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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Well, hopefully we won't have to do that in the near future, maybe @CobaltWolf or @Zorg might grace us with a 4-engine mount for the S-IVA and an actual Pegasus tank/texture.
  2. Ah, Hmmm. Well, there's no 4 engine mounting plate for the S-IVA, so I'll stick with 6 engine version. And yeah, I could just place 4 on the 6 plate, but I don't want to do that. That and I like the high thrust of the 6 engines lol
  3. Nope, it was 6, as you can see in this picture. It might have went down to 4 once the uprated/upgraded RL10s came out, but for the first Pegasus block, it was 6. Note: I have not read ETS, so I'm only going off the official pictures and descriptions off of Alternate History wiki and not the stories in the forums.
  4. Actually, going to postpone the flights until Sunday night/Monday morning. Don't feel like breaking out the laptop over the weekend. Sorry to all those anticipating these launches.
  5. @Friznit For the ETS rockets, a good kit-bashed/mock Pegasus upper stage is the S-IVA's bottom tank, the Sarnus/Saturn S-IV-3500 tank, stretched to 3.5m length with a S-IVB IU set to 3.75 meters. For the engine mount, the S-IVA mount is good. Pegasus had 6 RL-10s, just like S-IVA. Alternatively, it actually might be better to use two 3500 tanks, one set to normal, one set to 2.625 extension, since the 3.5 extension by itself might be a little too short. Decided to test the lengths, so I made multiple mockups. From left to right we have: 3.5m by itself, S4+1.75, S4+2.625 and S4+3.5. Looking at them, I'd say probably option 1 or 2 is the best. And for those that say the S-IV's tank is too big, no. The ETS lander is too small. The spacing when S-IVA is in the fairing is just about perfect.
  6. @allista Github doesn't have the latest zip file. Spacedock does, just wanted to let you know that the 3.8.0 git doesn't have the zip folder.
  7. @AlphaMensae It's a shame you're done with this mod. It really is a great mod. I hope you can find the drive to come back to it someday or find a worthy modder to adopt this mod. Anyway, just dropped by to show off this little custom tower I made. Was going to actually request a few extra nodes to support Saturn Multi-Body so I didn't have to use plates, but seeing as you're done, I won't bother you.
  8. Yes, I have the latest download for BDB, as for B9, no. I'm still on 2.18, didn't realize it had been updated. But I don't think B9 would cause that issue. That seems more like a 'the textures didn't get downloaded or are corrupted', 'the config file was borked' or the texture map got rearranged. I could be wrong, unable to check, as not on my laptop where my KSP install is.
  9. Do it. It is your destiny. Not for the S-IVB. The S-IVA got white versions, but not the B. Hey, don't go around revealing my secrets. I don't reveal your secrets do I?
  10. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet "Kouston... We have confirmation. Janus has landed. Artemis Mission 4A was a success!" With the successful landing of Janus on the Mun, Artemis 4B and 4C could proceed on schedule. Janus will provide the crew with a month's worth of supplies for an extended stay on the Mun. (Yes, this is an ETS mission)
  11. No, it should have the same texture as the regular sized IU I believe. I'll check and report back. Edit: Yeah @OrbitalManeuvers It's supposed to have the same texture as the default IU. I would suggest redownloading.
  12. Honestly, feel the window is the perfect size. The last three messages before yours are literally talking about getting rid of the docking tunnel to add support for 1.875m docking ports lol.
  13. Happy Accident, the full size 1.875 port actually fits quite well... ish. Honestly, this works out very well. Yeah, the windows could be spaced a little bit further away from the port, but really, I don't mind the very minor clipping.
  14. Heh, yeah, Big G and Big A are big, but honestly, it's just the SM that's really huge. The Big G is bigger than Apollo , yes, but Big A actually uses the Apollo CM, just moves stuff around while also removing or repositioning it, from what I can tell. So Big Apollo really isn't 'big' in that the capsule size increases, just the volume inside. At least, that's how I see it. I could be wrong.
  15. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Big Apollo (Not really, Big Apollo seated 12, this only has 5) in orbit around Kerbin. Wish we could get rid of that crew tunnel so we have a flush place to mount the MOL docking port, maybe in time we will, until then, this is as close as I could get to the image below.
  16. Oh? I always assumed Big G would need two to compensate for the extra mass. Plus, I think I saw a Big G with two a long time ago and just figured that was the norm for Big G.
  17. Seems legit, very Kerbal. But seriously, this is hilarious to me. I was trying to find the new Big G LES (Still haven't found it), when I noticed this. KSP Search bar, you crazy. @CobaltWolf Is this the Big G LES?
  18. Ah, well, just thought I'd ask about requesting it. I do really like this mod and wish it would get an official SLS. Orion feels kind of naked without it imo. But I understand if you don't want to do it. There are already other mods that replica SLS, but I feel your mod is the best out of the three that exist, especially since one of them is meant only for RSS/2.5. As for your fuel and engine problem, I feel mono would-be best way to go instead of LFO. Having both LFO and Mono is a pain since LFO is so heavy. Going with only Mono would be heavy in itself, yes, but It would beneficial since Orion is meant to go all the way to the Moon/Mun, so having extra mono to course correct would be a great benefit.
  19. Would it be possible to request a one tank SLS core? I know you can kit bash an SLS Core with the parts currently there, but a single core part like the Shuttle EFT take would be great appreciated. Even a two-core part, oxygen half and hydrogen half, would do. I understand if you wouldn't want to/don't want to do it. I just thought I'd throw out the request to see if you'd be willing or not.
  20. Konstellation Program and Kertemis Program mods are great for the Constellaion Orion Spacecraft and Ares Rockets. Also, glad to see you're back @benjee10
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