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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Heres what I have... googling the titles should get you the threads/links
  2. What version of KSP are you on? This sounds like some of the bugs that cropping up in older versions of RPM. vOv @DemonEin since RPM has been officially adopted by the awesome user JonnyOThan, mebbe you should update your OP, to head off these RPM issues, most likely from using incompatable versions with KSP 1.7.+ & 1.8.+ ... vOv Mebbe something like: For KSP 1.8.+: [1.8.x] - RasterPropMonitor (adopted) For KSP 1.7.3 and older: RasterPropMonitor v0.30.6
  3. Anyone tried the 1.8.1 recompile on KSP 1.7.3? Wondering if its backward compatible... vOv (I dont have a working 1.7.3 install anymoar to try it on ) edit: nevermind... had the KSP version for Tegmil's patch mixed up...
  4. @Theysen Sorry for what could be a very dumb question, but is the latest version of the texture packs backward compatible with *all* past versions of RSS itself? ... or were there changes along the line to the texture packs/base mod that would break backward compat somewhere along the line? No need to go into any specific detail, just pretty much yes or no would work... if yes, then I will go back and do the digging myself to figure out what would/would not work with what... I have 8.7 Gigabytes of RSS-related .zips alone, and am trying to clean house... Thanx!
  5. Thats normal... Blender has a very steep learning curve. Especially problematic now, as current Blender version is 2.8+, and they *completely* redid most of the interface since 2.79+, among big changes under the hood, so that means any KSP-specific Blender tutes you find, may be evn harder to follow... tho will still work Just make sure to stay away from high-polygon models that you come across on the innerwebs. I've found (and repeatedly and ignorantly ignored the advice of some very top-level famous KSP mod devs about this point, much to my chagrin), that importing high-poly models into KSP is not really worth it, since you have to generally modify/simplify them for KSP. With all the work that takes, its generally just quicker and easier to start from scratch with your making your own. By all means, maybe use them as general "templates" to create your own models from, but yeah, its generally best to make your own from scratch. And DONT use mesh colliders if you can absolutely avoid it. Try to stick with basic box colliders, even if you have to create multiples, rather than a single mesh collider.
  6. oh!... derp.. didnt realise that was where Crew R&R came from :face_palm: I usually add something like [formerly <old_mod_name>] to my archived .zip filenames, when theres a significant name change on "continuations/adoptions/takeovers/forks"... musta missed that on this mod Thanx
  7. Sorry for the necro, but just wondering if this mod might still be relevant to current versions of KSP, and/or if there are any other mods that do *all* of what this mod did... vOv @linuxgurugamer Do any of your maintained mods do all this? vOv
  8. I think @whale_2 may have recently changed the way builds are done (looks like no moar batch compiling for backport releases, since 1.8.+ changed the API a lot, and the NET move from 3.5 to 4.+), and they may have just forgotten to upload it there?... vOv ...or perhaps they were waiting for some confirmation from the community that the latest update was fully working, before comitting an "official" update to SpaceDock?... some mod devs do that when they are unsure of whether bugfixes/new features are 100% working... vOv
  9. There's: And this might work, too: As to tanks with different textures, sure, there are TONS of mods that add different looking tanks, but moar than likely, they add a bunch of other parts and stuff, too. Theres: B9 doesnt do anything by itself, but someone may have already written a simple patch for it that supports switching only LFO to LF... vOv If you have a real aversion to switching mods, your best bet would be to search for an existing ModuleManager patch that does what you want... better yet, learn to write MM patches yourself. Its quite easy.
  10. :thumbs_up: ... looks like its back to normal... THANK YOU PEEPS SOOOO MUCH!!
