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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. A little teaser of what I'm working on... having a little trouble, mainly that parts are clipping and don't want to stage properly... I'll get it working tho. And for those wondering. 31. 31 RL10s.
  2. I wonder which will happen first, this forum reaching 1250 pages or the github download hitting 1GB (compressed)
  3. Make sure to remember to include a heat shield. I had to clip it into the bottom of course, but it's no big deal visually.
  4. Thanks. I know historically they weren't retractable, but this is KSP, we can bend the rules a little.
  5. A concept I came up with. The Man-Tended Free Flyer Apollo Style Station. The Aardvark Mk II's delivery disposable experiments while the Aardvark-Rs (Boilerplate Apollos) are used for returnable experiments. Crew launches to the station once to thrice a month depending on the experiments needs and to do routine checkups and maintenance. Btw, @Zorg or @CobaltWolf when will the solar panels get retractability added? I remember it was mentioned/talked about and iirc the idea was to be added. Specifically for the ATM solar arrays so we can easily get rid of/move them out of the way for the 25KW power module.
  6. Big G is sometimes shown with a LES, but I don't think regular Gemini was going to get one. I could be wrong. I like how your pads are just floating on the water. Like NASA couldn't be bothered to terraform the marsh, so they just made man-made Islands and just transport all their rockets by barge.
  7. @Zorg How about keeping the old style, but recessing the attachment point like on the LEM or Apollo Mission Modules?
  8. You can disable "auto jettison" and make sure to "disable staging" to stop it from falling off. Of course. Turning off both auto jettison and staging keeps the panels on.
  9. I think the only way to stop the micrometeorite shield from jettisoning it would be to make a non jettisonable/permanent micrometeorite shield Skylab version.
  10. Is that one Apollo with the RCS firing unable to dock or did you just keep backing it up and moving it forward to get the RCS firing shot? You have to hit "disable staging" in the VAB. I noticed that it would jettison upon staging as well, but "disable staging" stops it from happening.
  11. Take some creative licensing and just do what feels right. Tons of craft to choose from: Personally, I'm in favor of the Final Direct Config April 1962 version. Oh, right, I think it's one of the Extras. Do you know who maintains the fuel cell config in the extras folder?
  12. Speaking of Hydrogen, @CobaltWolf Not sure if you saw my earlier post about it, but the hydrogen/oxygen fuel cell still uses Monoprop on the Apollo service module.
  13. True, but I think the problem was making the lander too small and only 2 stage. The real lander would have been 3 stage iirc. Descent stage, landing/ascent stage, and then return stage. And no, the S-IVB doesn't count as the descent stage as it only had a few hundred D/V, not enough to get the lander close to landing speed. The landing/descent stage also had to burn a lot of fuel to land safely. As for building a Nova/C-8, maybe, if Cobalt makes any direct ascent landers. I'll try redesigning the lander and launching another attempt probably.
  14. "Who put the camera in the trench?!" - Gene Kerman Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Went a little overboard with the screenshot button lol. Check out full album. So decided to make an Apollo No-Rendezvous Lander. Good news? It landed on the Mun. Bad news? It had enough fuel to get to Mun orbit, but not to escape it.
  15. Do you have slow internet? If so, you doing stuff could mess up the download. In order to fix this, close everything except your internet browser, hit download, then leave it alone. I get "unexpected end of zip." all the time if I take up too much bandwidth from the download. Give this a try and see if it helps.
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