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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Alright, time for the big reveal! Here you go ladies and gents! (I love a beautiful symmetrical booster separation) Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet (And yes I forgot RCS)
  2. I just realized what tomorrow/today is, and now I'm REALLY hoping @Invaderchaos isn't pulling one on us... Also, found this while scouring Youtube:
  3. Also: Whoo! Welcome to 993 ladies and gents! Can we just speed run to page 1000 by everyone just spamming random BDB images one after the other?
  4. It is, using it now. It's a part mod that relies on dependencies and the dependencies are at least 1.12 compatiable. Just make sure to get the latest MM and the latest Firespitter DLL. As for your guess, nope, sorry.
  5. The BDB group has no interest in making any shuttle stuff IIRC. If you want Shuttle C stuff, look at:
  6. Nope. Not Jupiter. Though, CEV was proposed for use in this concept. But you are correct in that I am using the Apollo CSM. Nope. Not SLS, nor is it Big G. Centaur V is a completely new Centaur though. Increased size, better engines, etc. I'm not asking for ALL centaurs, just this one specifically because I feel it would be good at home here, and we can use it on top of LDC Titan.
  7. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet And here's a sneak peek at the next project. You might think it doesn't relate to BDB, but it does, oh it does! Anyone care to take a guess as to what I have done?
  8. So we got Zorg doing "Classic" Atlas and you doing "Modern" Atlas? Sweet! Can't wait for that! I know there's a mod for it, which has kind of stalled/semi-died, but are you going to do Centaur V too? I feel like it would be great to have the whole Centaur family in BDB, but totally understand if you aren't/don't want to do it. Also, that modern Apollo looks really nice! It looks like you're doing a ceramic tile heat shield as well from the looks of it.
  9. @TaintedLion @CollectingSP @TruthfulGnome @SpaceFace545 @Zorg Already has an Atlas revamp planned, yes, though it will only be "classic Atlas", so Atlas Able through to Atlas I, and it won't touch the tanks much safe for new UV for texture reasons. You can see the revamp roadmap here in the issue on github: Atlas · Issue #974 · CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau · GitHub I agree that Atlas V could use some love, but IIRC @CobaltWolf has said he's actually happy with the way Atlas V is. That and IIRC, Atlas V was kind of just thrown in for the heck of it.
  10. You uh... you forgot RCS. No problem, and yeah, I honestly only noticed it thanks the sun flare peeking through.
  11. "Yep. That's me. You're probably wondering how I got here. Well, let's go back to the beginning." "That's me, just a few minutes ago. Saturn I SA-101." "Maiden flight of my kind... and me? Well..." "I reached space, but my fate was not to stay there."
  12. 40% is too low, you need to lob the second stage into orbit a little. Get more vertical height. Try around 60 to 75% Also, @CobaltWolf I found something that makes the Saturn I literally unplayable! This gap is unthinkable! How could you, a professional modder, make such a mistake?! Oh the kerbality!... I'm just kidding of course, but thought I'd still bring it to your attention that there are gaps between the tanks. Every where the tanks meet has a gap like the one shown here.
  13. Thanks! I'm not sure, it doesn't mention how wide it is just that it is a "WideBody Extended Long Tank Thor, core first stage for the Delta 4000," and going 2.5m was the only way I could fit all three engines comfortably. Maybe talk to E of Pi and see what they say about it since it was their project. I tried fitting them on a Titan core and it wasn't working out, a bit of clipping. Maybe if you made a dual engine RS-27/MB-3 on a single mount it would fit on a 1.875 platform. There's also the 12 SRBs that need to be taken into consideration. I would love to see actual ETS Delta 4000/5000 parts if possible. Delta should be Delta Blue after all, and not Atlas Copper Red. Edit: Something I just thought of is the ETS Delta 4/5000 could do something like the real Delta 4000 and house most of the centaur in a fairing and have it hanging from the interstage like the Delta K stage.
  14. Decided to make Delta 4000, ETS version. Beautiful separation! Well... it WAS... Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet So , Delta 4000, or specifically Delta 4120, has to launch like a Titan 3/4 where in the main engines aren't running until just before booster sep. It has a 2.33 TWR otherwise, which might be a little high. Without main engines it's a 1.43.
  15. IIRC, BDB is built specifically for 2.5x. Also IIRC, the Saturn I has little to no margin for error when it comes to getting into orbit on 2.5x/RSS. You just have to fly a precise flight profile. It's been mentioned several times before and I think @Zorg has said it many times before that you just need to fly it very carefully.
  16. I'd argue that doesn't fit, even without the antennas, since it is clipping both into the fairing base and the fairing itself from what I can tell. It might not be clipping through, but it looks like it's inside the inner wall of the fairing. Also, bit of a tangent, but do you have a 4:3 monitor or just play in 4:3? Just curious.
  17. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet The Enterprise and Galileo teams successfully make it to the Mun and Back. (Ho boy, this one was a little tough. First I had staging problems, then I almost ran into the Mun and killed the mission, I panicked and turned on no crash damage... yeah, so what, sue me!) Bonus image: "Um, I think we need that." (Engines were off cus I turned them off to booster sep, still had tons of fuel... I also lost the crew in this command pod because... well... parachutes + physics warp = bad time kraken)
  18. I know this is over a week old now, but for some reason I remembered "Faith of the Heart" and then I remembered this post and couldn't help think that the two went well together.
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