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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Hmm, I did a test flight last night with the not patched git, and was able to get to 150 x 150km with about a 1000 m/s give or take 100 m/s in the S-IVC. Are you playing on RSS or larger than 2.5x system? Edit: Or did you mean 300 more than last flight?
  2. I already found it using LM, I was just informing the BDB Team that it doesn't show up under 'apollo' with the rest of the LM parts.
  3. @CobaltWolf @Zorg @Invaderchaos The LM's decoupler doesn't have a real name associated with it, and it doesn't come up when you search "Apollo" Also Zorg, could the collider not going all the way up on the H03 fairing be a cause for the high drag? It stops about quarter meter away from the Apollo SM. (My curser is right above the left corner of the title box)
  4. I actually locked it after launching a test article into orbit, locking it causes the truss to explode.
  5. Eh, you're right, work around then. Idk either. I just launched Skylab, left it to launch my kitbashed TRS, when I arrived, it was like that. I saw a null reference for KJR about the apollo docking port, and a few scatterer null refs, but nothing about the truss support.
  6. This is how I solved worked around it: I.e. Not attaching it to the truss structure. It's weird to me though, I never had that problem with stock robotics. I couldn't see anything in my log file though, so I can't say if it's a stock bug or not for certain.
  7. Huh, always thought it was a S-IVB based off the image. The more you know. So that means NERVA is huge, if that Class I is the diameter of an S-II. Jeez. Didn't think it was that big.
  8. Huh, hmmm. Wouldn't NERVA be smaller in the picture than? Because Nerva is nowhere near a third of the width of S-II.,.. Is it?
  9. Just wait until we get Nerva, then we'll get real Nuclear Shuttle power! @CobaltWolf @Zorg @Invaderchaos Are parts, besides Nerva, planned for Nuclear Shuttle planned for Phase II of the Saturn Update/1.11? Or are we just getting the engine?
  10. Teaser Image ^ And how I solved the problem. I relaunched a new Historically Accurate... ish... Skylab with this support bracket that the ATM sits on, and then I just have the truss there for visual effect basically. If anyone is wondering how I did the support tube thingy: Apollo LEM 0.625m Passive Docking Mechanism (BDB) Oscar-C LF Tank (Restock Plus) Skylab Radial Attachment Point (BDB) While in VAB: Attach Support Tube Thingy Attach the truss to Skylab Attach ATM to Support Tube Thingy Use offset tool to move the Skylab Radial Attachment Point around until the Skylab ATM Truss Structure attachment joints line up with their respective spaces on the bottom of the ATM core.
  11. No, I opened the left Solar Panel during the Saturn V launch. Once the Saturn V reaches 250 to 350 m/s the solar panel breaks off. @Zorg Do you have any idea what could be causing this? It even moves as if its been attached 180.
  12. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet After a successful launch (That took 6 times due to the shuttle being too heavy thanks to the extra fuel... ) and a successful rendezvous (Not really, had to cheat the shuttle to rendezvous because mechjeb doesn't like the offset and was just wasting fuel), the Teleoperator Retrieval System was deployed and docked with Skylab. After system checks by the crew of Columbia (There is no crew, the shuttle is being probe controlled because I'm not risking crew with my shotty shuttle landing skills) the TRS was commanded to move Skylab into a healthy 175 x 175 km orbit. ------ So yeah, @[HM]GloriousSupremeLeader I have the same glitch as you, kind of. Mine's permanent. I'm not sure what is causing it. If anyone wants to take a look, here's my log file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/l3xjjs8ji17gfcw/KSP.log?dl=0
  13. I already kitbashed it for my Skylab rescue mission. Now I'm wondering if I should do the mission or wait. Nah, you can't fool us. That's Blok D/DM
  14. Skylab is almost inside the atmosphere, hovering at around 90km, a mere 5km from the start of its death plung... Thankfully, a hero is on her way with a very special payload to help Skylab. (Teaser images for next time)
  15. If you go a few pages back you can find a few things. Manned free flyers were one of them. I think a spacelab/Michaelangelo like module was another Edit: these.
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