above, KSP-AVC is sorta moar geared toward people who manually install mods, rather than CKAN, as KSP-AVC has a UI where you can set notification over-rides, if you are knowledgeable about what old mods may still work fine in newer versions of KSP than what the .version file was last set for, for example. I dont use CKAN, but I'm under the impression it handles version checking and notification, itself? vOv
  19. Ok... hadnt messed with KSP since leaving my last, erroneous, bug report. I pulled a dumb one, and ended up removing both ClickThrough and ToolbarCont. by accident when I pulled a bunch of mods out to do those two runs of ImageViewer. :face_palm: Sorry for the (probably) false bug report. I should kno better @linuxgurugamer Thanx for the quick update and feature add. I knew you were *busy* getting thru 1.8.x updates for everything else, and didnt really expect you to move so fast on IV... The new update including new user dir. feature (as expected), works flawlessly, in 1.8.1. THANK YOU, again. Just one *tiny* thing to note, and if you think its worth changing, lmk and I can throw up a request on the repo as a reminder, for you to consider if you ever update this mod again... When changing skins, the toolbar popup UI doesnt change skins along with the other two.
  20. I'll also put my $$ on that I have a feeling 1.8.1 wont be the final 1.8 build, and the last *final* x.x.2 stable we had was 1.2.2, and before that, the last was 0.24.2
  21. Moar like mebbe (I am only specculating), waiting a month or so for a Final™ 1.8.x version/patch. IIRC, for 1.6.x or 1.7.x, the team got bit in the butt, by doing a ton of work on an update for 1.6.0 or 1.7.0/.1/.2, only to have the next patch break a bunch of stuff...and then having to do a bunch moar work... vOv
  22. No problem. I dont know if you know this, or have the HDD space, but with KSP being DRM-free, you *can* quickly make a fresh, stock KSP install in a seperate folder, install *only* the mod you want to test, *with any required dependency mods*, and give that a go... Genreally means quicker load times, and results in moar reliable verification of issues with said mod, and eliminates *other* mods that might conflict, as issues.
  23. @DStaal I just brought your post to the attention of the SD team. Whats disturbing is the amount of downloads he's getting, and so quickly, on his submissions
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