  11. are past versions of these still hosted anywhere, and publicly available? I'm looking at some old mods (from a couple of Unity versions ago), and having trouble finding info to convert/update some stuff to 1.8.1 EDIT: I'm dumb... just realilsed this was answered a couple posts above mine, *right* after hitting "Save" ... :face_palm:
  12. @JonnyOThan While CKAN is great for people who use it, (generally those who auto-install mods), I know theres a significant number of people who do NOT use it, and prefer manually installing mods. While I really like that many devs use Github for hosting, there isnt really any readily available resource for indexing or quickly finding links or current info for KSP mods hosted on Github, other than searching through the forums, or specifcally looking up the mods' thread to find a Github link. Also, unfortunately, many devs do not specifically state what versions of KSP specific versions of a mod are compatable with. SpaceDock is a great resource, IMHO, for all that, and as an alternative hosting location. Especially when people may quit modding for KSP, and end up deleting or removing their repos. SpaceDock has a Recently Updated Mods page, which I browse quite regularly, and its nice to get a quick handle on what mods have recently updated, instead of scouring the forums. People can also follow mod listings there, to get notifications when a mod has updated, etc... Also, I believe SD can automatically handle updating NETKAN files for each release. I know its an extra step for a dev, when pushing out a release, but after initial setup, there's not much moar than just a few clicks to do. vOv
  13. Seems to... Depends on if the IVA supports MAS. I preliminarily tried it with G'th's Ultimate Shuttle IVA, and initial testing looks good... EDIT:... OMG... did I derp, big time... :face_palm: @micha Ultimate Shuttle IVA uses a mix of *both* MAS and RPM MFDs... Guess what?... DPAI works on an RPM MFD in that IVA... So, looking thru both the DPAI and MAS repos, no, it doesnt look like there is a DPAI .cfg for a MAS MFD... So unless some IVA maker made one specific to their IVA, and is squirrelling it away, then I *dont* believe there is DPAI/MAS compatability yet
  14. @JonnyOThan Any chance of getting this hosted on SpaceDock, as well?
  15. Yeah, I agree... I prefer not to use FS, and convert old mods over to B9 PartSwitch as much as possible. But in your case, right now, you can just grab the plugin-only version of FS. There are seperate download links for just the plugin, and the whole mod (inc. plugin *and* parts). OR, you can grab the whole mod, and yes, delete everything but the plugin and associated folders/files. QuizTech only uses the plugin.
  16. @linuxgurugamer Thanx again for another update. (Especially for targeting and eliminating any kind of log spam. I especially like those kinds of fixes. ) Just an FYI tho, the link in your OP for ToadicusTools is to Toadicus' original SD listing, which is *quite* outdated... Here's link to *your* continuation on SD, if you just wanna copy/pasta to the OP... https://spacedock.info/mod/1069/ToadicusToolsContinued
  17. @MacLuky ya... I find DDS4KSP to be quickest and easiest when you're only doing batch converting, with no other edits to the textures. OH!... when you do this mod, *deselect* .png... the only .pngs in it are the flags, IIRC... those IIRC should stay .png? vOv https://github.com/Telanor/DDS4KSP You can ignore the part about needing DDSLoader...
  18. Five parts... but yeah, each still has moar than 2 textures... at least they are all 1k or below... vOv And yeah, looks better than the Phoenix Industries Dragon that I had been using...
  19. Nice! I'm sure its on your list of ToDo with this, but converting the textures from .mbm to .dds shrinks the mod folder from ~45MB down to 15.8MB
  20. Definately dont quote me on this, but IIRC, using :FOR[mod], basically creates some kind of instance for that mod, if that mod does not already exist. Hence, I believe I have heard it should be reserved for a specific mod's official dev, and its not the best idea for modders/patchers to use, *unless* they *are* the said mod's owner/developer. I assume the reasoning is, if a :FOR[ ] is used by not-the-mod-owner, it can potentially cause issues if someone then installs that actual official mod, possibly causing conflicts with what is in the official mod, and possibly create support issues for the real mod's dev... vOv Again, dont quote me, but something possibly for people to check out/think about before extensively using it.
  21. Aahhh... Thanx... I musta missed the 1.8 branch when i peeked at that master branch... :face_palm: I'll give it a try, and hopefully post back with initial results...
  22. @blowfish LGG mentioned in some recent thread about AIES, that he was working on compiling a bunch of past community patches, and updating them all for a release Soon™... Would be worth getting ahold of him if you were to consider doing anything for AIES Couldnt find the thread, but his repo is here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AIES_Patches
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