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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. I think the 200/500 pods are too big for the S-IV. It might be easier to put an extra set of Sep motors to serve as ullage. Actually, does anyone know if the RL-10 can do that gas pressure release ullage thing? Where the engine will spray some of its fuel to create a tiny bit of thrust before ignition?
  2. @Pappystein Great info. Yeah, when I made C-3 I had to use 5m tanks from stock and other mods. You're able to do a C-3, just not a BDB C-3, which is fine. Restock gives the stock 5m tanks a good coat of paint and you can use engine plates, both stock and modded, in order to make the C-3 descent imo.
  3. 1) Backup any saves or craft files in a separate location than KSP directory 2) Right Click on Kerbal Space Program in Steam 3) Select Properties 4) Click Betas 5) Open the drop down box 6) Select the version of KSP you want 7) Wait for it to download 8) Verify the Download 8A) Repeat steps 2 and 3 8B) Click Local Files 8C) Click "Verify Integrity of game files..." (This is because Steam likes to forget a file or two during download, don't ask why, IDK) 9) Run Verification again, yes, again. Just to be sure. If it says successful, great! Move on. If not, do it again until it does. 10) Congrats, you now have a past version! If you would like to keep this version and others: 10A) Make a folder on your desktop, or some other location, name it "KSP Installs" or whatever you want. 10B) Make another folder in that one, name it "1.5.1". 10C) Copy all files inside the KSP folder into "1.5.1" Folder. 10D) Repeat steps 2 to 10 to get back to 1.12.3 or any other version you want. 10E) If you want to copy any other versions, repeat steps 2 to 10C
  4. Your legs seem to be a little high there. Joking aside, awesome! Now we can do a semi-proper ETS Lunar mission. All we need now is proper Pegasus upper stage. (Totally not a request, just saying Pegasus is missing for an actual ETS mission)
  5. Oh? I didn't know that. I guess we need to start using LSAM-A and LSAM-FAM to distinguish the two. Edit 1: Just looked it up, Altair was indeed called the LSAM. Edit 2: @Jcking Apologizes if my initial message came off as negative in anyway. I did not mean any negativity. I did not know Altair was called LSAM.
  6. I didn't say Altair, I said LSAM. LSAM is the four engined LM from For All Mankind. Ah, okay. Just thought I'd request it.
  7. Putting all the titans SRBs under one b9 switch part would be one thing I would request if you do ever do an update. And maybe combining the Titan's fuel tanks together under a b9 switch too. LSAM?
  8. Could have sworn I saw mention of a Titan/Gemini update/revamp somewhere... hmm, false memory I guess, my bad lol.
  9. Saturn Phase 2 is probably already in development. @Zorg is working on Nerva, and iirc, they said it would be in phase 2 of the Saturn update. There's also the Atlas update that Zorg will be doing. I think I saw mention of a new Titan revamp.
  10. I think it's up to the RO people to provide the patches. Don't quote me, but I think it's up to them to do it.
  11. Try flying it without Posiden boost at launch. If it's unstable, then we'll know that it was needed for launch. If it is stable, then we can safely assume it was for S-IVB boost phase. And yes, KSP isn't an accurate representation of real-world craft, but it will give us some incite nonetheless I feel.
  12. Well, it says that the J-2 engine will perform 2 burns, Boost and Circularization. And if the Poseidons are "Boost assist" I would take that as the Posidens fire at S-IVB separation to help the S-IVB and not the shuttle.
  13. Love concept rockets like this. I wish there was a site that had every concept ever conceived, but that's high hopes since most concepts are napkin drawings lost to time I would think. Also, are you sure the boosters are used during launch and not to push the S-IVB away from the shuttle safely, as well as to allow to J-2 start?
  14. Yeah, I thought about doing that too, but honestly, I'm thinking about doing a one truss launch, just so I can feature the big boi MLV-V-23(L) or Saturn V-D. (I'm hoping either one has the power to launch the entire truss segment... playing 2.5x scale.)
  15. Launching the ISS and Freedom truss segments is going to be interesting... for one I can't use two craft on either side, on top of that, controlling them with RCS is going to require I weight down Aardvark heavily so the CoM is close to the RCS for controability... well, a problem for another day. Might just launch all the remaining truss segments using that super duper Saturn V with the 4 massive strap on boosters. Or deorbit the current S0 truss segment and launch the entire truss segment as a whole. Also: @CobaltWolf and @Zorg Any plans for Little Joe II? If not, could I put in a request for it? Maybe in phase 2 if not for phase 1?
  16. Ah, I miss read the mission list then. I read: I totally missed: My bad lol Turns out the Airlock was launched via tug as well, opss lol.
  17. @CobaltWolf @Zorg @Invaderchaos This RCS block for Apollo uses the wrong model, I think. It says it's a 3-way block and clearly has 4 nozzles.
  18. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Bonus image: Don't you just love launching your craft and having no way to communicate with mission control? Even the Apollo side mounted antenna got forgotten. And a triple teaser!
  19. Oh? I didn't know that. I thought it was a design along with Apollo. Hmmm. Then probably Tenerus, son of Apollo, is my choice. Or maybe Hera, goddess of the sky and stars.
  20. I feel like Big G probably would have taken the name Artemis, if the North American Aviation/Rockwell Apollo had been made side by side with it. If not, Big G would have become Apollo, I would think, given that Apollo was the name chosen for the next spacecraft, which ended up being the North American Aviation/Rockwell design.
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