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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Apollo 20 (LM Shelter Delivery (No landing)) Aardvark I (LM Truck delivery) Apollo 21 (Lunar landing + LM Taxi) All three sitting on pads waiting for launch. (For purposes of these missions, the stock launch pad is a fictional LC-39C which was constructed for the purposes of being able to launch a third Saturn V without having to turn around one of the two existing towers) For these missions, previous lunar landing crews will be piloting the Shelter Delivery missions so that new crews can get to land on the Moon/Mun. The Apollo 20 shelter delivery missions consists of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Charles "Pete" Conrad. Landing missions will consist of astronauts who did not get to the surface of the moon. Apollo 21 consists of Michael Collins, Richard Gordon and John Young. In this timeline, Aardvark was made, but it's basically Apollo CSM with the seats removed and autonomous flight computer put in. (Basically, using the boilerplate CM)
  2. Ah. Gotcha. I think further confusion comes from the comparison with Agena, which does use hypergolics.
  3. IIRC, Pappy said some engines had hypergolic function added, but not all and they would get around to adding others when they had more time. Vega was supposed to use "Storable propellants." Wouldn't that imply hypergolic fuel?
  4. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Huge gallery, so only the beginning and ending pictures. If you want the rest, check the link. Based off: Zorg when?
  5. Ah darn, beat me too it! Just saw the git like twenty minutes ago. Curse you KSP for taking half an hour to an hour to load!
  6. Are you making sure that the check boxes next to altitude and speed are checked and that you pressed "Engage autopilot"?
  7. 0.3 degrees at 100 m/s for low twr 0.5 degrees at 50 m/s for high twr These values are the rule of thumb.
  8. 15km sounds a little low and fast to me, but I havent done a Mun return in 2.5x yet, so cant really speak from experience. Zorg said he does 30Km to 35Km and is fine, iirc. Try 30Km or even 45km. You might bounce out for another go around, but should be fine.
  9. I thought I was going crazy for a second last night when my Apollo wouldn't work on LFO. (I usually just mass copy the entire Extras folder after an update, safe for the decaying RTG, because I want that unlimited power.) Neat. I think I saw that the Hypergolic fuel gave a bit more Delta V, is hypergolic lighter than LFO? Also, does your patch allow for engine switching between hypergolic and LFO? Didn't really pay attention, just slapped parts together.
  10. @Gotmachine The patch works perfectly. The ATM stayed right where it was supposed to be! I tried both time warps and launched a mission to Skylab, nothing happened! Thank you! Also, for those wondering why Skylab is in a weird orientation, the ATM is in control and tracking a target I set around the sun. A target called "Skylab Target". Mechjeb SMART @$$ is set to face the target at a 0 degree rotation to it. Why do I have a target around the sun? Because you can't target the sun. In other news: Not sure the Apollo Telescope was thought out very well... It's blocking the rcs.
  11. Dang, and I used that site regularly for finding the unflown variants of rockets... this is a great loss.
  12. Yeah. My great grandfather worked on the program too. He was an electrical engineer, worked on the guidance computer. Not sure if it was Apollo's or Saturn's though. Neat to find someone else that has history with these great rockets.
  13. They might not have the "decal" tag applied to them, but they show up when I search for "saturn". Try that?
  14. So, I have decided that I'm going to be launching most if not all probes that BDB has to offer, and possibly more (Probesplus, Scansat, etc). And no, I won't be deorbiting them... so, yeah... skies going to get a little busy. Question is... do I do it Chronological by rocket, start with the smallest rocket LV and go to the biggest or vice versa, or launch all satellites in a series before moving on to the next (Start with Explorer family, move on to Transit, etc) Thinking I might do satellites in a series... that or smallest rocket to largest. Might even do the failures, so yeah, will have double the number of some satellites. Like Explorer 9 (56 and 56A) Edit: Decided to do the one-off failures. So like if a satellite failed to reach orbit, but didn't have any backup units made or flown, than it will get a launch, but if there were multiple flown, only the successes will get flown, so like Vanguard 1 A, B and C, only C will fly.
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