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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. I know you recolored the service module, but to me that looks like it's been through reentry a few dozen times and recovered from the ocean to be used again.
  2. Might want to widen your landing base, seems a little skinny. Also land around 0.3 to 0.5 m/s to avoid major bouncing. The lower the better. Mechjeb is good at landing, but make sure "Auto timewarp" is set to OFF, otherwise Mechjeb will autowarp too far and not have enough time to slow down enough. Also, do NOT timewarp yourself. Physics warp is okay, but DO NOT timewarp during landing.
  3. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet So... Can you make it into orbit with an S-II wetlab and S-IVB wetlab? ... kinda... you will have to steal fuel from the S-IVB. Can you make it to the Mun? Nope. I don't know why I tried, ended up realizing I wouldn't make it, tried to bring it back down to a smaller orbit, ran out of fuel, periapsis ended up in the atmosphere/kerbin, Apollo commanded to abort from S-IVB... Yeah, I made a few mistakes. So if you want to get the S-II in LKO and S-IVB in Mun orbit... strap some UA1207s on... or use a bigger Saturn S-IC... with better engines... yeah... ellipsis... more ellipsis... even MORE ellipsis... okay I'm done. My next station concept will be a success as it's going to LKO and not the Mun.
  4. Ah, so no way to fix it? Alright. Edit: Wait, it doesn't do that for cargo plane ramps. At 0 they're closed. At 100 they're open.
  5. @Zorg @CobaltWolf @Invaderchaos The deploy limiter on the Venus Flyby Solar Panels is backwards. At 100 it's fully stowed, at 0 it's fully deployed. Should be the other way around.
  6. Two pages back: Though I heard @Eskandare is a little busy, so update will be slow, couple that with Eskandare having a handful of his own mods... well... might be a while.
  7. I think if the S-II Space station concept was used, we would have used the whole thing like Skylab and ditched the wetlab concept. We probably would have seen the S-II Skylab launched on top of a UA1207 boosted Saturn V two stage, or something to that effect.
  8. That's what I meant, sorry. Well, I did find a solution. The S-IVB interstage can fit a Skylab Adapter piece with an Apollo docking drogue and then for the S-IVB, the aerospike J-2T fits nicely. You can lessen the fuel in the S-IVB and just deorbit it on its own. Edit: Did a more accurate style S-II wetlab. Ignore the S-IVB in the background, haven't deorbited it yet.
  9. Ah, I see. So the S-IVB is discarded after launch? Edit: Ah yeah, okay, I see it now. Missed that part.
  10. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Made Von Braun's original (?) design, with the addition of solar panels, wetlab workshop. Below you can see the design. I think the original design called for just the tanks to be launched by themselves and then a later Saturn V would launch the 'lab' part and astronauts would construct the lab in orbit by cutting the tanks open and sliding the lab into place. The design called for a Venus flyby style of solar arrays, flat panels around the S-II, but I went with this sort of "Butterfly wing" effect I liked better. @Zorg Would it be possible to get an S-IVB interstage with a crew pipe running through it and the retros + decoupler functionality removed?
  11. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Test launch of the LDC Titan Barbarian. Wanted to see how well it would perform with Spacelab. Got to a 300 km x 300 km 90 degree northernly orbit.
  12. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet So... huh... yeah... Got a Titan II (IIIC) core into orbit... I mean, yeah, I have no payload, but still... I'm surprised it made it. Fully fueled Centaur Jr. too.
  13. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Failed to make it to orbit. Probably due to the 3.5 Ton payload, but hey, I wanted to make Baby Atlas + Baby Centaur.
  14. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Decided to make a rocket based off a combination of Nova 5S and Nova 7S. I call it Nova 5-7S. Was about to put a 34 Ton payload into a 1,000 x 1,000 KM orbit. Bonus image: Had a little trouble with the custom interstage I made (Was buried inside the collider)
  15. S-IVB mount set to S-II mode, then offset the boosters to get them squared. Added struts for stability.
  16. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Saturn INT-1645U launches Skylab 6 crew to the improved Skylab. After the launch of INT-1645, a Saturn MB M02 launched a Block IIB Aardvark along with a PMA adapter. The PMA Adapter is for ESA's Man-Tended Free Flyer space station modules that will be using the larger CADS docking port rather than the APAS-75. The Columbus MTFF will be launched aboard either a Saturn Jarvis, Saturn MB M02 or a Saturn INT-17. ESA has not yet made a decision. After a few days on the station and the unloading of the Aardvark, SL-6 crew set on an EVA to move the solar panels off the ATM to make room for the radiators on board the 25KW Power Module. The crew attached the solar panels to the main body of Skylab, NASA not sure if they should be discarded to burn up or repurposed. --------- So, some of you are probably wondering what the heck is Saturn INT-1645. Well, it's Saturn INT-16, with XXX after the 6. The first X denotes how many Titan UA/SRMU SRBs it will use. The second X denotes the type of UA/.SRMU SRB it will use. The third X is to denote which SRB will be used, U for UA and S for SRMU So: INT - INTermediate 16 - Model Number 4 - 4 SRBS 5U - of the UA1205 variant Word of warning, INT-16 has HIGH acceleration! If you're using a mod that adds G-force death... might want to limit the thrust. Seriously. I had a 2+ TWR at launch! I didn't see what the G meter got up to, but I don't know if I want to know.
  17. @Zorg Would it be possible to get retraction ability on the solar panels for the Skylab ATM and 25KW arrays? Or at least the ability to do it via EVA engineer?
  18. Awesome. As for the Solar Array pop off, would it be possible to make an in-flight part switch giving us the ability to switch to just the attachment joint? Kind of like how Tundra's Falcon 9 has texture switching in-flight. Furthermore, would it be possible to have it stageable that way we can trigger it with the S-II separation?
  19. Yeah, it did. Also, I should say that the MS did loosen the solar array but didn't tear it off. The blast from the retros is what sheared it off. There's no real way to simulate this in KSP, so you're left with one of two options: 1) Add a small decoupler to the Solar Array and detach it at S-II sep 2) Open it during lift off. Yes, lift off. If you open it later, the atmospheric/wind forces aren't enough to rip it off.
  20. No. You either need to add a decoupler to the solar panel or open it during launch. It will break off once the Saturn V reaches between 250 to 350 m/s. And IRL it wasn't the meteorite shield that broke the solar panel off, it was the S-II interstage's retro rockets firing, IIRC.
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