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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. So, what do ya'll think we're going to get tomorrow or Monday in the form of a sneak peak? That's assuming they follow the pattern I've noticed of posting something every 2 to 3 days. Airplane flying around KSC - 1/20 Duna Transport - 1/23 Rocket on launchpad - 1/25 Reusable Rocket - 1/27 ??? - 1/29 or 1/30
  2. The nodes might be able to be switched between sizes, considering the gold tank is 5 meters.
  3. Shows how much my brain is functioning. I should probably head off to bed now...
  4. Yeah, the Duna flyby gif. Someone (can't remember who, running on fumes myself) decompiled the gif and Pthigrivi did the scale comparison image above.
  5. The giant 7.5/8.75 spherical tank in the Duna flyby video, which was confirmed will be in game at launch of EA on the 24th of February. You can see the size of the spherical tank in this image curtacy of @Pthigrivi The gold tank is 5 meters confirmed as the command pod and strut structure are confirmed to be 3.75m. With the gold tank being 5, that can only mean that the sphere is 7.5 or 8.75. Possibly even 10 meters.
  6. I forgot that for a moment, yeah. But I think it's best practice to use the letters everyone most commonly uses. It is 5 meters. The module is 3.75m. You can tell because it's wider than the 2.5m cupola. Also, 5 meter parts have been confirmed. Also, 7.5/8.75.
  7. So, some fun and interesting stuff I noticed about the chalkboard in the beginning of the video: 1) The logo in the top left is the same as the KSP logo, but the smoke trail is a film reel. 2) The left equation is the equation for drag and the upper equation is the equation for gravity 3) Said gravity equation is wrong, using a J instead of a G 4) (And this one might not have any significance at all, just something I noticed.) Kerbin is tilted. Like, 10 to 15 degrees. Both to the right and away from us.
  8. Is that a cube sat sized solar panel to the bottom right during the module deployment process on the reusable rocket?
  9. Okay, those look like the EXACT models @Nertea uses from Near Future!
  10. Yep. $49.99 USD at launch of EA. At 1.0 the price will increase too [Information missing] Snacks are an inside joke and continuous gag. It makes sense to put them into the tutorials to let new people in on the joke. And I don't think only new players will watch the tutorials. I guarantee that a lot of vets of KSP 1 will too. So, including running gags is good.
  11. I think you're right, I don't think any other video has the "Rating pending" logo.
  12. Life support is NOT confirmed. Snacks have always been a running gag for KSP. Also, the tutorials aren't just for kids. They're for adults too. Adults have trouble understanding key aspects too you know. And it's mostly adults that play the game, with the second age group being teenagers, who some of might also have a hard time learning KSP.
  13. I did mean retrograde in relation to the planet's rotation. As in retrograde orbit. So, not really the wrong word, just didn't add another key word.
  14. Yeah, Polar orbits are tricky. You have to burn retrograde for most of your launch.
  15. Yes, but the visor is up and not obstructing her mouth. There's nothing slapping her or her helmet. They played a slap sound when it should have been a chewing sound.
  16. Nice voice narrator, great visuals, and great simplifying of key concepts. Little strange how the pizza eating sound was a slap to the face sound.
  17. Right in the kisser? Well, they did say themselves, 9AM PST. Though, I do expect some... what's the word... gah... for lack of a better word "Leeway" in the time.
  18. Oh, true. I guess the Beta the streamer has would have the tutorials. But I don't think there's a streamer involved. I think it's just them showing off the tutorials themselves. 17*
  19. It was at Intercept's office. But let me guess, "They invited a streamer to watch trough the tutorials."
  20. It has something to do with tutorials, we know that. Why else would they show off the tutorial?
  21. 30 minutes until the new... teaser?... The new thing that they are showing off is coming out!
  22. Not really, no. While the IRL terminator line does kind of have an abrupt total darkness, there should at least be a smooth shadow that leads up to it like this: Of course, this is Early Access and that Beta image is old, months old. They may have added shadow softening since then. But again, Early Access. If there's no shadow softness before the terminator, then we can get them to add it by violently and without hesitation pounding on Intercept Game's office doors and demand they do something about it!... or we can submit feedback/bug reports.
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