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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. HOLY-RE-APPEARANCE!! Glad to see you back :waves:
  2. Between the TwitterLeaks event, and even the Kop Team themselves suggesting a hardish-target for release time, and having to (legitimately) back peddle... I think I'll still stick with the most-est legit source of *all*, for knowing when Kop 1.8.1 has released...
  3. Hmm... I've just started trying to update an old KerbinSide add-on, and been lost trying to find a good example mod to figure out the new .cfg structure/definitions... I think I may have just found the purr-fekt mod for examples... As Always, THANX! DARN YOU, JADE!!... :shakes_fist_@_Jade: LOL
  4. Nice... I see you guys got an early start, too, since youre 5hrs ahead of me (well, at least I kno VITAS is )
  5. @VITAS any idea how long it will be down? Or is it a matter of, it will be done, when its done...
  6. On 1/29/2020 at 1:56 AM, Doc Shaftoe said: Your suit retexture packs probably haven't been updated for the 1.5+ Kerbal model. That's why they're not working. I'm pretty sure someone updated the USI kolonization suits, but I don't think it's linked on the first page. You can run a quick forum search or check Spacedock. As far as I know, there haven't been a whole lot of retexture packs put out for the new Kerbal model. Did you refer to this (looks like its been recently updated, too vOv): https://github.com/ducakar/TextureReplacer/blob/master/GameData/TextureReplacer/%40Default.cfg The first three keys (prefixed by "log<>"), I think, should get you lists of the new Kerbal model hierarchies & stuff you need to rename/figure out the mapping of textures.
  7. Hmm... whoever coordinates the camera feed switching, needs to have their pay docked... We got to *hear* several critical mission events, while watching the orbital animation, till the feeds got switched over quite a few seconds late... :face_palm: I cant believe (at least) those bottom few sats didnt collide, right after sep... Yeah, I know, they are probably on their own power/nav at that point, but seems like there ought to be a better way to deploy, than to have to have them have to institute collision avoidance within just seconds of deployment... lol
  8. Hmmm... Thanx... I have *both* Ublock and NoScript... will try with NoScript first... (thats my primary blocker)...
  9. I get that you're probably only half serious, but that is absolutely impossible, you would never be allowed (nor should you) to profit commercially from somebody else's intellectual property / copyrighted software like that Sounds like sadina was suggesting that *Squad* buy this, or hire the Kop team, to somehow make it an official Squad-sanctioned DLC... not for the Kop Team to go start charging $$ for it themselves... But yeah, profit-motivated mod content... not sure that would be a good idea... it hasnt proven successful in the past, *other* than when Squad seems to officially hire mod devs... vOv AND A REMINDER, TO ANYONE THAT THINKS KOPERNICUS IS WORTH PAYING $$ FOR: THERE IS A LINK TO GIVE DONATIONS, AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OP. (Disclaimer: dont expect faster, better, or even continued support, because you give a *donation*, tho...)
  10. LMBO... I just opened FF, clicked my KSP forum bookmark, list of thread titles comes up as usual... except the Privacy Policy popup, is literally sitting right on top of the title for this thread...
  11. Look for a link below that, for "Older Versions" .... KSP Store still has all major releases from 1.7.3 back to 1.0.5
  12. Exactly this ^^^ 1.8.1 dropped on Oct 29... Jan 29 would be 3 mos exactly. So we are coming well within range of a 1.9.0 release, without a Kop 1.8.1 release yet. But yeah, we know KSP updates do not drop *exactly* on that timetable, hence why I said *technically*
  13. Even tho, technically, 1.9 is due in just 5 *days*, it can be *anytime*... i highly doubt the Kop team would purposefully wait on 1.9, to drop a 1.8.1 Kop version... They have said they are *Close™*... If 1.9 happens to drop before they get a 1.8.1 version out, I'm sure its not on purpose... just a matter of timing, happening that way
  14. Either Rocketology's or Kop... I been flippin between both all day long...
  15. heh.. Second time I've seen that exact XKCD posted today... ...elsewhere tho...
  16. Hmmm... mebbe this could be worked in as a dependency? vOv Hmmm... AlphaMensae has done some amazing work on an elevator for moving kerbals, in his LaunchTower mod... vOv @Eskandare any chance you'ld be willing to throw what you've done so far, up on the web somewhere's, for others to poke at?
  17. Whoa!!... nice concept... reading the thread title tho, I was thinking this was just about *textures* for *craft* bodies... Mebbe you could recruit @damonvv to make a after-effect, corroded exterior textures for *every* conceivable part in KSP... or mebbe just a translucent shader that gets applied...?? vOv kinda like the grungy re-flown booster thing he did in Tundra... Make sure to make all the OPT textures *top-priority*, since I know those are sooooo fun to work with... and you have that experince with them, too...
