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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Big Apollo (Not really, Big Apollo seated 12, this only has 5) in orbit around Kerbin. Wish we could get rid of that crew tunnel so we have a flush place to mount the MOL docking port, maybe in time we will, until then, this is as close as I could get to the image below.
  2. Oh? I always assumed Big G would need two to compensate for the extra mass. Plus, I think I saw a Big G with two a long time ago and just figured that was the norm for Big G.
  3. Seems legit, very Kerbal. But seriously, this is hilarious to me. I was trying to find the new Big G LES (Still haven't found it), when I noticed this. KSP Search bar, you crazy. @CobaltWolf Is this the Big G LES?
  4. Ah, well, just thought I'd ask about requesting it. I do really like this mod and wish it would get an official SLS. Orion feels kind of naked without it imo. But I understand if you don't want to do it. There are already other mods that replica SLS, but I feel your mod is the best out of the three that exist, especially since one of them is meant only for RSS/2.5. As for your fuel and engine problem, I feel mono would-be best way to go instead of LFO. Having both LFO and Mono is a pain since LFO is so heavy. Going with only Mono would be heavy in itself, yes, but It would beneficial since Orion is meant to go all the way to the Moon/Mun, so having extra mono to course correct would be a great benefit.
  5. Would it be possible to request a one tank SLS core? I know you can kit bash an SLS Core with the parts currently there, but a single core part like the Shuttle EFT take would be great appreciated. Even a two-core part, oxygen half and hydrogen half, would do. I understand if you wouldn't want to/don't want to do it. I just thought I'd throw out the request to see if you'd be willing or not.
  6. Konstellation Program and Kertemis Program mods are great for the Constellaion Orion Spacecraft and Ares Rockets. Also, glad to see you're back @benjee10
  7. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Station based off: Apollo LMAL (astronautix.com) And yes, there is an Apollo in the hanger bay, just forgot to take pictures. The real LMAL would have different modules than the one I used, but the concept is basically the same.
  8. @CobaltWolf I was wondering if you had plans to make a flat version of the Big G Saturn Service Equipment Module, I.E. without that conical crew tunnel. Reason I ask is because I would like to do something like this: lamlstat.gif (509×515) (astronautix.com) But kind of hard to with that crew tunnel. If you don't, might I request it be put on the docket? Actually, looking closer at the, somewhat tiny, image I think those are not Big G service modules, but station parts based off an elongated Big G Saturn Service Module.
  9. Decided to complete the set, I give to you, Saturn IB Long Boi and Saturn V Long Boi! Saturn IB Long Boi has a measly 1.02 TWR... and that's with the H-1C '73s AND the H-2 300ks! It's so slow that it was able to cook off the Saturn IB launch mount! Saturn V Long Boi doesn't fair too good either. 1.03 TWR at liftoff... with F-1Bs... at least the launch platform survived.
  10. I think you trapped your kerbal. Also surprised Dyna-soar made it. Btw, did you use Titan or Saturn? And stock or 2.5 scale?
  11. So while looking up pictures of Dyna-soar, I came across pictures of an interesting space station: https://up-ship.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/skylab1a.gif This might be the proposed Apollo A proposal which would use a S-IVA as the station, except with an inflatable section? Apollo A (astronautix.com) And while researching Apollo A and other Apollo applications, I found this: Apollo LMAL (astronautix.com) lamlstat.gif (509×515) (astronautix.com) Dat's a lotta Big Gemini service modules. Might make this Frankenstein of a station once I get the Big G update.
  12. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Dyna-Sore's flight aboard the Saturn I was a success... more or less... I still can't seem to land spaceplanes right after all these years.
  13. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Lunataur V on board Saturn II (C-2) was launched into a parking orbit to await Lunar Gemini III which launched twenty-four hours later and met up with Lunataur shortly after. The two then departed Kerbin for the Mun, making a successful orbit insertion. The LGIII team took many pictures of possible landing sites for Apollo 11, even snapping a few shots of Kerbin as it rose slowly over the horizon. After completing their survey mission, LGIII left the Mun and proceeded back to Kerbin, making a safe splash down upon a longer than normal reentry. The longer reentry was used as a safety measure to ensure LGIII could burn off speed without burning up.
  14. Full Album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Saturn I AS-103/SA-9 launches with Boilerplate Apollo BA-16 and Pegasus A/1. Pegasus and the S-IV stage will stay in orbit for 20 years until natural decay will overcome the spacecraft and send it to a fiery/water grave. (And yes, I realize I forgot to jettison the LES tower during flight, but I decided to use it to pull Apollo away instead)
  15. Saturn I is feeling a little cold, so they wrapped it up in a nice cozy blue blanket. Invader/Cobalt, think we can get a blue Saturn I if the textures space allows for it? JK
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