  18. I'm hoping someone who *knows* the coding of this mod, can help answer a question for me. (Most likely, I may have moar , too ) I'm having trouble with an odd sized model that I am trying to resize to a a standard KSP size, as a PF base. The part is using the same model, thats used for a *non-*ProceduralFairings base. THAT part, I can get to rescale correctly by using the normal scaling keys in the cfg. However, something in the PF modules must be overriding that. The only thing I can see that *might* do that, is this: name = ProceduralFairingBase baseSize = 1.15 or this: name = KzFairingBaseResizer size = 1.25 My issue, is that even with commenting both those keys out, my part is *still* getting rescaled (with both scale = and rescaleFactor = both not defined (default 1.0 & 1.25, resp.) *Incidentally*, tho, the part *is* ending up being scaled at 1.15, which I see is the same as baseSize = ... What is the default for that key, *if not defined*?... it wouldnt happen to be 1.15, would it? And since I'm asking, whats the default for size = , if not defined? EDIT: so, yeah... looks like something in a PF module completely over-rides rescaleFactor next up, seeing if it also over-rides mesh rescaling vOv
  19. @Dundrogen Wow... other than the legs unrealistically *not* colliding with each other, that is prett darn *KEWL* ... Nice job! Hey!... nice to hear from you again, lo-fi. Hope youre doing well. And as always, THANK YOU for such awesome contributions to the community, that still make *thousands* of people's KSP experience sooooo much better.
  20. You mean *Squad*?... YES.. *ALWAYS*.. It wasnt so much this... Squad actually *hired* quite a few mod devs. Some have come and gone... a few *are still Squad devs, who were originally just modders, all on their own*... I know *some* mod devs *have* actually been approached with offers by Squad, and have turned them down. (They seem to have *other*, betting paying jobs)... While mostly not verbatim, but at least functionally, *MANY* of Squad's improvements/added functionality thru the long years, have actually come from mod's created by modders. (Thats one reason why I dont understand the whole fanatical, against mods, stock-only crowd... but thats for another thread) So as much as people may bash Squad, (sometimes for good reason...sometimes *not*), at least Squad has been really good about adding "not-profesional" mod devs to their team, as well as sneaking in and basically adding mods to the stock game... So they *are* listening to and watching the community... Not always *what* we want, or *how* we want it... but *Sometimes™* they get it right. Heh... I'm not so sure the Kopernicus Team wouldnt mind seeing this either... as it would mean they could stop having to do soooo much work providing us Kop, and either give them moar time to provide *Other Stuff™ *, or moar actual *playing* time for themselves... Thats a pretty harsh statement. I know *some* mod devs feel that way completely, but I think most only feel that way *sometimes*... depending on what stoopid thing Squad does/doesnt do at the time. I think most, while maybe being vocal when Squad *doesnt* get it right, I think they do generally, always know that Squad is, after all, an independent and relatively young, small startup, so of course they cant be expected be as professional, or on equal footing as *top-level* game developers. I'll give kudos to Squad, for at least (seemingly), trying to make up this known shortcoming, by trying to bring in other expereinced game developers/publishers thru the years. It hasnt always gone well, (ie the fiasco with, IIRC, Flying Tiger, to port over to console), and maybe some dont like that they got in bed with T2... But I dont think it has all been about the added $$ of doing so... I think they also knew/know that they need that extra experience/knowledge, as well. I dont know what will happen with Squad, now that StarTheory is involved by dev'ing KSP 2 seperately tho... vOv Anyways, all good points... I know I've gone on quite a bit, and am guilty of starting a derail, but lets try to get back on topic. vOv (Moderators (or anyone on the Kop Team) feel free to edit or delete this post for that)
  21. The [1.7.3-2 ...] in the thread title will change to [1.8.1- <something, something>] as soon as its available.
  22. - Removed particles support (Syntax deprecated) So does that mean the PQSmods standalone, flare export, shader export, and any of that other interesting stuff on the Kop repo will be updated, as well? ... or are those obsolete already? vOv ... i see some have not been active for a couple years or moar... vOv
  23. THANK YOU, @Sigma88 , as usual, for always managing to answer my questions (relevant, and/or as dumb as they are), both here and on Discord, in a most timely manner, if not even immediately...
  24. So, I've been following this thread a bit, tho not religiously, like some... I just skimmed back thru the past 4 pages... Found very little on anything that might be new for 1.8.1 (I also have a terrible memory, so I'm sure I've forgotten anything I read moar than a week or two ago ) ... Is it too soon for someone to give a quick summary/changelog (doesnt need to be complete... just highlites, mebbe?), of what wonderful goodness is coming Soon™? ... vOv
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